Monday, May 16, 2011

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  • longofest
    Aug 7, 03:33 PM
    Hey nice to see osx will have system restore =D

    heh... they give MS so much crap for photocopying, but if anything, this is more or less taking a page out of MS's book with System Restore. Granted, it looks like it will be better, but still, MS had this kind of thing first.

    Not trolling, just pointing it out :)

    *cough* TOP SECRET *cough* :rolleyes:

    It would definitely appear as though rumors of a re-vamped Finder could have some merit...

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  • Phat Elvis
    Aug 11, 11:21 AM
    G5 iPhones next Tuesday.

    Just awesome :D .

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  • epitaphic
    Aug 18, 06:09 AM
    A whole 9 months? Those systems are supposed to last four years.

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  • Padraig
    Aug 12, 05:04 AM
    Exactly the same reaction I had when I first read the rumor. It just doesnt sound like the Steve we know.

    But who cares. I just want the iPhone to be launched asap. I really hope it`s unlocked GSM phone so that I can use it in my country. It`ll really suck if it`s USA only.

    It may have been leaked on purpose. In light of the recent investigation into financial irregularities, this may have been to steady the floor.

    Also regarding mobile-phone saturation in Europe, i'd have to say it's almost 100%. I don't think Americans realise how cheap and easy it is to get a phone in Europe. It has gotten to the stage where they are almost a disposable item. For 50 euro you can get a nokia camera-phone, with 40 euro call credit. Of course this will be an entry level phone, but decent nonetheless.

    Every kid here in Ireland seems to have one. Only last week i helped a homeless man enter credit into his phone, I couldn't believe it, i was shocked when he asked me. Turns out its not so uncommon, charities give them old phones and help keep them charged. It represents some security for them, emergency calls are always free.

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  • bigmc6000
    Aug 12, 12:11 AM
    Is Europe not a way bigger mobile phone market than the US anyway. I don't see why any technology company would alienate a huge sector of its market in this way. It will definitely be released in Europe too.

    It will not be a flip phone, or a slide phone or any of those stupid ass gimmicky phones you use over there. It will be just a nano derivative I would say. It will be GSM, it will be quad band.


    Stevie J ;)

    Well if it's only going to be GSM, not a flip or slide phone you might as well not even release it in the US. Just ask Cingular how amazing the Slvr has done.

    Another thing you are assuming is that Apple considers Europe a major player of it's market. It's a chunk that's for sure but how many TV shows does Europe have on their iTunes?

    If it's a candy-bar phone I won't buy it. If I have to sacrifice coverage in the US just so I can use it on the very very very rare occasion I head to Europe (along with changing my plan to allow for overseas calls) I won't buy it either. I really think it'd be a bad idea to do all of that. But than again they did make the newton...

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 02:36 PM
    You're wrong. Apple is losing marketshare for over 2 years now. Just because they are selling MORE iPhones doesn't mean they are gaining marketshare. The market grows much faster than the iPhone sales. Have a look at Nokia: In Q4/10 Nokia sold almost 7 million more smartphones but they lost about 10% marketshare. In Q1/11 Apple lost about 2% marketshare despite the fact that they sold about 2.5 million more iPhones.

    Ya right. :rolleyes:

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  • gregarious119
    Jul 14, 02:34 PM
    To charge $1800 for a system that only has 512MB is a real disappoitment. 1GB RAM oughta be standard, especially with Leopard being on the horizon.

    Unless the Xeon is that expensive (which I can't see how it would be), I don't see that as anything except creating some seperation between the configurations.

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  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:13 PM
    I wonder how "Time Machine" is implemented. I miss having a feature like this. I used VAX/VMS back in the early 1980's (before UNIX became popular) and of course VMS keept histories of files. So if I was editing a file and saved it I could always get any of the old versions back. It was great. The feature was built into the file system and of course all the applications used the file system. Finally now 20+ years later we get this feature. From experiance I can say the for certain, _everyone_ will like this and come to depend on it. The second part "come to depend on it" will be more true than many of you now think.

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  • j26
    Nov 29, 09:18 AM
    You're welcome to audit my iPod. I guarantee you'll find nothing but legal tunes.

    Given your stance, I wonder how you feel about public libraries offering whole collections of CDs for patrons to "borrow". I think we all know what (many, not all) people are really doing with those CDs when they borrow them. Shouldn't we be doing something about these public institutions turning a blind eye to what is essentially sanctioned piracy?

    Put all of 'em on a Zune and "Squirt" 'em to borrowers?

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 12:13 PM
    Funny also that we heard a DAMN THING from the media regarding the fact that ONLY CONGRESS can declare war.

    What was your beloved Reagan up to in Grenada then? :rolleyes:

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 20, 01:49 PM
    These ipad clone tablets made by samsung are not worth the price.

    you forgot to say "in my opinion".. please don't speak for everyone.

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  • iVoid
    Apr 27, 11:24 AM
    Well, I think it's good that Apple is addressing this issue (although I wonder if they'll release an update for the 3G, since they are no longer doing iOS upgrades for it and the original iPhone).

    But their statement: "The iPhone is not logging your location" is ridiculous. They are logging your location. For a long time. In an insecure way.

    Outside of the PR butt saving double-speak, this is a good move by Apple to address this issue.

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  • GuitarDTO
    Mar 31, 07:47 PM
    Polished like the pure Google, "optimized from the ground up for tablets" Honeycomb running on the XOOM right now?


    No...polished like Android 2.2 vs. 1.0. I think my Droid had 2.0 when I got it, and just going from 2.0 to 2.1 to 2.2 they made huge strides. Google will get it right, and this is just another step towards that. Has iOS always had the polish that it has currently? (Asking honestly, I'm new to iPhone).

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  • Arcus
    Apr 25, 03:46 PM
    Sued for breaking what law?

    Being sued and breaking the law are two different things. I can sue you for killing the tree between our yards. You didnt break any law, but I can still sue.

    I kinda see where he is a bit right. If I turn off or say no to allowing the apps to use my location this might suggest to the user that it is not tracking and storing this data. I do not think that it is a stretch to make that connection.

    I do agree this is way out of hand though.

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  • puckhead193
    Aug 17, 12:27 AM
    i went to my local apple store, and holy crap the thing is really fast. I'm tempted to get one, instead of an iMac, the only thing that's holding me back is the size.

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  • totoum
    Apr 12, 12:49 PM
    I almost never have to convert. All clients I work with require ProRes deliverables, and any tapeless material I get is ProRes. If I capture I use ProRes.

    Good for you ;)

    Used to be like that for me but on the projects I work on everybody's gone crazy over DSLRs so I'm stuck with converting.

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  • dejunky
    Apr 6, 03:41 PM
    What is the obsession with back-lit keys?

    Do you actually look at the keyboard when you're typing?


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  • ThinkingMac
    Sep 19, 10:01 AM
    umm, how about more than a simple basic update.

    We need:
    Firewire 800
    Superdrive DL w/ OPTION FOR BLU-RAY!!!
    Nvidia 7800 or 7900 option!! we need option for best vid card!! upgrade to 512 mb vram

    and..... Magsafe Airplane/Auto POWER ADAPTER!!

    I agree and dont forget express card 54 so we can get our CF card readers

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  • Keebler
    Apr 10, 04:01 PM
    i know i'll be hanging around my macs looking for internet news on Tuesday.

    I do think it was a pr*ck move they pulled - one i would have expected from the microsoft of old holding everyone by the short n' curlys! :(

    And, I didn't travel much, but did a few times and I know i wouldn't be happy if my trip to Vegas was suddenly cancelled b/c of showboating.

    I worked for a software company years ago and those events were months, if not a full year's worth of planning, energy and sales forecasted. Such a crucial way for a company to interact with their users.

    Let's hope the release justifies forcing the other sponsors to pull.

    Apr 7, 08:08 AM
    ...Everything depends on your work and needs right....In terms of full disclosure I own FCP 4 suite and CS 5 master suite and own all the major Apple products (hardware and software). I also run Windows 7 in bootcamp...
    Pretty close to my workflow but add a few power-house BOXX/Dells for Maya and Renderman

    Short format work is all about After Effects. Motion is 5 years behind and offers an incomplete feature set in comparison. After Effects marries up well with the tools from big 3d players, like Maxon and C4D. Its a great pipeline.

    Tru dat!!

    Apple is also doing everything to push me away from it's platform, with it's anti-Flash crusade, and it's complete inability to support Any (I mean ANY of the top 5-7) professional GPUs.
    Its too bad you feel that way. Were more in tune towards Apple now since Adobe went 64bit and the promise of Apples core pro apps following soon (off to NAB soon). To add I had to work on a Flash project (wear way too many hats here) and can see why Flash is avoided. I have few friends that are pro Flash/ColdFusion/old code and they too can see the problems with dealing with Flash. The good thing is that current project is targeted for PC touch screen system.

    For the serious Pro Apple is living on borrowed time and the Steve Jobs reality-distortion field is weakening. Redmond is calling. Increasingly serious content professionals are listening. I never imagined these words coming from my mouth. But it's the truth.And again its too bad you feel that way. The good thing is, even if you do stray away from Apple tech, your never going get away from the inundated drone of iToys :p
    All kidding aside, its up to you where you money/resources go for supporting hardware/software. Ive been back and forth from Mac > SGI > Linux > Windows > Mac/Windows for the last 17 years and still to date, Apple is by far the strongest in my field :)

    Apr 5, 09:36 PM
    Heh. looks like foidulus had a similar idea. I missed that post. And MattInOz comes in with a reasonable rebuttal and more technical knowledge than I have.

    I don't think either foidulus or I were saying they were completely siloed--I'm sure they had some level of access to the A/V code. The question is is it in SL. Possibly.

    Aug 8, 01:45 AM
    Yahoo! Leopard looks awesome! Time machine looks like a lifesaver for me and spaces makes life so much easier. THANKS STEVE!

    Jul 27, 10:25 AM
    Lovely! :)

    This time next year I'll be in possession of a flawless Core 2 Duo, Rev C/D MBP, with Leopard. Hopefully

    Sep 13, 08:52 AM
    Now this is what I am talking about. YEAH!

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