Saturday, May 21, 2011

thank you clip art

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  • prady16
    Sep 15, 08:35 PM
    Just seeing soooooo many people 'painfully' waiting for the Merom MBP, i think we should start a Merom MBP club as soon as we start receiving them!

    Btw, how many days does it take for the new MBPs to arrive in the Apple showrooms from the time they are announced?

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  • Ryth
    Apr 22, 12:50 PM
    Not if you care about colo[u]r management. While Apple continues its love affair with shiny screens, creatives need an alternative.

    Considering the market is moving towards digital distribution on these shiny screens, color management is going by the wayside, especially with a lack of standards now in HD/cable TV.

    Also, it's called having a second calibrated monitor for TV like all good post houses should have.

    Been doing creative for 15+ years. Apple's shiny screens over the last years haven't caused us to miss a beat.

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  • BJB Productions
    May 7, 11:29 AM
    "It should be free. It's craptastic; painfully slow and full of bugs."
    --I agree with you, this is why I dumped it; I did not want to pay $90 for a service that was slow, and buggy. I switched to Gmail, although I still liked Mobile Me calendar, photos etc better.

    If they want to compete with Google, I think this is a good idea. I like Gmail better than Mobile me mail, but I love the other features of Mobile me like calendar, photos, iDisk, etc. Google has also still a very "basic" feeling to me. While Apple has a much nicer look and more options.

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  • chaosbringer
    Apr 27, 03:24 PM
    How exactly is a PSU at the bottom going to aid cooling? Heat Rises . . . . so anything above the PSU gets even hotter, this is why traditionally PSUs are at the top of the case.

    Aids with the psu cooling, cooler psu = expanded lifetime and less noise on fans at the BOTTOM of the case there is cool air (at least cooler then on top, since hot air rises), that means if the PSU is on the bottom it gets cool air and expells hot hair out the back of the case (NOT inside the case, meaning NO hot air coming out of the PSU back will stay in the case and get things even hotter).

    Hope i was clear since english is not my primary language, but i think it's quite simple :)

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  • Eidorian
    May 4, 05:13 PM
    Whatever is cheaper. Steam sales have coddled me.

    If they are using the App Store for distribution then I'd assume a new feature of Lion is "Build a Recovery DVD". That means you can write your own install DVD to be used after a crash.One would hope.

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 10:48 AM
    Which is exactly what I said in my post.

    I'm totallly confused as to why you're saying I was wrong here. The chip linked was Conroe, I said:

    Exactly what was wrong with this again, apart from your not reading it correctly?

    There is no current Mac that this chip can "drop into", apart from maybe a Mac ProYou can drop in Merom into the current socketed Yonah lines. That is what I was getting at.

    I know that the link ( that was posted was to a Conroe chip though.

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  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 21, 04:27 PM
    You are right, I fold. I know nothing about 19" racks (1.80 meters tall and 150 kg. in weight), and nothing about conditioned server rooms with dual power feeds at all. Flight cases with equipment I also know nothing about. I'm sorry I'm doubting your knowledge and insight.

    I'm not trying to win here, or get anyone to fold. It's not my knowledge or insight, but just observation from those people who want to use their Mac Pros in racks for other than server applications.

    It has been this way for a long time. Remember Marathon G-Rack?

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  • gkarris
    Apr 23, 05:18 PM
    Am I the only one who loves looking at high res high quality icons? I feel a bit sad over here. :p

    Yes, but they're so big.

    You'd only be able to fit, like, one icon on the screen... :eek:


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  • carlos700
    Aug 2, 06:16 PM
    I do not expect MacBook Pros because Intel Core 2 Duo for notebooks has not been announced yet.

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  • topherchris
    Sep 11, 03:31 PM
    Nobody else seems interested, so they must have already seen it, but I have not. That's pretty interesting.

    no. THIS is interesting (though old)

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  • danielbriggs
    Aug 12, 01:43 PM
    I wouldn't hold my breath, the Back to School iPod promo has always been a bait to help clear out old inventory. They won't make it available to buy, online or off, until after the promo ends.

    As the promo in the UK ends on the 7th October, does that mean I won't see them filter through until then?

    It's a shame if it is.

    Why do some end in September and others in October?

    "* Buy a qualifying Mac and an iPod from the online Apple Store or an Apple retail store � purchase must be made between August 1st and October 7th � and receive a mail-in rebate up to �100 (UK) / �160 (Ireland). Terms and Conditions apply. "

    I need one so soon!

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 09:31 AM
    Nothing to see here...just the unabashed evilness of Apple shining through. I'm sure Apple will 'flash the wad' to the right people and make this issue go away...sad :( We are nothing more than chattel to Apple Consumer Electronics, where we are tracked and monitored like open range livestock. This is how they view us, as THEIR herd to do with as they please.

    Welcome to the future guys. :mad:

    You do realize everything you said is untrue, right?

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  • BruiserBear
    Apr 5, 01:31 PM
    Jailbreakers are funny.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 18, 05:15 PM
    Irrelevant. Just because I stick a Ford logo on the hood doesn't mean I can make my new Mustang look like a Porsche Carrera clone.

    Industrial design is legally protected work. And should be. It doesn't matter how you price your competing product.

    How is having a grid of application icons a 'protected work' on a handheld device. The first time I saw this was in the mid to late 90's, and it was not from Apple. Unless it can be shown that Apple patented square icons in a grid pattern, I don't see your point.

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  • iMeowbot
    Jul 30, 11:37 PM isn't owned by Apple, therefore, Someone who wanted to fool people and couldn't afford to pay for a .com name could have easily bought this name and just directed it to
    It is owned by Apple, and has been for years. Nobody knows why, the .org would be kind of obscure for pushing a product.

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  • emotion
    Nov 22, 05:56 AM
    I think T-Mobile might fit this bill, at least in the US. I remember seeing a story here earlier in the year where T-Mobile said its vision was aligned with Apple (but not necessarily a partnership; abc article here (

    Interesting reading that abc article and fits with my impression of T-Mobile in the UK too.

    I'm definitely not signing up for a new phone yet! :)

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 22, 08:12 AM
    How utterly retarded does one have to be to get to the point where they put workstations on top of the desk instead of on the floor where they belong? Do you really need to put your Apple computer next to your overpriced, glossy Apple display to prove yourself?

    Have you seen the cable length of the 24 inch ACD? Its so short that you have to have a desktop on the desk and not the ground.

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  • macwrangler
    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    No one cares! Did you know your computer saves information about stuff you do???!!! Oh my! Now, your computer-phone saves stuff too! Exploitation!

    They may as well put it on the worthless evening news...."Tonight @ 11, what could be killing you and your children...your iPhone (but not a droid)."

    Shut it, please.

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 26, 11:19 PM
    I think that Apple will introduce IOS 5 in June/July, when it introduces the iPhone 5 (assuming that's what they call it). If there is some aspect of ios 5 that they can't get ready until Fall, they may have an ios 5.3 update in the Fall.

    This is the most sensible conclusion. Game Center wasn't ready for the prime time upon release of the offical 4.0, so it came with 4.1. This is a clever move for Apple as it gives the feeling of extra value added to those who could update as not everyone with these devices even knew it existed until it landed on their device. We of course knew better so it wasn't a shock to us, but the bottom line is we all benefit from it.

    May 7, 06:37 PM
    You do not pay Google but advertisers on your splash pages pay Google. You help them make far more money than you would pay for the service and you do that for them for free. And spread the word.

    On behalf of all Google stockholders worldwide, thank you for being one of our minions.


    You make it sound like Google making money is a bad thing. The reason so many people use Google is because they don't mind advertisements. Also, people who use Google's services are no more "minions" than Apple users, they just use what they feel is best.

    Mar 29, 05:15 PM
    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    Umm, sadly, tens of thousands of people have already died from the natural disaster alone (earthquake/tsunami) and Nuclear Power or anything "man-made" had nothing to do with it... However, the secondary hit Japan is going to take from their Nuclear problem remains to be seen.

    What really is selfish is these so called environmentalists that decry oil drilling as bad for the earth and a pollutant in so many ways, that they and other activists made it EVIL to even think it and some politicians make fun of it, but yet the world's economies depend on fossil fuels in so many ways. While it may be true of oil's pollutant value, there is no mistaking that you can go in and clean up most oil spills without a geiger counter and not worry about radiation poisoning and the people would have oil to heat their homes and gas to drive their cars. Something those in the hard struck areas of Japan currently don't have. Let us not forget countless other products that have oil as a by-product in it's formation, such as ( Let alone iPod batteries.

    Wonder how the fine folks at Chernobyl are doing? Anyone here moving there soon? I'd bet you'd have better luck in Prince William Sound in Alaska.

    Thank you environmentalist!

    Mar 30, 10:23 PM
    Can't say I've been excited by new OSes since Panther/Tiger. Yay it's more iOS-like and we get an app store.


    I gotta agree. Something about going with IOS as a touchy-feely just doesn't rub me right. There are improvements that I really welcome - but I don't think using an Mac App Store for application deployment is required. The Restore feature is just Time Machine augmented in my narrow mind.

    So what part of 'iOS' fluff do Versions, Air Drop, Mission Control, Auto Save and Lion Server fit under?

    'Useful' UI improvements? So what would you consider useful? Personally full screen apps, a native application launcher that can be organized, and resume are all useful to me. Get out of the mindset that just because it originated from iOS means that it won't be useful.

    I'd like for you to explain how iOS implementations as a UI are actually useful to the desktop OS?
    - Keep in mind that drawing characters on the Trackpad is already in Snow Leopard; Auto Save/Restore like I said is just Time Machine in a different direction, Mission Control is a Task Manager for Expose (I feel its the WRONG direction really; this is not a classic smartphone), and Lion Server seems to be more a "home server" with features stripped or missing.

    Many things are STILL not known and until we all try them out in full production use means we ALL have a mindset that is not up to par of what Apple believes can benefit us all.

    Either way we have another 10 more years with OS X; or the technologies it offers - Steve Jobs OS X Introduction.

    Nov 2, 12:27 PM
    It will be interesting to see if this makes it to the OS X App Store.
    It installs various components into your system, so no, not until Apple modifies their guidelines.

    Seeing how many things it does install and the size of the download, I wouldn't install this on any computer. Looks like FUDware to me.

    Apr 21, 02:58 PM
    I was wondering what took them so long to redesign this monstrous beast MacPro lol

    It's very powerful and expensive but it was too big... Considering all other Apple Products

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