Saturday, May 21, 2011

sin cara wwe mask

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  • IntelliUser
    Nov 16, 01:23 PM
    Cool, thanks for the info, i didnt know about this product. Although reading the feature list it sounds more like a internet security and windows virus detector then a mac AV. But maybe i'm wrong.

    Anyone who has tested it and is willing to share the experience?
    (maybe i take a snapshot of my OSX and give the demo a try, dont want to risk it :) )

    Nah, there's no firewall, no anti-spam, no credit card protection - nothing like that. It's just NOD32 for Mac. Both NOD32 and Eset Smart Security Windows licenses should work with it.

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  • milo
    Jul 21, 03:26 PM
    This may be a dumb question, but why would apple just use the new chips in mbp's and not the mb? Dosn't seem to make sense. As soon as core 2 merom comes out every pc notebook will have it. Price wouldn't be an issue cause merom is same price as yonah, correct?

    Because yonah will be cheaper. Yonah prices will drop again when merom ships.

    And "every PC notebook" will most certainly NOT have merom. Cheaper PC laptops will still have yonah.

    To date we have not seen Apple update any of their Intel products. So it may not be any different. The pressure will be on Apple with new processors coming out all of the time. Steve Jobs keps Apple from doing what you would exspect much of the time.

    They speed bumped the MBP before it shipped, didn't they also do a minor update when the 17 shipped?

    With the more frequent processor changes/speed upgrades that goes along with switching to Intel, what is Apple going to do with all the "left overs" of old versions of products?

    They can sell them at a discount. But there won't be many of these in most cases, since for example the MBP doesn't need any additional changes along with swapping in a merom chip. The imac and mini could take merom just by swapping a chip in a socket (so the user could even do it).

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  • patrickkidd
    May 6, 05:00 AM
    I would like to hear what sorts of reason Apple would use to make such a decision, if believable at all. If the architecture is headed in the right direction, then it would be nice to know why. At the end of the day, the ppc to intel switch had a relatively small impact on the rest of us.

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  • BruiserBear
    Apr 5, 01:31 PM
    Jailbreakers are funny.

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  • Prom1
    Aug 3, 12:43 PM
    My first expectation is to see the isight in the MacBook Pros improved 1.3MP/2.0MP resolutions.

    Mac Pro in some form or another.

    but to see Multimedia & Teblah goto war after the keynote finishes?

    ... Priceless!;) :D :p

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  • ChrisTX
    Mar 27, 12:37 AM
    There are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.

    For the Kindle, or for their new Appstore? Apple still has the upper hand with iTunes, and the real App Store.

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  • solvs
    Jul 21, 05:57 PM
    (iMac is a little too "white" for my taste)
    Racist. :p

    Kidding. I'm think they'll go with a high end black model eventually. Maybe give it a better video card or something to justify another hundred bucks or so. I'm hoping they do the same with the MacBooks. Maybe a new lowend pro, or a high end nonpro with a built-in video card. That would justify a $1500 purchase over a $1000 one to me.

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    Nov 27, 12:50 PM
    Fantastic - Apple has to make a rugged version with handles! Or even design a few different cases to put the Mac Tablet in!

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  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 12:36 PM
    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.

    Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.

    No no no no no. first of all. The meroms create less heat than the yonahs. by your logic, they shouldn't put a cooler chip in until they resolve their heat issues. :confused:

    secondly: Mac Pros and MBPs both belong at wwdc. PRO. for professional. I fail to see how desktop professional machines belong here and laptop professional machines do not.

    thirdly: ... actually that's all i really need to say.

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  • kavika411
    Apr 15, 07:28 PM
    Why focus your perspective on gaining wealth?

    Aren't there more important things than that in our brief lives?

    Good lord. Where on earth did itcheroni suggest

    I believe the single sentence you quoted/responded to of his was this:

    your perspective would change completely if you ever decide to invest or trade.

    Or was that simply the strawman rhetorical question of the day ... err ... hour?

    (Feel free to reply with an emoticon.)

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  • Coolerking
    Sep 11, 12:41 PM
    is paris expo still on tomorrow? seems like its been totally pushed under the rug with the media event...

    wonder if that was the plan? if theres any hope for mbp's I would imagine it would be @ paris

    What time does the expo start? and the media event?

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  • Juventuz
    Apr 5, 01:06 PM
    Honestly, I hope Toyota tells Apple to stuff it.


    I love Apple for many reasons, but I also have a hard time with some of their ideology.

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  • Micjose
    Apr 18, 05:07 PM
    might aswell sue everyone else in the tech industry :p

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  • dontmatter
    Apr 7, 03:00 PM
    What a way to win.

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  • aberth
    Mar 28, 10:05 AM
    Apple delaying hardware releases isn't so bad - sure it might not be the best news for people just ready for a new device, but it's not that they absolutely need hardware updates; the iPhone 4 hardware is still really capable.

    What might be a problem however, is that they delay software in the same way. iOS desperately needs an update... and the messages sent out to the public certainly give the feeling we'll just get a preview in June. Letting people wait til the fall for iOS 5 would not be a good thing, certainly if this would mean no iPhone updates at all.

    However I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to the way these messages are interpreted... some people sure do jump to conclusions quickly. For example, reading the message again, it looks as likely Apple will also just preview OS X in June, and I guess we all know that Lion will really be released in the summer...

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  • wordoflife
    Mar 28, 09:41 AM
    Not cool. Coming from an iPhone 3GS, I seriously don't want to wait.

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  • NebulaClash
    May 4, 03:44 PM
    So I guess we'll all just send you our AT&T Internet Bills when we go over their newly implemented data usage caps? :eek:


    Absolutely. Send 'em right over and I'll know precisely what to do with 'em.

    Seriously, I don't see why anyone would object. This is merely another option for getting OS X. It adds to our choices. This is not right for you? Use the traditional method. Nobody loses.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 14, 10:02 AM
    You can always donate to the federal reserve. Don't let me stop you!

    Pardon me for trying to spread the responsibility across the board.

    I realize how grossly unfair that is. :rolleyes:

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  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 25, 09:45 AM
    Why should God allmighty (Steve) not lie to his minions?

    Apr 6, 05:36 PM
    I just bought the Xoom a few days ago. I had considered purchasing an iPad 2, but instead of more-or-less duplicating my previous iPad purchase, I thought I'd try something new. I have mixed feelings, but overall I am quite happy with the purchase.

    The Xoom hardware seems sturdier to me, but that could just be in my head, and the device feels more powerful to me. The Xoom has a larger, higher-resolution display than the iPad, but the iPad has a much higher quality display. That's an issue for a device that is, essentially, one big screen. One aspect in particular that seems far superior to iOS on the iPad is web browsing, which is likely my most frequently-used feature of ether device. The Xoom blows either iPad away in this regard. It offers near desktop-speed performance in its included browser, with none of the checkerboards and frequent page reloads of the iPad. I'm not sure if this (page reloads) is primarily due to the greater RAM, or the fast speed of the browser; perhaps it reloads so fast it doesn't matter. I don't want to restart the whole flash debate, but I watched quite a bit of flash-based internet video and the device didn't get hot nor did the battery take a disproportionate hit. In fact, the battery life has really been great...two very long evenings of heavy usage, and there's plenty to spare.

    Multitasking is also quite nice. One of the first apps I downloaded was a (free) great radio app, and as I was listening to the radio I intuitively started web browsing and going back and forth between a few other apps and it wasn't until I received and replied to a message from a friend that it occurred to me that I was having a really cool and full mobile computing experience. I feel that as iOS and Android (Honeycomb) stand right now, Android offers a lot more potential to serve my needs. To realize this potential, though, they need apps and Apple dominates in this area...not only in quantity but in the overall polish of their top-tier apps. Apple's iOS itself is likewise more polished, and the Android team definitely needs to iron out some of the wrinkles. Not showstoppers, mind you, but Apple clearly had the more mature, stable OS.

    So now I have two tablets. I have two computers at my desk, an iMac and a PC, and I can use both of those, but I can't quite figure out how two tablets figure into the equation. I know I'm more excited by the Xoom than I was after I first used the iPad, and I was quite excited by the iPad. Time will tell, but I'm currently leaning more towards the Xoom.

    Jul 21, 04:31 PM
    Well, I guess Apple was pretty dumb last year when they annouced the Nano while the iPod mini promo was still going strong. The promo didn't change and the mini was only availabe to edu customers so they could finish up the promo.

    September 7, 2005
    Apple Introduces iPod nano

    "Back to School Promo. College students � buy a qualifying Mac before September 25, and get a free iPod mini"

    Point is, that was released in September. As in, not at WWDC, so the point is still the same.

    Apr 26, 02:18 PM
    iOS needs to evolve. It is old and stale...

    How terrible is the notification system? And it's been around for almost 4 years!

    Aug 11, 11:00 AM
    My guess: it's a game of "telephone" in which someone misunderstood the meaning of "both laptops." I think it means the 15" and 17" MBP, not the MBP and MB.

    Which does the bottom-end laptop buyer need the most? A lower price (with no reduction in Apple profits) or faster CPU? The former of course, so as Yonah drops in price I expect it to be used for some time to come.

    Yonah is already a VERY fast, G5-class processor--and Apple's bottom model has two of them! It's not screaming for an upgrade when that would prevent a price drop.

    The need for 64-bit will come to low-end users, but not yet.

    Apr 26, 02:47 PM
    But if Apple had gotten on board with Verizon a year earlier, those numbers would probably be reversed.

    That extra year that Apple sat on their ass with AT&T was the crucial year that allowed android to gain traction and mindshare.

    Once the 'greatly anticipated' Verizon launch finally did come, it was met with a large chorus of "who cares?" from the crowd - the crowd that had gotten their droid phone 6 months earlier.

    AT&T gave Apple what they wanted on the iPhone. Verizon wouldn't. And Apple couldn't sell to Verizon until contract expired. Would it have been better to have been on both? Of course. But I don't think even Apple knew how well the iPhone would do. And while many Verizon customers opted for an Android rather than wait, I think it may be interesting to see what happens when they are eligible for new phone. Things could change again.

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