Saturday, May 21, 2011

saudi bin laden family

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  • milozauckerman
    Aug 7, 03:28 PM
    Can anyone tell what the holdups are on Mac Pros? Both the X1900 and bluetooth/airport seem to take it from 3-5 days up to 2-5 weeks.

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  • addicted44
    Mar 29, 09:07 AM
    There are several streaming and file store apps in app store...

    Yup...This is just a business decision by Amazon. Most likely because they did not want to delay rollout developing an iOS app, when they expect Apple to offer a competitor really soon anyways.

    The real question is how long before Amazon starts manufacturing dirt cheap Android phones themselves.

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  • �algiris
    Apr 26, 02:35 PM
    iOS is neither, at the moment.

    Depends on who you ask.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 14, 04:29 PM
    Repeating myself ...

    I find this approach highly irrational. If you're overweight, it's important to lose fat. It does no good whatsoever to treat brain the same as fat ... to treat vital organs the same as fat ... to treat limbs and digits the same as fat.

    I think we can all agree that there is a lot of waste in government. The fact is, a lot of it is hard to find. At this point in our financial situation, I agree with across the board cuts. After that, then you continue to cut, where it makes sense, surgically.

    The Democrats agreed to historic spending cuts. Where are the Republicans who agree to tax increases?

    That's crap and you know it.

    According to a Congressional Budget Office comparison, the bill would produce only $350 million in tangible savings this year, partly because cuts in domestic programs were offset by an increase of about $5 billion for Pentagon programs.

    When projected emergency contingency spending overseas is figured in by the budget office, estimated outlays for this year actually increase by over $3 billion.

    The agreement does put the brakes on what had been a steady growth in spending by federal agencies. Future savings would be greater as the cuts took hold — a point Republican aides emphasized by noting that the plan is estimated to cut spending by $312 billion over the next decade.

    Link (

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  • carmenodie
    May 6, 05:40 AM
    People need to know that chip making is effing hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Unless ARM can best intel at what intel does best and that is making chips then Apple ain't(remember that this is a rumor) switching to ARM for their pcs and laptops. Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • adbe
    Mar 29, 02:37 PM
    I wasn't aware that other countries looked down on products manufactured here, that's a shame.

    Most don't, but for the average Whereverian, two questions spring to mind when seeing a US flag on the side of the box:

    1) shouldn't I really be buying stuff made right here in Wherever?
    2) Alright, so the case was screwed together in the US, but isn't this still just Chinese engineering at its finest[1]?

    At least Apple, with their 'Designed in California' motto, are being honest.

    [1] Case in point, since someone already mentioned them, Chrysler. Their chassis were largely warmed over obsolete MB tech. Half their 'made in the US' line isn't. And, like just about everyone else in the industry, the lion's share of components in those cars came from global supply lines. It's remarkable given how much Chrysler had to do with things that they could still f-ck it up. :(

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  • Vic320
    Apr 25, 09:18 AM
    This whole thing is stupid. Of course the iPhone will track what cell towers and wi-fi access points are around it. It needs this information to be able to make phone calls and access the internet. It makes sense that this info be stored so that it does not have to gather in info every time (basic cacheing). What Apple did not anticipate was that someone would find this database and would start screaming about an "invasion of privacy". It is probably something that Apple could have foreseen and they should have encrypted this info, but until someone proves that this info is actually being transmitted back to Apple, it's just a bunch of crap.

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  • dukebound85
    Apr 5, 07:45 PM
    I can understand Apple's concern here it could give the impression to an uneducated user that it is OK to jailbreak their phone since they are being encouraged to by what would seem like a legitimate source. I don't think it's much of an issue for Scion owners though as they are probably used to sub-par performance.

    it is ok...

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  • Stella
    Apr 5, 02:18 PM
    Not really.

    JB is not illegal, its my right to JB my device. Sure, it voids your warranty - but thats a risk.

    Apple may say its illegal, but Apple's word does not override the law of the land.

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  • Number 41
    Apr 20, 12:37 PM
    What are you people doing to scratch your phones so much? I don't use a case with my iPhone 4, carry it in my pocket (sometimes with my car keys) and there's not a noticeable scratch on the front or back.

    Scratching isn't the issue, it's the shattering that happens when the phone is impacted. I watched an iPhone shatter on a drop of less than 3 feet onto a padded (industrial carpet) floor. I've had friends iPhones shatter from sliding off a table accidentally, being dropped when getting out of a car, and even one who had it with him at a concert and it shattered from the 100+ degree heat.

    This wouldn't be an issue if they'd simply recessed the glass into the bezel on the front and used something sensible on the back.

    There's a very good reason why nothing that needs to be durable is made out of glass.

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  • leomac08
    Apr 23, 04:23 PM
    I'm blind!!!!!:eek: my eyes!!!!

    Radical!!!!! lol

    Retina Display on a Mac is a +1

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  • Schizoid
    Mar 31, 06:38 AM
    mac os x kitteh and the one after that mac os x kitteh galore


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  • ddrueckhammer
    Jul 30, 01:22 PM
    To those who just want a phone that works. If this iPod Phone doesn't work out, I would recommend the new Nokia 6103 (T-mobile) or its Cingular equivalant in the US. It has superb call quality compared to all the other phones I have had including RAZRs. It does have other features like Bluetooth, Speakerphone, Camera, mp3 ringers etc, but the main point is that it is a durable phone that can make a receive calls at very good quality. The other features are bonuses. I don't know why Nokia has the best call quality, (at least on T-mobile and Cingular in my area) but in my experience this is no myth.

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  • LarryC
    Mar 30, 05:29 AM
    These jokes just aren't funny.

    It's too early for this. Maybe it will never not be too early for this, but please have some sensitivity for people who have friends/family/are themselves in affected areas.

    Do you have any evidence for this?

    He is right about this. I used to work for a Japanese company here in N.C.. He must have some experience in dealing with them or knows someone who has experience dealing with them.

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  • toots66
    Nov 22, 05:32 AM
    Elsewhere in the world that is mostly how you buy a phone. Phone first, then a carrier. Not the other way around.

    Not in the UK it isn't. It's very difficult to get a new contract without a phone. You can buy phones SIM-free but the high initial price puts most people off (if they know about them at all) because the networks here provide most phones 'free' with 12 or 18 month contracts. And most customers expect a new 'free' phone every 12/18 months, even though this will cost them more in the long-term. It's been going on for years and this is unlikely to change until one network breaks ranks but that would put them at a disadvantage.

    How would this situation affect an Apple phone? I cannot see Apple changing their software to suit the network and that might rule out a couple of them. The networks have their own systems in place for selling music, at a higher price than iTMS, so any kind of iPod functionality in the phone would probably put them all off. A single network might be interested if they feel that the features in the Apple phone will gain them new customers.

    End-users would still be able to buy a phone separately and use their existing SIM of course. But as this is so different to the entrenched practice in the UK, it would have to be a very good device.

    saudi bin laden family. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • KCMichaelB
    Nov 11, 09:14 AM
    How wrong you are.
    This software actually protects for more than just viruses, it also removes trojans which HAVE been written for Mac. It also removes Windows viruses that you as a user can still pass on to other people. It removed 3 trojans from my machine, yes they were Windows trojans, BUT I will now not pass them on in emails, etc.

    Be ignorant if you like, but one day soon we will all be caught out.

    It found 7 trojans (6 for Windows and 1 for OS X) on my Mac.

    Btw, how does one know if their computer is virus/malware/adware free if they never scan for it?

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  • azentropy
    Mar 27, 08:32 AM
    Don't know if this is true, but IF Apple was to "delay" an iOS 5 release, they would start leaking those plans now.

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  • ckurt25
    Apr 18, 03:07 PM
    Looking at the TouchWiz UI, I see your point.

    But, at what point does an interface become too generic? For example, the concept of pages of icons in a grid isn't really new or innovative. The concept of swiping across screens is simple and intuitive and should be standardized
    (e.g. copied) for that exact reason. Should other phone makers put the icons in a circle, "just because" they need to be different? Should they force you to do something differently just because the best and most intuitive way was "already taken"?

    Everyone loves car analogies, so: what if Ford decided to sue other carmakers because they copied their steering wheel design? Would other companies have been forced to adopt other types of controls -- joysticks or dials or foot pedals, perhaps -- "just because"? And would that have been good for the auto industry?

    That's for the patent lawyers and the legal system to decide.

    Now if it was a fight to the death it would be a lot more interesting.

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  • maril1111
    Dec 15, 04:47 AM
    whats better sophos or kaspersky for mac?

    Nov 27, 04:06 AM
    God I'm so sick of people making this excuse. So just because no one else has found the right formula it means that Apple can't right?

    Have you ever used a tablet before? If not you are missing out. The experience feels much more personal for some reason. It feels like a platform that is begging for Apple to do something with it.

    PS- Let me guess you were one of those people screeching that Apple would NEVER go Intel. Would never release an iPod with photo capabilities or video. Would never allow Windows to run on a Mac.

    Its running a slightly modified version of Windows. What did you expect? :rolleyes: Anyone who comes out with a tablet needs to do more then slap their OS on it. there needs to be a fundimental shift in HOW you interact with the OS.

    Sorry, Silicon, but your "If Apple does it, it works" argument is weak in this case...the Tablet market is simply tiny, period.

    And why so? Because, instead of facing a constrained demand for music players or video players (as in the case of the iPod market), the Tablet faces NOTHING which is not already dealt with under other segments.

    We have, on one hand, desktops, laptops and notebooks which fit the bill for everyone, notably if we consider the small-sub note market (10"-13").

    On the other hand, we have full-fledged mobile phones and PDAs which cover the needs of those preferring portability over sheer power.

    And where are the tablets? NOWHERE, because they only fit the bills of us freaks desiring a nice pen-based Mac...sorry, it's not enough for a big company like Apple to base its products on such a small audience...and I am sure their market analysis team has already done its homework.

    Windows is a CRAP, granted...but this doesn't block PC fanboys from buying millions of notebooks every year; this argument is moot as well, and OS X will have limited market impact for the adoption of a Tablet.

    As for your funny arguments at the end, I may just say that they have nothing to do with other product adoptions such as the vPod and the Intel switch...the former is a basic evolution of the iPod (although still selling much less than normal iPods devoted to music), the latter a clear choice by Apple in face of IBM's lack of devotion to the PowerPC.

    You seem to speak from a position of personal knowledge. Is this because you actual know these facts, or is it just the conviction of your analysis?

    I happen to know one of your statements is false. My company needs it and wants it. So do many people in the construction industry. In many respects, we are blind to the activities where we make our money. So, we are forced to often depend on a management layer to provide a communication stream between our administrative resources and our jobsites. However, in many cases, we manage in reactionary mode because of the inadequacies of our communication pathway.

    When I was hired seven years ago, one of my assigned goals was to automate our field operations. I am going to condense many years of study and experimentation into a single statement. Tablet PC's have the right combination of footprint and technology to 'close the loop' for what we need.

    My company has incorporated many advanced technologies. We have hosted numerous 'show and tell' sessions for others in the industry. A by-product of this has been the development of a large peer group of other construction IT professionals. We all see the need to manage field operations through technology, not through untimely reports, telephone calls and/or faxes, weekly meetings, etc.

    Sorry, your argument is also insufficient. Construction companies have used PDAs for years, including the Newton...and that's why a mere evolution of such products is more than enough. If you think ONE anecdotal evidence of a company adopting advanced technologies is enough, think again.

    For 99% of the market needing portability (including construction, engineering, delivery companies, logistics integrators and the like), people will go either "notebook" or "advanced PDA"...the Tablet is right in-between, squeezed among 2 MUCH clearer choices. "Footprint" and "technology" are pretty much covered by both poles...and not by a vaporware Tablet.

    Origami = Tablet = Flop...never forget this.

    Nov 22, 01:27 AM
    wasn't it exactly the same story with the ipod?
    It would be fun to speculate what features Apple brings to the iPhone that could revolutionize the cell phone industry? My guess is 1) ease of use in updating contacts, calendar, emails 2) iPod music integration 3) high quality 640x480 mpeg4 videos and 4) leveraging in flash memory pricing

    Mar 31, 02:11 AM
    Maybe that rate wouldn't be bad, but if you read the article, that's not what they're charging. Beyond the initial free amount, its $1 per 1 gig, not $1 per 20 gigs.
    You get 20 gigs if you buy an album on Amazon. Here's an album for a dollar:

    You do the math.

    Don't panic
    May 4, 01:21 PM
    so, the obvious thing is to search this room and then eventually split/move.
    everyone agree? Dante?
    where do you guys want to go next? forward or back to start to explore the other doors?

    BoneHead ^uphere^ could have put traps/monster in either, or both.

    Raven, did i assume correctly that new traps and monster can only go in empty rooms (as far as heroes are concerned)? can a room have both a trap and a monster?

    Nov 26, 10:39 AM
    To me, Tablets are worthless. I've had to deal with them at work because some people continue to order them for all their tasks, but they're less mobile than some laptops. They're usually the same thickness or size as a portable, so why carry something that's going to be crippled in some manner?

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