Saturday, May 21, 2011

Morrisville State College

Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • rmwebs
    Mar 30, 12:30 PM
    This whole thing is getting silly. Seriously MS, do something better with your money.

    Fanboy much?

    Have you seen the list of companies Apple is suing... :rolleyes:

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Tymmz
    Sep 14, 05:53 AM
    Can't believe it until I see it in stores. Sorry.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • TheKrillr
    Aug 28, 12:58 PM
    I just want them to bump up the Macbook so then I can go ahead and buy my fist Mac. I just want to buy it when its the most current.

    Ya, that's that I'm hoping. For the same reason too. I've used macs forever, but never owned my very own (other than an old PowerMac 7500). I also hope they update the ipod soon, I want to get the latest and greatest but I need to order by wednesday :-p

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Ganymede
    Sep 5, 01:34 PM
    OH PLEEASE let it be the phone...i need a new one now!!!

    I've been hoping for this for a long, long time. I would love for this to be in the cards, but it just seems too different from iTMS to be announced. But hope springs eternal....

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Consultant
    Apr 11, 02:10 AM
    What I don't get is why can't Apple enable any iOS device (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) as an Airplay target device? Obviously iOS supports it as Apple TV can be a target for Airplay from iTunes.

    There are apps for AirPlay.

    Perhaps you have not heard of this thing call the App Store. :rolleyes:

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • koskesh
    Apr 4, 12:52 PM
    Just wow to the morons who are questioning if it was necessary to shoot him in the head. If the security guard had been killed you would be like "oh that's just sad. He's a hero". WTF kinda a$$ backward thinking is that?

    He's a "SECURITY" guard for fock's sake. it's what he's there for. These guys threatened to kill people and yet it's wrong to shoot one in the head.

    I personally would prefer the criminal social parasites to die than the security guard. And why the fock are you so concerned about a security guard carrying a weapon? The poor guy is putting his life out there to bring some bread to his home while protecting your moron a$$. He's offering the society a legitimate service instead of joining a gang and you're worried about him having a gun? My god people. This country is going to ***** if we have people this dumb doing any kind of work and having this kind of mentality.

    And I'm a complete liberal, btw, but I do have a sense of the real world.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 05:09 PM
    And that's one of the reasons I don't like all in ones, I dont like throwing away display no matter what the size. My last CRT lasted me about 6 years and I had an old apple 14" monitor that was still working after 10 years! Now that's getting value out of your components! :D

    Do you really want to use a monitor from 10 years ago in everyday use? Not likely. I've a 15" CRT from about a decade ago too but it's sitting on a shelf as a spare in case my newer monitor dies.

    Most times I've bought a new computer, I've also bought a new monitor. A widescreen 17" monitor back when I bought my iMac was extortionately expensive. I generally figure on spending about �15-1800 every three years on a computer and about 5-6 years of useful life. It's been going up from a G3 iBook to a 17" G5 Mac to a fully kitted out 24" iMac for that money. I can't imagine what it will be in 3 - 6 years time but I guess it'll make a 24" iMac feel just as obsolete as the 500Mhz G3 iBook with a 1024x768 screen feels.

    I have to conclude that people who want to use their 10 year old CRT are just incredibly cheap and don't value their screens as much as being able to claim how fast their CPU is. I've been programming for 20+ years professionally and your screen isn't something to skimp on. It's THE most important thing if you value your eyes.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • vwcruisn
    Mar 23, 05:45 PM
    Don't drink and drive.

    agree,.. but what about all of the other forms of dangerous/distracted driving? Cell phone, texting, eating, speeding, etc etc... shouldn't they all be punished similarly? why has DUI become 1000x worse than everything else?

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • 0815
    Apr 20, 12:33 PM
    everyone here is on facebook, exposing their real names, friends, user uploaded photos that are under the control of facebook under the new TOS agreement, where they live, phone numbers, what they like, what they dislike, their status updates, etc.

    I'm not .... (and I'm not on any other stupid social 'share my ****' sites) ... still, I dont have a problem to have the location data on MY phone and MY laptop unaccessible for anyone else :)

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • nwcs
    Apr 4, 12:16 PM
    This is a silly debate here. Having known trained officers and military people and being related to some I can tell you one thing: they are taught to neutralize the threat. They certainly don't want to but if you hesitate you die. Chest shots are preferable because it's easier to target but head shots sometimes happen. People should be thinking about the guard who will undoubtedly need time to work through this ordeal.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • majorp
    Sep 1, 11:46 AM
    i wonder if it will lose its chin?! ^^^^^^ yes...precisely

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • davelanger
    Mar 30, 11:51 AM


    I think this is enough to show that Microsoft is unequivocally correct. The term has been in use for much longer than Apple's launching of the store and it has been ubiquitous in the computer industry for a long time.

    The way to distinguish (if it needs to be done) between app stores is by saying the name of the app store before hand, ie the Apple App Store, the Amazon App Store, or the Microsoft App Store.

    Apple did not TM the term APP they TM APP STORE.
    Its not like apple is saying they cannot call their applications apps.
    They are saying they cannot call their app store the app store.

    Like I said, MS should just call is the WinApp Store, problem solved.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • poppe
    Aug 28, 06:49 PM

    merom is better than everyone anticipated... --->

    all the people who said it's only marginal at best can stick it where the sun don't shine! suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzz

    Cool find, but I dont much believe it completely.

    Just my thought...

    I just trust that Arstancia website (how ever it is spelled) They did a core 2 duo laptop review and got some performance increases of around 10-15% but never 22%...

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • gnasher729
    Sep 11, 07:42 AM
    No, not at all.

    An affinity mask sets the set of CPUs that can be scheduled. A job won't be run on another CPU, even if the assigned CPUs are at 100% and other idle CPUs are available.

    And that, by the way, is why setting affinity is usually a bad idea. Let the system dynamically schedule across all available resources -- or you might have some CPUs very busy, and others idle.

    Win2k3 also has "soft" affinity masks, which define a preferred set of CPUs. If all of the preferred CPUs are busy, and other CPUs are idle, then soft affinity allows the system to run the jobs on the idle CPUs - even though the idle CPUs aren't in the preferred affinity mask.

    Another aspect of quad core systems like MacPro or future Kentfields: On these systems, two cores share one 4 MB cache. If an application runs on two threads, it can run on two cores on the same chip, or on two cores on different chips. Threads that run on the same chip can exchange data very quickly, because anything that is in one threads L2 cache is automatically in the other threads L2 cache, but both threads together have only 4 MB cache. Threads running on different chips cannot exchange data quickly; data that is exchanged needs to be transferred through main memory. However, _each_ chip has 4 MB cache, or 8 MB total.

    In other words, some applications will run faster if using threads on the same chip, some will run faster if using threads on separate chip. It is quite hard for the OS to guess, but the application developer should have some idea.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • MaxBurn
    Dec 31, 08:52 AM
    Not really necessary, yet. Forums here will inform most of us when something really nasty gets out there if ever, listen to the users not a campain.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • MacFever
    Mar 23, 08:14 PM
    would be nice to see.....macbook air refresh with sandybridge and thunderbolt. :D:D

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • dvdhsu
    Nov 13, 01:26 PM
    Aplenty needs to clean up their act here.
    Rogue isn't a small homegrown company, they deserve to be respected. With policies like this, the App Store might just eventually die.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • jsw
    Oct 28, 07:35 PM
    I'm not going to wade through all of the posts here and delete another few dozen off-topic ones, but it's clear that this thread is incapable of staying on-topic, which is a requirement in the news forums, and so it's being closed.

    Morrisville State College. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • gnasher729
    May 1, 02:12 AM
    I was wondering why so many people are so opposed to Apple offering Blu-Ray as a BTO option. I have read where Steve Jobs spoke negatively about Blu-Ray, I wonder if these same people would be all gung-ho for BR if Jobs had spoken positively about it? I realize that he is a very smart man, but he isn't God! I always thought that BR would have been a great thing to have on a Mac for things like backing up your iTunes library. Imagine that, being able to back up your entire iTunes library on two or three BR discs. That would have been really nice. I read somewhere the other day that they either have or are getting ready to have BR discs that have a 100GB capacity. What in the world would have been wrong with that?

    Some people seem actively opposed, which is of course strange. My opinion: For backups, I wouldn't trust an optical drive. My iTunes library is backed up automatically as part of my Time Machine backup to an external drive, which is a lot lot faster than BluRay and I would trust it ten times more; it is fast because it is an incremental backup, and hard drives are faster anyway.

    For playing BluRay disks, the content industry puts completely ridiculous demands on the OS and the hardware. Windows goes with these restrictions, Apple doesn't, Linux probably just can't. You need signed drivers, the OS only accepting signed drivers, and huge penalties if anything happened that allowed access to the unencrypted video stream.

    Apr 10, 04:17 PM
    What exactly do you mean? Do you mean changing the default app for opening a file type, using the Get Info window? Or do you mean some modification to the app itself? If the former, it works the same in L and SL. I haven't tried the latter yet.

    "Get Info" any of the softwares that came on your Mac by default, such as Safari, Mail, iTunes, etc. At the bottom of the "Get Info" screen, what users have write privileges to the app bundle?

    In Leopard, both system and admin have write privileges. So, malware could modify these app bundles as a vector to hide payloads with user level access in admin accounts. Privilege escalation would still be required for more serious exploitation, such as rootkit installation.

    In Snow Leopard, only system has write privileges. This represents a security improvement in SL. Apps installed via the Mac App Store also only have system with write privileges.

    Apr 25, 10:13 AM
    Ah post history ... always a bitch!

    May 3, 10:16 AM
    what about target display mode on the 21/24" models?

    Sep 19, 03:28 PM
    I'll post.

    The primary objection of studios to iTS (iTunes Store) is not rental vs. ownership. It is pissing off its physical channel "partners".

    Steve Jobs has a history of pissing off physical channel partners. When the online Apple Store was vastly enlarged and promoted, the value added dealers lost premium CPU and software sales to Apple itself, since they have a price fixing contract. Consumers were no worse off ordering direct with free shipping than going down to a dealer if they did not need advise for the product purchase. In addition many asked questions of local dealers then purchased online thereafter.

    This was further an issue when Apple added their own dealer network (stores) which were to a large degree competing with the long-standing dedicated dealer network as well as the mass merchandising dealers, who have been really hit and miss over the years. That has resulted in low mindshare as compared to Apple and indy dealers who people at least KNOW have the stuff if they are inclined toward those channels.

    Studios rely on physical store dealers for "impulse sales" which has a different character than online. If you are in the online store software or website, it tries to cross-sell you. But retail impulse sales are targeting people who are not shopping for music at all. They just walk by and see it while shopping for something else. The most powerful example of this is Wal-Mart. They sell CD's as a loss leader to generate store traffic of a key range of demographics. So much so, it is Wal-Mart who is pressuring studios to shun iTS, and to a large degree it is actually working.

    Not for long.


    Sep 15, 06:57 PM
    Apple being a California based company certainly must know about the new law just signed that prohibits hand held cell phone use while driving a car. (Reasonable law if you ask me) with this new law we can assume the phone will have some kind of "hands free" interface. It would be very hard to sell a high end phone that can't be used in a car in California. Apple must know this, the law has been in the works for some time.

    It's a stupid law and not enforced. I talk on my phone all the time, while driving a stick shift with no problems. You just have to be willing to take the phone away from your ear when you need two hands.

    That said, I really prefer using my bluetooth headset, and I hope Apple does include bluetooth with the phone, if only just for voice.

    Also, Apple should look into the idea of wireless headphones/controllers while ignoring battery problems. Who cares if you have to double the size of the device as long as you're just leaving the device in your pocket or backpack, controlling it with a wireless remote, and experiencing it with wireless headphones. I'm not saying there aren't other problems with this, but I am saying that Apple shouldn't be afraid of the iPod getting bigger again to provide battery life for some new features (e.g. widescreen)

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