Friday, May 20, 2011

las vegas strip hotels 2011

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  • wovel
    Apr 7, 12:00 PM
    They can have my screen. It only bleeds on the edges. Still enough real estate for a seven inch model.

    Let's see a picture of you holding your iPad 2 demonstrating this :)

    I don't understand, Apple can't let RIM have 12 panels? When they sell off those 12 units, Apple can let them have 12 more.

    They need to make display models as well. They need 1012 to cover the display models and the 12 that will sell.

    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    Strategic planning does not make a monopoly, you appear to have no concept of what a monopoly actually is.

    So you want Apple to be forced by the government to reduce its manufacturing, tell its customers "sorry, no iPad for you" because the competition needs to catch up? How stupid is that?:rolleyes:

    They want Apple to fall, since no one can do it in the free market, they want government intervention. They might have a point if they were engaged in anti-competitive behaviors like Microsoft did. Like telling PC manufacturers all of theirs products had to come with only Windows pre-installed. Buying capacity that is not even sufficient to meet demand is in no way anti-competitive.

    I suspect THIS is why HP chose to use a 9.7" 4:3 display on their TouchPad tablet. When all of Asia is stamping out iPad screens it would be a lot easier for HP to acquire iPad panels, using the manufacturer's economies of scale, than to have them manufacture different panels alongside iPad panels.

    HP and Amazon are the only ones that have any hope of competing anyway. Everyone else would just be wasting Apple's panels.

    Unfortunately, most posters here think Apple always acts in the best interests of its customers. Kind of cute, actually.

    Corporations tend to act in the best interest of theirs owners. It is actually a requirement for corporate officers in public companies. Having said that, Apple is the most customer focused company in the mobile device market. Sales show this and so does every independent customer satisfaction survey performed in the past few years.
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iPad 3 to be a small update like iPad 2? I wouldn't doubt it with the lack of competition.

    This is just silly. They mad a 9x leap in graphics performance in less then 12 months without a single credible competitor.

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  • wclyffe
    Dec 5, 07:29 PM cannot even order it from Here's what it says:

    TomTom car kit for iPhone
    USD 119.95

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  • vvswarup
    Apr 7, 04:37 PM
    9/10 Apple fans think Apple can do no wrong. Regardless of their shortcomings, most seem blind and too eager to hand their money over the Apple without regard to the true value of Apple's offerings. The other side of that is, if you buy into the walled garden, you have to generally suck it up. Apple has always done it there way, and will probably continue to do it their way regardless if it benefits the consumer. I've found most of the time what they do only benefits their coffers. They could easily make changes up front, but feel it's best for their pockets if they stagger features over years at a time knowing people will buy each and ever "upgrade" Apple delivers.

    Related to the subject line, if it were any other company, like Microsoft, Dell or whomever pre-ordering and buying whole supply lines knowing their competitors would be strangled, there would be an antitrust/monopoly case launched immediately. The simple fact that Apple is a media and government darling precludes them from any serious thought by officials that would choose to stop this monopoly from continuing. Just as above, I know 9/10 fans here will blast me for stating the honest truth, but.. true story bro. Apple can do no wrong and their fan base is living proof of that.

    I own Apple products and I like them. That may make me a fan, but I will hold my head up high and tell you that in looking at Apple's business practices, I don't give Apple a free pass. There is nothing wrong with what Apple did. If Microsoft or Dell had done the same thing, i.e. buying up whole supply lines, I would say the same thing: It's business.

    Apple built up a massive cash reserve. In the past, Apple faced issues with supply constraints. Wanting to avoid supply constraints, Apple decided to use its massive cash reserves to pre-order as much supply as possible to ensure availability for launch. The touchscreen manufacturers can only produce so much supply of touchscreens. It's not like those touchscreen manufacturers signed an exclusivity deal with Apple saying that they would make touchscreens for Apple alone. Apple simply bought most of the supply that those manufacturers would be able to produce. How is that anti-competitive?

    As for Apple being a "media and government darling," I call complete BS on that. In case you haven't heard, Apple's stock is a constant target for market manipulation. Every business decision that Apple makes is called underhanded, never mind that it's a perfectly legitimate business move and everybody else does it or would do it too. Also, Apple has been investigated quite a few times by the government. Taking these two things together, it's safe to say that Apple is no media or government darling. Quite the opposite, in fact.

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  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 09:01 PM
    I simply disregard comments that have to do with religion basically.

    Silence is acquiescence, very well stated by Pastor Martin Niem�ller:

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    I don't disregard comments that try to push a particular view on spirituality, gender identity/expression, or other personal and civil rights issues. Sometimes the comments are appropriate, but other times they are not. In my opinion if they're not, I'll say so.

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  • Eldiablojoe
    May 5, 05:44 PM
    no worries.
    leave it to the dwarves.
    the trick is to leave the feet out.

    and lots of onions.
    And leave out the, uhhh, nether regions. No Mordor Mountain Oysters for me.

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  • Matt-M
    Apr 25, 09:27 AM
    Android is funded by target advertising? I didnt know that, can you provide a link that backs this up?


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  • J@ffa
    Sep 11, 01:42 PM
    Apple wouldn't do that because NetFlix already does.

    Well, I read a similar idea to this either here or on AppleInsider. Selling the movies at Apple stores, and getting the unlock key for the DRM once you get home or somesuch.

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  • ivladster
    Apr 18, 04:18 PM
    The fact that they are now suing Samsung, and waited this long, might give validity to this theory, as they did not want to sue them while Sammy was still a key supplier for them.

    Something to think about.

    Actually Apple just recently got granted those designs for iOS and iPhone 3GS, they were waiting for US Patent Office to approve them.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 14, 10:02 AM
    You can always donate to the federal reserve. Don't let me stop you!

    Pardon me for trying to spread the responsibility across the board.

    I realize how grossly unfair that is. :rolleyes:

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  • kavika411
    Apr 15, 08:18 PM
    I didn't miss it, you did. here, I'll bold it, underline it and put it in red so it's easier for you to catch ...

    Then I'll refer to the definition so you might know what that word means ...

    pri�ma�ri�ly (   �adverb

    1. essentially; mostly; chiefly; principally

    Then I'll give you an example that demonstrates a different perspective on wealth ...

    I am a graphic designer. My primary focus is on creating print and web solutions for my clients. While I do get paid, money is neither the source of my production and creativity, nor the material with which I work. It is a by-product of my labors, not the sole focus of them.

    Thus I have a different perspective on money and wealth than itcheroni.

    I hope that clarifies that for you.

    Your inability and insecurity to come within even the same area code of your own prior rhetorical question - choosing the greener pastures of everything-unrelated-to-something-you-started-but-can't-finish - says everything.

    Unlike you, I don't need to have "the last say." On this Friday night, I leave it to you to finish. Feel free to finish with something more relevant than your last posts, such as the syllabic definition of boredom, or a picture of a skateboarding dog.

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  • firewood
    May 6, 01:16 AM
    While you're over here thinking "I can't do bootcamp with ARM" Apple is thinking "Bootcamp will be obsolite when we get done here" :apple:

    Or Apple might be thinking that Bootcamp will work just fine on ARM when Windows 8 moves to ARM as well.

    Or this rumor could just be a negotiating ploy to keep Intel from thinking of raising prices on Apple.

    Or both.

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  • Zeos
    Nov 2, 02:48 PM
    We use Sophos at work and love it! Can't wait to start using it at home too.

    UPDATE: Nevermind. What a pain. It kills my Time Machine backups and freezes my computer.

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  • 124151155
    May 8, 08:26 PM
    There will always be a paid upgrade, and apple will skillfully construct their free plan to make sure everybody using will want the paid version.

    I'll happily switch to mobileMe for my calendar, contacts, etc. but I'm staying with gmail for the email. Find my iWhatever would be lovely, I'd rather not rely on Undercover or some other solution that a burglar with half a brain cell would not open.

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  • TallManNY
    Apr 7, 03:05 PM
    That is over dramatic, cut it out.

    Very funny.

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  • kingtj
    Nov 24, 10:39 AM
    PDA Phones aren't "on the way out", but the problem is, manufacturers haven't figured out how to give the public what they really want in one.

    Palm may not be so foolish with their statement discounting Apple, only because they're probably right that Apple isn't really going to put a dent in their particular market.

    I've seen so many realtors, insurance agents, company CEO's, and other traveling salespeople relying on Treo phones every day, and it's largely because they need the PDA functionality plus the cellphone.

    Most realtors in my area can use the IR port on a Treo to automatically open the lock-boxes on properties they want to show, for example.

    If Apple releases an iPhone, I think they'll be concentrating on good integration of the cellphone and a music player ... not so much a PDA, a la the Newton.

    The problem with Palm is they are on their way out. They got what? Treo? How long can that last? PDAs are over. So it's all about the phones now.

    They have to be worried. Apple has the midas touch. Whatever Apple get's into they change. Apple has a way of innovation that changes all of the dynamics. They weren't the first with the iPod, but their entrance into digital music has changed the whole music industry, not just digital music players.

    Apple could very well do the same thing with an Apple branded phone. Integrating it into the whole computer experiance in ways we can't even predict. To claim it takes years to make a phone "right" is just proof that Palm has very little to offer.

    The future of phone technology is going to change rapidly and dramically over the next few years. Apple can make billions of dollars in this market. They are going to go for it, and they will leverage their existing products to make it happen and to offer something new. Everyone is fixated on the iPod, but it's the integration with OS X that has the most interesting potential.

    Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.

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  • teerexx52
    Aug 11, 06:52 PM
    I dont dont like the size and feel of the keys compared to my m8s MBP 15" and my normal apple keyboard with my iMac which both feel great so im hoping they dont change that, im not dissing the MB but i just prefer the pro's feel at the moment and dont want that to change (espesially the lighted keys :D). yeah im gna go for the gloss i think.
    I agree the pro has a nice feel to it. I am really torn with the idea of selling my MacBook and getting a glossy base Pro but it would be a step down in some regards. I put a 100gb 7200 HD in this MacBook as well as 2gb ram. Base Pro has an 80GB 5400. I like the glossy and saw a Pro with it and really loved it. Just can't make up my mind so I sit tight. Of couse there are the rumors of processor upgrades next month too

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  • mikeapple
    Apr 25, 10:03 AM
    Hilarious that the email sender said a DROID won't track him...hahahah so funny... as if a "GOOGLE" phone doesn't track their Android user's every move... This isn't really a iPhone matter, its a matter of all smartphones, with maybe a little exception for blackberry's. It's really nothing new... Google even has a stored database for random screen-caps it takes on all its Android users at any time.

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  • gigidey
    Mar 26, 10:12 PM
    TechCrunch likely doesn't know jack about dates or new features in iOS 5. Just saying.

    They have a terrible track record. I think the fact that they're still going with the iPad 3 release this fall completely invalidates anything they're saying.

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  • ravenvii
    May 3, 01:44 PM
    Okay, but we start with only 1 HP. So, a number of us could die in the first round?

    The villain's level doesn't matter, right? He either kills all or he loses.

    If you're extremely unlucky, yes, but it'll be nearly impossible (I won't allow the villain to buy a hulking level 10 dragon for 1 point, for instance ;)).

    The villain's level only matters once the heroes reaches, and battles, the villain. The villain is the "final boss" of the game.

    Sep 15, 11:20 PM
    I'd rather have a bigger battery and a Go 7700.

    Here! Here! Though I'd be much happier to have the option to upgrade to the GeForce Go 7900 GTX. :D I just don't know how practical to the average user it would be in a MBP. For me, it would be very practical.

    May 6, 07:24 AM
    I can see this happening. I think it's a very clever move for Apple as they will be going away from commodity chips, will have more control over their chip design, will have better power consumption - which is a big thing with their environmentalism push, they will potentially be able to merge iOS and OSX.

    I don't see this as a bad thing and to those saying they won't buy another iMac - that could be true, the Mac may no longer be a brand anymore in 2013.

    Apple only went with intel because IBM was never going to be able to make a G5 laptop chip. Why are people so closed minded when it comes to change?

    Don't panic
    May 4, 08:20 AM
    as other said, the leader mostly acts as the official speaker for the group, but he/she can also decide things of his/her own volition. This should ensure a bit more of pace to the game (since we don't have to majority vote every decision).
    later in the game, it also allows people with their own agenda
    if someone strongly disagree i think they can always unilaterally split out and go wherever they want, as long as it is before the official order in bold is given.

    I updated my post #47 with ravenvii correction, which now i think contains a more exaustive (second) explanation of the rules.
    ranvenvii, if you have time to to amend it where it is incorrect and add it as 'canon' to the original rule post, i think it would be helpful.

    back to our immediate business, I can be the fearless inspiring leader (for now), as long as i don't have to drag your lazy arses away from any sparkling trinkets you find on the way.
    and no, Wilmer, that mummified rat's leg does NOT constitute 'treasure' and you may NOT keep it as a pendant. geesh, i should send you for a month mining with my cousins in the old Moth O'Rol caves searching for them inexistent gggggems, and maybe you'd grow a spine.

    we have a qualified majority of votes, so i will lead the first group into the room top right, explore and then we can come back here and explore this room. this of course means that the barking donkey that is trying to impress us with his parlor tricks has time to build up some strength and put more monsters/traps in our way.
    if two-three want to split out now and explore this room while we move to the next, i think it is a good idea, especially you Rosius, since if we happen to meet a sea urchin or sommthing in there, you might get hurt, and as much as it pains me to admit, we might need your 'talents' later on.

    i'll wait till later in the morn and then go

    Mar 28, 11:06 AM
    I hope to get an iPhone 5, the iPhone 4 is nice, but the proximity sensor is a pain in the butt, not a single update fixed my problem. I was hoping to get to upgrade to a iPhone without this problem, I guess I might need to go back to the 3GS or make the switch to an Android, which doesn't seem like a likely option for me, but I can't take the sensor problem much longer.

    Apr 20, 12:27 AM
    Springing for just a faster processor. Dont't think thats gonna happen. I'll just stick with my iP4 until the following year...

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