Sunday, May 8, 2011

kim kardashian w magazine cover

kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian W Magazine
  • Kim Kardashian W Magazine

  • Caliber26
    Apr 15, 09:43 AM
    First and foremost, I myself am a gay male in his 20's. I know all about discrimination and bullying. I've lived it first-hand, but perhaps nowhere near to the extent that it appears to be common these days, where teenagers are basically pushed to suicide in some cases. It is sad and I can barely begin to imagine their pain.

    With that said, however, I'm not super excited by these campaigns that seem to be sprouting, left and right, that, more or less, encourage people to be gay/lesbian/whatever. At the end of the day that's basically the underlying message in all these videos: "Go ahead, by gay. It's perfectly fine."

    Personally, I think that is a decision that one has to arrive to after much soul-searching. It's a very private journey and I'm not so sure that the media should be offering this type of "GO FOR IT!" message. One should come to accept who he/she is and embrace the inevitable consequences of the lifestyle. Let's face it, it's not easy at all for the vast majority of people who live this lifestyle, no matter how picture-perfect they want to brag about how their life is. That's 100% BULL. I have a very open-minded family (who even welcomes my other half like a son of their own) and I live in Orlando (one VERY gay city), but this alternate route is nowhere near easy or rose-colored.

    So, I'm very in between. I'm all for ensuring we don't get mistreated or discriminated but I also think all these teens (the target audience of these campaigns) shouldn't be exposed to this type of encouragement either. I'm very disgusted with the GLBT community as of late, with all the bigotry and one-sided attitude. It's funny how we all want to be heard, accepted, and given a chance to express ourselves and fight for what we believe in, but the minute any group, church, or organization stands behind their beliefs, they're immediately labeled as hateful, homophobes with no hearts. Seriously, WTF? Aren't THEY entitled to fight for what THEY believe in as well? I think respect is a two-way street. We sure cry and moan and whine if we don't get any of it, but I see a lot of my own community acting quick to bad-mouth anyone that doesn't support our agenda. Maybe that's why I'm so "eh" about this whole thing.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian W Magazine
  • Kim Kardashian W Magazine

  • alhedges
    Mar 18, 02:55 PM
    If this fails, and you have money to blow to prove a point, you can probably seek an injunction preventing AT&T from altering your contract, or a declaratory judgment that the contract permits you to get out of it without an ETF in this circumstance.

    Odds are that AT&T would be unlikely to show up for any lawsuit filed by an individual over a few hundred bucks, which would entitle you to both the ETF and your legal fees.

    Granted, I'm a student not yet a practitioner, so all of this should be taken with several grains of salt. Additionally, none of this should be construed to constitute legal advice.
    There's a binding arbitration clause in the TOS.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian Nude W Magazine
  • Kim Kardashian Nude W Magazine

  • speedriff
    Feb 17, 06:51 AM
    So what is your job at Apple? The problem with Apple (trust me I love their products) is that they don't care what their customers want concerning wireless products. They seem to only change when they might lose marketshare. If you call that good business then I suggest a history lesson of Japanese business practices. They see a company that is succsessful but isn't giving customers what they want, they fill that demand and walk away (eventually) with all the marketshare. One only has to look at Cars, motorcycles, televisions etc. to see it. I am starting to think Steve Jobs is a douche for more reasons than flash. I am always reading articles about him having a little tantrum and banning this or that because someone made him mad. Grow up Steve and give your LOYAL customers what they want or we will go elsewhere when a viable alternative arrives. Don't fall into the, "The bigger they are the harder they fall" category. As for Flash, it may be a little buggy so let me download it at me own risk. Sorry, but Flash is everywhere and I am tired of not being able to view it. Someday that won't be the case but until then...let me have it. I'm going to spend $800 on an iPad when I can't view Flash content? Really? Sorry, not me. I will just stick with my trusty notebook.:apple:

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian W magazine
  • Kim Kardashian W magazine

  • latergator116
    Mar 21, 06:44 AM
    My comments were about the people who wrote the software, not those that just use it. It's the PyMusique programmers that may face legal troubles, while those who merely use the software may or may not face consequences (I suspect that the worse for them might be termination of their iTunes account, in which case they won't have to worry any longer about iTunes DRM).
    Thanks for clearing that up, but I still don't undertsand why the creator(s) of PhMusique sohuld face legal charges. What have they done illegaly?

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim#39;s Childhood Photos
  • Kim#39;s Childhood Photos

  • theBB
    Sep 12, 07:32 PM
    $50 gets me all the standard and HD channels on DirecTV. iTunes is still not at that quality/price point yet.
    Off topic, but how do you get your broadband internet? DSL? I guess DSL requires me to pay for a landline phone for another $20 per month, as I currently do not have a landline phone. Then, there is the DSL fee itself. Basic cable, broadband + HDTV is $62 per month right now. If I go with DirecTV, I would end up with DirecTV fees + $40 per month for DSL. Overall more expensive than cable.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. kim kardashian celebrity oops
  • kim kardashian celebrity oops

  • ZilogZ80
    Apr 6, 04:02 AM
    Most of these "problems" are down to people not knowing how to operate their Macs. I would recommend to any new switcher (& a lot of the people who have posted in this thread!) get a good book ("The Missing Manual" is great) which explains everything you need to know.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian Naked for W
  • Kim Kardashian Naked for W

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 09:22 AM
    Please point that out in the contract, know it all.

    Guess what, it isn't there.

    Go look up the word Unlimited in the dictionary. Internalize and understand it. Come back here when you're done. Then come into a court room. Id like to sit back watch you (as I will eventually be watching AT&T) dance around the clear and concise definition of the word.

    I've engaged in long, drawn out discussions with my legal pals about this very issue for several years, and they all agree it would completely impossible for AT&T to get out of court unscathed over this word "Unlimited"

    Most of you people don't grasp the significance of the word in this case, which is not at all surprising given the crowd. (young and/or naive).

    Most also think that because AT&T includes fine print in a contract, they can enforce it however they wish...which of course is a laughable fantasy to anyone who has sat through the first day of contract law.

    Go look up the words: entitlement, spoiled, ignorance and unfounded :)

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Posted: October 16th
  • Posted: October 16th

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 16, 01:48 PM
    The things we hope are reality and things that actually are reality often times greatly differ. People sing the praises of wind and solar, but the honest to God truth is that they can't compete. Not even close.

    This isn't about competition. Coal, oil, gas and nuclear have already lost the competition because they run out. We need to prepare for that now, even if the most optimistic estimates of our non-renewable energy reserves are accurate.

    You also forget (or refuse) to recognize the possiblity that our current level of energy usage is wholly unsustainable and should not be considered a baseline target for future energy projects. The fact is we use far too much power per capita and we all need to use less, so that existing non-renewable resources can be stretched further, and so that renewable sources will eventually be sufficient to meet our needs. Someday the party will be over.

    Let the free market determine which technologies win. Stop wasting our money on advancing idiotic technologies which haven't been able to prove themselves after 20+ years of subsidies. If there's wealth to be earned by developing such a technology, it will be developed.

    Worrying about wealth before all as usual - it says so much about you, fivepoint.

    The free market cares about risk, profit and cost. It doesn't give a damn about the fact that non-renewable sources are limited. Your vaunted free market teaches the adage "make hay while the sun shines" (or oil flows). The fact that expensive, currently unprofitable but extremely far-sighted planning for the future must be done just doesn't compute for people like you who think only in terms of cost and profit. The free market should never be allowed to dictate energy policy on it's own because its focus is singularly narrow and shortsighted.

    I'm not arguing for MORE oil production necessarily, I'm arguing for government to stay out of the freaking way and allow the free market to determine what we want/need more of.

    Under this scenario there is no incentive for increased efficiency in fuel consumption, only increased efficiency in petroleum extraction. From a business perspective it's great (Hooray Exxon). Apart from than that its damnably irresponsible.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. kim kardashian w front1
  • kim kardashian w front1

  • Beric
    Mar 12, 03:19 AM
    Japan quake: 'Explosion heard' at nuclear power plant
    An explosion has been heard from a Japanese nuclear power plant hit by Friday's devastating earthquake.

    Reports said smoke was seen coming from the plant at Fukushima and several workers were injured.

    Japanese officials fear a meltdown at one of the plant's reactors after radioactive material was detected outside it.


    Yes.=, that map is a worst-case scenario.

    Video of explosion:

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian Covers W
  • Kim Kardashian Covers W

  • Denarius
    Mar 16, 09:38 AM

    Nuclear is the only non-fossil fuel which has proven itself capable of producing sizable amounts of electricity. Wind, solar, etc. are a complete joke as of today. Instead of the OP, I guess the question you really need to answer is, should we make decisions based on sound reality based scientific data, or short-term, panic-mode, irrational reactions to the effects of an extremely rare national emergency which could have been better prepared for (like not putting the plant on the ****** BEACH!)

    For those of you advocating the elimination or reduction of nuke power, just realize that the only feasible alternative currently is...
    Drill baby, drill!

    Spot on.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian Naked For W
  • Kim Kardashian Naked For W

  • pseudobrit
    Sep 26, 12:21 AM
    Where's the eight-core Memromn?

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian: W Magazine
  • Kim Kardashian: W Magazine

  • Banjhiyi
    Apr 15, 10:25 AM
    Absolutely ridiculous. Fat kids DO commit suicide, by the way. A lot of kids do. But these days it doesn't get in the news because it isn't sexy.


    Don't forget folks, being obese is a crime in half the world and punishable by death in a quarter of that world.

    Remember, too, that obesity was illegal in several US states up until a generation ago.

    And recount the number of openly obese individuals who were assassinated in broad daylight just because of the way their biological dice had landed.

    Let's not just target bullying against those with obesity problems. After all, that means we are deliberately ignoring other types of bullying, and that just isn't sexy.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Reality TV star Kim Kardashian
  • Reality TV star Kim Kardashian

  • supmango
    Mar 18, 10:34 AM
    The thing that I don't like about this is that data is data. Whether it's coming from a PC thru my iPhone, or directly from my's still DATA. I can't stand that they charge an extra $20 for using data that I already pay for. It's double dipping, and therefore I will refuse to use the feature. I would absolutely love to tether. There's been times where I needed it, and even though I'm jailbroken, haven't used it. I seriously think this is an area for a class action.

    They actually give you an extra 2gb of data now with the tethering plan. I suspect you argument is one of the main reasons that was implemented.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. W Magazine November 2010
  • W Magazine November 2010

  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 03:46 PM
    nixd2001, others:

    Please note I am editing my previos post (last one on page 7) to address the issue.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian is no stranger
  • Kim Kardashian is no stranger

  • Surely
    Apr 15, 09:08 AM
    Nice to see a little corporate social responsibility coming from all of those companies.


    kim kardashian w magazine cover. kim kardashian w magazine pics
  • kim kardashian w magazine pics

  • mr. who?
    Apr 13, 07:46 AM
    $300! Makes me think Logic Studio X might be $199.

    Hoping we see some sort of massive overhaul of Logic soon. Would be awesome.

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian x Barbara
  • Kim Kardashian x Barbara

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 13, 07:37 PM
    came up with the coupon just in the nick of time to save me even more than I expected to save - like another $250. Total bill came to only $1468.32. Amazing luck for me.

    Yeah, rxse7en -- you da man!

    I had been considering getting another one of these 30" Dell monitors since I love the one I've got and as big as it is, when working on compositing images from two or three 1080p sources, doubling my desktop space would be a dream. I pulled the trigger on one the other day with the recent price drop plus Dell's 15% off. Then this coupon came along. I called up Dell and they refused to apply the coupon at first so I just threw at them, well how about I cancel my order, refuse shipment and order another monitor with the coupon. ;) The guy thought about it for a bit and then decided to adjust my order.

    It should be here monday, but I still have to get a sales tax issue cleared up... They charged me too much tax to begin with and then also didn't adjust it when altering my invoice. So I live in an area where I'm supposed to pay a max of 4.6% yet I'm getting charged nearly 8% of the pre-adjusted amount. Ouch. :mad:

    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian#39;s Racy W
  • Kim Kardashian#39;s Racy W

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 08:49 PM
    I was assuming this "family of four" included younger kids (possibly one age 4 and one age 9). ...They do watch a boatload of TV. Between the two of them they could easily watch 8 different series.

    Now for the parents...
    I would assume they each have one or two daily show(s) that they like to watch (which is where I was counting most of the monthly cost). For example, "The Daily Show" is $20 a month multiplied by 3 different shows, equals $60/month. Plus, it would also be expected that they should watch a few series (probably at least 5 between the two).

    Perhaps it was a exaggeration, but I think I proved my original point that buying your TV shows from iTunes could easily exceed your monthly cable bill (maybe not for a single person, but once you get a whole family watching TV, it isn't that hard).

    ...Plus, how do you get your local/national news and sports shows? ...and no, news & sports "highlights" from iTunes don't count.

    Dude. If this is your family, you need to be watching less TV and getting outside more. Or at least stay inside and play board-games with the kids. It's much more fun than vegging out on the couch.

    geeze. Yeah, if I watched that much TV, I'd be complaining about the iTS too!


    kim kardashian w magazine cover. Kim Kardashian W Magazine
  • Kim Kardashian W Magazine

  • milo
    Sep 20, 05:58 PM
    In essence, the mac mini can do ALL OF THAT, plus more, minus the ability to go out via HDMI. If apple just upgraded FRONT ROW to the quality of the iTV user interface, you have an iTV right there on the mac mini!

    And it will cost twice what the iTV costs.

    People aren't willing to pay that much for a settop box. Game over. Product dead.

    it won't have any dvr functionality... it'll just be frontrow on your tv, and nothing else.

    And that's exactly what I want. I don't want to pay for extra crap that I don't need.
    Sep 12, 06:36 PM
    I can see where you're coming from regarding linear programming. However, commercials aren't going away and any effort to subvert advertising will be met with strong resistance from the content providers.

    It is not subverted -- it is evolved. My clients -- the content providers and advertisers -- demand viral marketing efforts -- they are ahead of the curve: they want what works, they want the uTube factor, not yesterday's in your face ads.

    Oct 26, 05:16 PM
    My question is: if desktops are ramping up their cores so quickly with quad-core and dual quad-core processors, why are we to be stuck at "only" dual-core for notebooks for so long? As far as I have seen from my own "research" is that notebooks will be stuck at dual-core until at least Nehalem (45nm - 2009), and more likely Gesher (32nm - 2011), but certainly not Penryn (45nm - 2007). What gives??? Hell, at around the same time that Gesher arrives, Intel's Kiefer is supposed to be 32-Cores!

    I know, heat and power, blah blah blah. But are laptops really going to be left THAT far behind?

    Mar 18, 09:51 AM
    Sir it is perfect.

    You are paying for the same thing.

    I have an unlimted plan

    and I never have gone over 5gb

    if one has a 2gb plan and never goes over and we both surf on the internet
    Tethering whats the difference?

    I have no idea why you can't understand Data=Data
    both are pure
    the logic so you understand

    I drink water = use Data on the phone
    I pour water over my head = Data through tethering

    So its valid. Using the same amount of substance, what we pay for, to do things in different ways, what should not matter.

    Amount should be the issue not how I used it.

    even my 10 year old son LOL when we talked about this, he said he doesn't understand why you would pay twice for the same thing.

    Obviously it escapes you.


    I recommend you go to someone other than your 10 year old son for legal advice as it is clear you have no idea what a contract is. While you may wish the amount is the issue, that is not what you agreed to. Its also clear you don't understand how AT&T comes up with their pricing models and how your selfish actions effect us all.

    Again, no one forced you to enter into an agreement with AT&T. There were other phones. And now that Verizon has the iPhone you can even switch carriers.

    But you did agree, and now you are operating outside that agreement and crying foul. Sorry, the foul is on you. It doesn't matter if you think they are charging too much etc, any more than you can go in to a store and buy one bottle and steal one bottle of your beloved water because you think their price is too high.

    If you feel you are operating under your contract legally, then have the backbone to enter into legal action. I am sure there is a class action hungry lawyer who would love to take on AT&T for some quick bucks, if in fact you do have a case.

    But we both know, you don't have a case because you are in fact operating outside the contract.

    Just because you can fool a 10 year old into justifying your actions, does not mean you can fool the rest of us.

    Nov 1, 01:20 PM
    Just who will write the programs for all this parallel processing? It's not simple and full of crashes as one core competes with memory etc. I believe it will be a long time before programming will catch up to these processors. That doesn't make them worth the money just yet.;)

    Evidently you haven't read the myriad of posts in this thread regarding multi-threaded workflows... :rolleyes: :cool:

    Mar 19, 08:31 PM
    You are one of the few moral and sane individuals who I see on this server. People who see beyond this robin hood mentality that permeates the computer world like a plague. People don't seem to feel as though they have done anything wrong when they have stolen something that is not physical.

    Now I won't sit here and claim that I have never ever stolen music or software. I have downloaded my fair share of warez in my day, we all have. To deny that is to deny the very thing that makes us human. Ok, maybe not, but I'm not going to play holier than thou. Software companies, however get it, where movie companies don't. Software companies understand that they aren't Losing money by having software pirated (with the exception of game publishers, and office style software.) The fact is, that five to ten years ago, when i warezed it up, and stole a copy of say, Photoshop, and FinalCutPro 1, the software company was not losing money. Why? Because there is no way that I would have purchased the software did I not steal it. It was a zero sum game then. Now, that I use Photoshop, FCP, DVD SP, and a load of other expensive apps, (My computer is worth a third of what the software installed on it is,) for business purposes, I purchase them legally. Most businesses do the same thing.

    Recording companies should realize the same thing. I have never downloaded a song that i would have purchased could I not have downloaded it. If I like something enough to buy it, the I buy it. Recodring companies don't lose that much to file sharing for that very reason. People download music as a preview a majority of the time. Give the rate faeces that the recording companies want to release, thank god for that ability too. My rant is over, I'm getting bored.


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