Saturday, May 21, 2011

keanu reeves matrix revolutions

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  • enoC
    Apr 14, 01:05 PM
    Not here. Still have that issue on 4.3.1 on new (restored from backup) iPad 2.

    Tried restoring and setting it up as new?

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  • upekkharich
    Sep 30, 09:41 AM
    which AT&T representative said that this is normal?
    Oh, I see, it was a technician writing a repair report.

    so it is normal. this does not mean that anyone, technician or CEO, said it is acceptable. the technicians notes, imho, seem to merely state that the phone works as expected, normally, regardless of the networks issues.

    maybe i have a problem because i do not live in NYC or SF, drop very few calls. Forgive me for being sympathetic. Albeit premature, I haven't yet had my hissy fit that I blame on the world not being the one I invented in my workshop.

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  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 11:12 AM
    I have a black iPad2 64gb Verizon that I picked up at Brea Mall this morning.

    Looking to trade for black iPad2 64gb AT&T.




    ROFL! No one in their right mind is going to swap an AT&T for a Verizon model when the GSM models are in such short supply.

    Also, though I know none of them read Macrumors, I'd like to sneak a moment of catharsis by sending out a big karmic f_ck you to all the scalpers who stood in line on Friday and bought out all the GSM models to ship and sell them overseas.

    Anyway, off to order my GSM version online, and then to enjoy my Verizon white 32GB at work while I'm not drafting contracts & wills.

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  • roland.g
    Sep 30, 12:07 AM
    I took my 3G in to an Apple Store after extensive phone-based troubleshooting with Applecare techs and AT&T techs complaining of dropped calls. They ran a diagnostic that showed I had a 44% dropped call rate and gave me a replacement phone. Unfortunately AT&T also spent the summer robusting their network, so I continued to have problems though to a lesser degree. Over the last few weeks since they completed their network upgrades, I have seen my dropped call rate decrease significantly. Not necessarily happy with AT&T, their network, and the problems/service to date, but if the upgraded network proves over time that it is less prone to signal and dropped call issues, then I will be happier at least.

    BTW, Denver, CO.


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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 01:34 PM
    If you don't have an iPhone... you may have LTE :D

    If you don't have the only device that supports LTE, the Thunderbolt, you don't have LTE. :D

    Oh, also, if you have a device that makes it through a day you definitely don't have LTE. :D

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  • milo
    May 3, 08:52 AM
    Is it confirmed these beauties have SATA III?

    Exactly what I'm wondering. The new laptops have SATA III for the boot drive but II for the optical. I would hope these have III for the boot drive and optional SSD, it would be nice if they just went ahead and used it for the optical as well.

    Now how about a mac pro update, now there are two cheaper lines with thunderbolt (and likely SATA III).


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  • tekjunke
    Jan 30, 06:59 PM
    Tickets, to see:

    All I can say is wow, just wow. No wonder it has a 48% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

    My sentiments exactly! if it weren't for laughing at the ridiculously impossible stunts... I would have fallen asleep

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  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 21, 11:03 PM
    Samsung spends all the money they make from Apple suing them.


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  • Chimera
    Oct 18, 04:40 PM
    so what will we see in 2007?

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  • Andrew K.
    Sep 16, 11:52 PM
    Bought a new shirt :rolleyes:

    Dude I've been looking for a shirt like that! Where'd you buy it???


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  • notabadname
    Apr 28, 11:06 AM
    So the iPhone went from being pummeled by Android to now just being badly beaten.

    That is Awesome.

    Ha, ha . . . As if I should be embarrassed about losing a bar fight against 20 people.

    Name any single Android phone model that has out-sold the iPhone 4.

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  • mrkramer
    Apr 24, 11:01 AM
    It says it used different frequencies... but then how can people jailbreak/unlock their iPhones and use it on T-mobile?

    It's EDGE only, 3G is what uses different frequencies.


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  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 14, 08:53 AM
    They probably made a change to the app store to add items to the "list of supported devices" and the developer left his test string in there. The Mac app store and iTunes app store probably share that bit of code, hence the mention of "mac". Its most probably meaningless.

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  • Heilage
    May 2, 12:58 AM
    From a moral standpoint, I can't be happy that he is dead. No one deserves to die. He should have spend the rest of his life in a prison cell, waking up every day to the realization that he failed.

    However, I'll grant you that if someone was a ****** member of society, it's that douche.

    EDIT: Also, HAH! The Democrats got him!


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  • rstansby
    Jun 6, 04:43 PM
    Yeah, "accidentally," sure. :rolleyes: The price and the buttons on the app store are clearly labeled. You don't just "accidentally" purchase this. It's only believable if the kid is still an infant and randomly tap on stuff, but 11 year old? Come on. :rolleyes: Besides, there's an option to restrict the ability to install apps on the OS.

    As many people have mentioned in this thread, once you enter your password to download one app, there is a short window when you are not required to enter it again to download another app.

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  • Bear
    Jul 24, 08:51 PM
    If the button mechanism of the BT Mighty Mouse is identical to the original Mighty Mouse, I for one will not be getting it.

    Since my most recent Mac purchase came with a Mighty Mouse, I tried it - it sucked. To right click, you needed to have your finger off the left button long enough for the sensor under it to register you've removed your finger - even if you weren't pressing down.

    If I was writing a reviw of the original Might Mouse, this is the headline I'd use:

    Apple's [Not So] Mighty Mouse - The Mighty [Sucky] Mouse
    This mighty mouse won't save anyone's day...


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  • jason221
    May 3, 11:27 PM
    Well, that's disappointing.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Dec 29, 11:09 AM
    fattest person in the world is not exactly an honor anyone should want.

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  • asdf542
    Apr 21, 10:14 PM

    Nov 25, 12:53 AM
    gonna be getting this for myself

    Apr 19, 07:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I had to finally register to comment on the hypocrisy in this and many other threads like it. Because some people want frame rates for gaming on an MBA, then your needs for GPU performance are valid, and others who don't game but could use CPU performance have invalid needs? Rubbish.

    A perfect example is the above. So the C2D rates as a 100/100 for CPU performance and thus any improvement is useless? Really?! Nice to see that you framed the argument such that any improvement you don't see as needed is useless.

    On Sunday I combined 6 or 8 short 720p video clips into a 7 minute video for YouTube with a simple title screen and transitions. It took the C2D ~40 minutes to process the video and save in a new format. So you're really going to argue that there is nothing to be gained from a significant bump in processor speed?

    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.


    CPU and GPU are both important. There is one critical difference between CPU and GPU though and thats this:

    A user can usually wait on on the CPU with no impact other than the fact that they had to wait. Using your example. You waited 40 minutes. A CPU that that was twice as fast might have reduced your wait to 25 minutes. A CPU that was half a fast would have increased your wait time to maybe 75 minutes. The only consequence of CPU speed is time in general. There is rarely a difference in the final product.

    GPU is different, GPU is often used to perform realtime calculations (Game or movie frames). Because the frames are related to a specific point in time, a difference is GPU performance can make the difference between usable and unusable. For that reason, people that like, want or need GPU performance tend to be focal.

    In my experience, poor GPU performance bugs me more than poor CPU performance. You can't just wait for the GPU to get done, like you can with a CPU. There does have to be a balance though.

    Well said

    Apr 13, 07:59 PM

    I'll believe it when I see it. I mean, yes this could delay the iP5 but then again i'm still betting that this wont happen.

    It would be a TOTAL embarrassment for apple to release this alone. They made a joke of it at the iPad 2 event and putting it out alone so randomly would just further publicize that they failed to do it 10 months ago.

    Jan 29, 11:36 PM
    Apple has great products, but we are going to be experiencing more than a recession. Donald Trump stated that what was going to happen in North America is going to make Russia look like a picnic during world war 2. The CEO of Wall-Street stated two years ago that there will be a world economic crash worse than what happened during the 1930's due to the amount of debt. The European Union Banks stated 1.5 years ago that they were preparing their banks for a world economic collapse. Unfortunately most of us are living the status quo and do not want to acknowledge that our way of life is going to drastically change. Unfortunately even a company as great as Apple will not be able to retain the level of what the stocks are worth even at todays low. My advice is pay of your debts... sell your stocks while you still have money, sell your home and then when the collapse occurs then invest.

    Apr 13, 07:37 PM
    Who cares! A little too late now, bring on the iPhone 5!

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