Tuesday, May 17, 2011

justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth

justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. One crying onstage and justin
  • One crying onstage and justin

  • charlituna
    Apr 2, 09:31 PM
    I'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.

    Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.

    Virtually every unit huh.

    Well I have seen tons of postings all over about 'I got the new ipad' with no mention of said problems.

    I bought one opening weekend for home use and one last week for work with nada. All nine of the cast on my current gig have problem less iPad 2s, plus the office has gotten close to 100 units all with no issues.

    Perhaps by 'virtually every' you mean 'not even one percent of what has been sold' because that is probably the real number

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. this Singing down to earth
  • this Singing down to earth

  • iPadztr
    Mar 25, 03:52 PM
    Who wouldve thought :). GG

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Justin+ieber+singing+down
  • Justin+ieber+singing+down

  • mkrishnan
    Jan 1, 05:53 PM
    Whatever happend to the thin macbook? That is all I wanted this year.

    I don't think there's been any compelling evidence to support that, sadly. At least, several very seemingly viable component technologies, such as ULV C2D's, are not available yet.

    For the iSight, too, no really compelling evidence of what the revised product would be, should there be one.

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. singing down to earth
  • singing down to earth

  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 12:39 PM
    Look, they discontinued the $50 BTO superdrive option on the lower end model. Are they purposely trying to drive me to Velocity Micro?The SAVE refurb page has what you want for $649. If you really want that model, pull the trigger.

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Cry while singing and starts
  • Cry while singing and starts

  • spyd4r
    Oct 23, 09:19 PM
    I have been patiently waiting for the new macbook pro just as long as the rest of you, but i have had it, they are like 1.5 - 2 months behind their competitors now.. I am just about ready to drop the money and upgrade my PC desktop instead...they betttter hurrry! ;)

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Video: Justin Bieber Leaves
  • Video: Justin Bieber Leaves

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 7, 01:17 PM
    5. iPods screens are too small to watch full length movies on, and their disk space is too limited for movies (iPod nano outsells the video iPod)

    A lot of thought went into your opinion, and it was a good read (I agree with a lot of it), but I have a slight problem with point 5. Not a big problem, just a slight one. :)

    I have a 30GB iPod video, and I do enjoy watching movies and tv shows on it. I also have what I think is a ton of content on it (all 3 LOTR movies extended editions, 150 eps. of various Star Trek episodes, a couple of Star Trek movies, all 3 star wars movies, all 3 Indiana Jones movies, about 30 eps. of Kids in the Hall, Akira, a few episodes of Deadwood, 5 or 6 other movies [not pr0n :) ] and about 30 music videos) and I still have 8gigs of space left on the drive.

    I have no problem watching movies on the small screen. I enjoy it, but that's my opinion. I find there's plenty of space on the drive for tons of content, but you may look at that and say that's not a lot.

    I will however, very much look forward to a widescreen iPod video. I hope it comes out on the 12th, but I don't think it will. We'll see.

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Bieber gets emotional and less
  • Bieber gets emotional and less

  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 13, 03:51 PM
    That's along the lines of what I was thinking, a macbook without ethernet or phone jacks, can only get on the net via airport, for thinnesseseseses sake.

    Apple will NOT do that, however, remember the collapsing port patent filed by Apple?

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Justin Bieber broke down in
  • Justin Bieber broke down in

  • Torrijos
    Apr 19, 01:03 PM
    Sure iMacs have replaced desktop in a lot of creatives offices, but this might change with the adoption of Grand Central Dispatch and OpenCL by developers. Finally allowing the full use of a Mac Pro by those who need it (like with the next Final Cut X).

    What could be cool though would be that Apple allows a little bit of modularity in the iMac...

    Besides allowing for the user to upgrade the RAM, SSDs slot(s) could be available in the same opening so the user could add SDD themselves (with the same form factor as MBA's SSD).

    That alone would be an amazing upgrade for the iMac, allowing the clients to push back such an expensive upgrade without too much pressure, hell another trap door to give access to the hard drive.

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Justin Bieber Crying On Stage.
  • Justin Bieber Crying On Stage.

  • mulze22
    Aug 16, 11:16 AM
    It seems like there is so many iPod ideas floating around. Full video iPod, wireless iPod, iPhone. Why not put it all into one machine. I mean it is Apple. They can do what they want.

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Justin+ieber+crying+gif
  • Justin+ieber+crying+gif

  • Peace
    Jul 19, 05:39 PM
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    not as long as Vista customers will have to wait :D

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Justin Bieber Crying On Stage.
  • Justin Bieber Crying On Stage.

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 08:46 PM
    I just finished reading the old thread, only to discover that there was a new story on MacRumors and a new thread... so here's my comments:

    For context, I started cutting film back when I had two reels and a viewer in the middle... and I had to hand crank it to preview. Cutting involved a nice razor embedded in plastic and a splice was a fancy piece of tape with sprocket holes in it. I am a software developer and I've long lamented how early editing software has always been based on just replicating the film process electronically.

    Then I started to meet the Video People. Video People are much of the industry- the editors for TV news, the editors for TV programs, the wedding photographers. Just about everbody but filmmakers, but also including a lot of the lower end film production support (eg: editing houses.) The Video People have been taught rules of thumb. They are not very technical. They know how it is "supposed" to work because that's what they learned in colllege or at their first jobs. They are all stuck in specific workflows and specific ways of doing things.

    They output to tape because they cannot grasp the concept that tape became obsolete a decade ago (and the ones who can grasp it are stuck dealing with others who demand delivery and archive on tape.)

    These are the same people who think that iMovie was a joke when it was reworked. I loved it. I was happy to see a tiny, little step forward in working with video. Apple thought just a smidgen different and people went crazy. Sure it had less features than the previous one-- but creativity was so unleashed that the minor hassle of working around those features not being built in was no big deal.

    I think Apple is skating to where the puck is. Apple is going to release a Final Cut focused on the direction the industry is heading. If Apple does its job right, the Video People will be screaming their heads off. But the 20 year olds who don't know anything but "want to make movies" (and are more serious than those willing to limit themselves to iMovie) will take it and start cutting the next generation of indie features.

    Maybe Apple will provide all the features the Video People are threatening to switch to Avid if they don't get (as if it is some sort of a hostage demand -- "I'm going to post to macrumors forums and threaten to switch to Avid! That will teach them!". I've met many people in many industries but the Video People are the most rigid, the least genuinely understanding of technology and the most fixated on rules of thumb and rigid perspectives about How Things Should Work. Seriously, computer illiterate grease monkies are more flexible and open to new technology, in my experience. The Video People think they are Pros (because hey earn a salary) and therefore, anything that causes them to stretch or adjust or re-think the processes they use is "bad". The idea that something might be more efficient or produce a better quality result seems unfathomable.

    If Apple has spent the last several years working on something signficant (which is the implication of the claims Apple has "abandoned their pro products") then the Video People are going to be screaming bloody murder in a couple hours. I look forward to it.

    (PS- I didn't call anyone in this thread a Video People. You can choose to take offense if you wish, but I'm talking about people I've met and had to work with in the industry, not posters to this thread whom I do not know personally.)

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Frankiekeywords ieber, gif
  • Frankiekeywords ieber, gif

  • AppliedVisual
    Nov 15, 12:34 PM
    You are not a developer, I take it?

    Are you seriously suggesting that a developer should ship a product with features that are not only untested, but haven't even been tried out?

    What do you prefer: Unpack 8 core Mac Pro, install Handbrake, run it, 50 percent CPU usage, or unpack 8 core Mac Pro, install Handbrake, run it, kaboom!

    Being a developer with a fair bit of graphics programming and multithreaded development experience, I would say the solution is somewhere in-between. There's no reason software isn't being planned for the upcoming CPU architectures and newer versions being developed to handle such. In other words, it's no secret that this hardware is coming, we've known about quad-core clovertown CPUs for nearly a year.. Engineering samples started shipping several months ago (early september, IIRC). Too bad Apple doesn't make pre-release hardware available via higher-level ADC programs, only a select few get the priviledge.

    Programmers should make the effort to accommodate upcoming multi-core designs into their software development cycle. Once a new system is released, it should be a minimal effort to test and tweak the software for the new system and quickly release an update, thus making their customers only wait a week or two from when the systems first ship as opposed to several weeks/months while much of an application is re-written to accommodate 8 cores since the last version was hard-coded to handle 4. And then the cycle starts again in 18 months when 12 or 16 core chips start shipping. I don't think the software industry has really warmed-up to the multi-core paradigm just yet. They have been resisting it for years as anyone who has run multiprocessor systems over the years will attest to. But this is the way it's going to be for a while and eventually we'll hit a core barrier, just as the MHz barrier popped up. Both Intel and AMD are predicting 80 to 120 cores being the max for the x86 architecture. So start planning and figuring how to micro-manage threads and fibers within your code because we'll be hitting 16 to 24 cores by 2010 and MHz per core isn't going to creep much past 3GHz. And the current thread per task, thread per CPU core mentality that many programmers have is not the proper way to approach this.

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Justin Bieber crying in Down
  • Justin Bieber crying in Down

  • cleanup
    Nov 27, 03:11 PM
    My god, the dog with the goggles is right! I think I like him just as much as the donkey astronaut.

    Oh, another set of these:


    Stop buying things for yourself! 'Tis the season of giving, you know.

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Earth on mar apr
  • Earth on mar apr

  • LaMerVipere
    Aug 7, 12:56 AM
    Maybe I'm reading to much into this... but did anyone else notice that Apple has all of their products on that big banner except for the full-size iPod and the Xserve? Could it be that the new iPod will certainly be released then, and that its banner is hidden?

    Hmm, that is interesting. I hadn't thought of that...

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. Bieber , small town kid from
  • Bieber , small town kid from

  • apb3
    Aug 16, 01:14 PM
    No your missing my first point. Sharing in my mind in this context is the listening but not the distribution of music. Synching is the distribution.

    Hence why i was saying my method would allow you to share your library's but not sync them to more than one pod thus eliminating the piracy factor.

    We are obviously talking about different things

    I guess so. edit: but the original story mentions wireless purchasing. That brings us back to my point(s) as to why this is not likely. end edit

    But do you really think that being able to share with one iPod is worth the costs? I already argued that point. If that's the only unique new feature - no go. Even if this came from a more reputable source, I still say there's NO WAY this passes the smell test.

    The only way this would do anything for anyone is to drive sales of "shared" songs one pod to the other. Your friend lets you listen, you go home and buy (or buy on your iPod wirelessly but that brings me back to my original point doesn't it?) Word of mouth works just as well if not better and doesn't take away sales from other products, add to the cost of the unit, drain my battery and make Apple look like it's playing catch up.

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. justin bieber tattoo on his
  • justin bieber tattoo on his

  • twoodcc
    Aug 24, 11:51 PM
    bring it on! i sure hope they release something

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. justin bieber on stage singing
  • justin bieber on stage singing

  • orangerizzla
    Apr 3, 01:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Very nice... now about that iCal leatherette refresh... Blah blah blah ;-)

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. singing down to earth
  • singing down to earth

  • twoodcc
    Apr 14, 07:39 PM
    So I should put the -bigadv into my i7, it's not a great i7 I think its at 1.66ghz and in a laptop. Should I risk it? How can I maximise the PPD from my i7 as its only doing like 1-2k a day I think.

    sorry, i should have been more clear. i forgot that they have i7 laptop processors out. only the desktop processors can do -bigadv units, and they gotta be overclocked to be worth it (they are very easy to overclock).

    1.66 Ghz and a laptop isn't going to make it for bigadv units they need to be completed within about 3-4 days to make it worthwhile and I doubt your machine would make that time frame. An overclocked i7 920 at about 3-4? Ghz will work. My i7 920 is not overclocked so I don't do bigadv units on it and it also is running 3 gpu's so it has some overhead from them.

    yeah, i wouldn't overclock with 3 gpu's in there (well, actually i'd probably try it, but you're doing so well with ppd already, not worth the risk)

    Hey twoodcc, when did you sneak past lyzardking, I totally missed it, congrats for making it to 3rd place! And you're at about 1200th place overall, won't be long before you get to 3 digits!

    haha, thanks. yeah i think i moved into 3rd yesterday or the day before. yeah looking forward to 3 digits. i just gotta get this other system up and running. i really need to rearrange my gpus again, but just haven't had the time

    justin bieber crying on stage singing down to earth. ladies love Justin Bieber?
  • ladies love Justin Bieber?

  • Cygnus311
    Sep 7, 10:17 AM
    Low priced rentals only for me please. Not paying the same price for a movie as I can get the DVD for in stores, not to mention it needs to be playable on people's big HDTV's (which I'm sure they're aware of).

    Nov 27, 12:48 PM
    ChuChu! Rocket (iPhone 4) on sale for $.99. Classic Dreamcast game.

    Oct 14, 06:53 PM
    You talk about the price but I look at it this way. shore it might not be that great for the price and the difference between the hign end mini and the low end imac is not worth the hign end mini price but the point of the mini is to get people off the windows crap.I was going to switch back when the first intel mini came out but wanted something bettter for the price I ended up getting another windows one but now that the low end mini has due core and more ram I'm looking at selling my pc and getting a mac.I have been a fan of apple and the mac for many years and can see that it is not there hardware that sells the systems but there OS. I feel vista is doomed to fail and apple will be there to pick up the pieces when leopard comes out. I think Macworld 07 will be the best yet and will put windows and the pc on the down fall for good.Apple will be king in 2007 and we need to stop complaining and know apple will keep on putting the goods out.

    Jul 18, 03:37 PM
    there r plenty movies i watch more than once i would rather buy a movie though from itunes rather than rent as i have netflix already and it would be a better fit i think steve went to rental if its true cause of the price diffrence he wants 9.99 for a movie the studios want atleast 19.99 so thats why i think this would be true even if they both comprimise and be 12-14 and maybe through some exclusive content bonus featurs i would still buy movies for itunes espiecaily once i get my ipod video

    Apr 2, 08:26 PM
    My backlight bleeds

    You have a backlight?!

    Jan 12, 12:36 PM
    I don't see the benefit of a MacBook Slim.

    Can someone pursued me or tell me why it would be better then just having a MacBook?

    Because it's too small for any power but it's too big for your pocket. Win-win.

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