Saturday, May 14, 2011

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  • MyDesktopBroke
    Mar 22, 03:22 PM
    I'm not sure what the point of this thread is any more. It started by claiming Obama was elected in part due to being an anti-war candidate, but that was refuted since he openly advocated escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan is multiple interviews.

    Now it seems to be about attacking without congressional approval, but I think he has a 30 day window in which to act ( before that becomes a legal issue.

    Is it about bias coverage? DailyKos is highlighting stories like ( this (, HuffPo has a column about Obama's "Imperial Presidency (" Yahoo's already covering the cost of the Libya mission, and MSNBC's article states that "Obama�s stance is striking: not only hasn�t he addressed the question of congressional authorization, but acting without it appears to be at odds with what he stood for when he ran for president ("

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  • xStep
    Apr 11, 04:23 PM
    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

    LOL! OK, so the new generation of iMovie isn't compatible with you. I like the new iMovie. Sure it has it's quirks and a different take on the editing process, but I'm compatible with it and FCP.

    Randy's experiment that turned into the new iMovie was a tool to allow him to quickly skim through his personal content for use in Final Cut. Apparently, other powers that be, when seeing it, thought it a good base for a new consumer video editor. I don't recall it being publicly shared how much influence came from others for the new iMovie. Other's influence has been assumed, except for idiots who want to personally attack Randy.

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 02:39 PM
    I've been wanting to say this for a very long time. Google's OS has no advantage over iOS. You could even say it has a disadvantage. Having to create a vanilla code base that needs to function on multiple pieces of hardware is complex, more complexity creates weaker system.

    But here's my point. The ONLY ONLY reason why Android market share is anywhere near what it is today is because of the Buy One Get One options at most phone retailers. iOS has NEVER done that and hopefully never will. If you didn't care about the phone or service but needed two "Newer Smart Phones" one for you and one for your wife, why not go with the "Blah Blah" model from Verizon where if I buy one today I get the second for free (two year agreement and activation fees required).

    Market share means nothing. This platform is doomed unless Google reins it in and get control over it. If they do, providers will be less willing to work with them, if they don't, by by Android.

    My Two Cents.

    From my own personal experience, I know very few people that have Android phones that took advantage of the BOGO deal.

    I personally bought this Android phone because I read reviews, and it was the best lower end phone, and I can't justify spending an enormous amount of money on something I'll upgrade in a year.

    I used an iPhone 3GS for a year, and I don't miss it.
    It's a very nice phone, but the features that I can use on Android more than make up for any advantages the iPhone had.

    Once again, this is just MY opinion, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

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  • AppleKrate
    Sep 19, 10:49 AM
    The MacBookPro is still too new a release to have the major type of changes you and others are hoping for. All you're going to get for the next year or two is speed bumps and maybe an upgrade in HD capacity, Graphics card, or Optical Drive (Blue-Ray or HD-DVD)

    Basically I see two types of users in here pleading for the newer chips: the average users who just "like the idea of fast" when it really does them no good, and the professionals who are consistantly holding out for something better. The professionals are few and far between.

    Please tell me what is majorly new about the current MacBook Pro besides an intel chip :confused: (and the name of course :rolleyes: )

    PS how about an amateur professional? If not, maybe a professional amateur?

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  • kdarling
    Apr 6, 03:01 PM
    But he then said after how well it would work on the phone, they put the tablet project on the shelf and focused on the phone as it was more important. Which means it was a tablet and no just a touch screen device in the beginning.

    Sure, it could've been a full tablet. It just didn't have iOS, is my point.

    People misremember a lot. You know how it goes: a story always gets better as time goes by :)

    For example, in the later tablet version we are told that seeing kinetic scrolling on the demo made him want for Apple to build a touch phone:

    “I had this idea about having a glass display, a multitouch display you could type on with your fingers. I asked our folks: could we come up with a multitouch display that we could type on? And six months later, they came back with this prototype display. And I gave it to one of our really brilliant UI guys and he called me back a few weeks later and had intertial scrolling working and I thought, ‘my God, we can build a phone with this!’ So we put the tablet on the shelf… and we went to work on the iPhone.”

    Yet, years before in one of the first iPhone articles in we were told that kinetic scrolling came later on:

    "At one point, Mr. Jobs got a call from one of the iPhone engineers with an idea: Why not allow iPhone users to navigate through both song collections and contacts stored on the device by simply flicking their fingers up and down across the surface of the touch-screen? The engineer gave Mr. Jobs a demonstration of the technology, and the Apple chief executive signed off on it immediately, according to a person familiar with the process."

    I'd love one day for a definitive history to come out, so we can know the full timing, and also credit those unsung engineers who actually invented it all.

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  • dukebound85
    Dec 7, 05:07 PM
    would those that have played this game reccomend getting it? or are there too many cons (standard cars, multiple versions of one car, bad AI in racing, bad physics in damage esp with standard, etc) that would lead to buyers remorse?

    Keep in mind, I have played quite abit of Forza, but now have a PS3 and want agood racing sim but just keep hearing bad things about this game (largely being an incomplete game)

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  • littleman23408
    Dec 2, 03:03 PM
    They kind of cant do more detailed damage to standard cars. Premium cars are modeled exactly right their real counterpart. Each body part is completely separate from the rest and can be torn off in a collision. Standard cars are one big mesh that can be dented, but not broken apart. In order to give the same level of damage to a standard car they'd have to update it to a premium model.
    I've heard/read chatter that some patches will update some standard cars to premium, but i dont think i've seen anything official yet. Kaz is way too ambitious and had to cut a lot out of the game already. I expect he'll add it in as time goes on, as patches and not paid DLC.

    Ah! I didn't realize that. Good to know!

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  • Category: Easter Clipart

  • Thex1138
    Apr 19, 07:37 PM
    It's a Samsung Galaxy Tab.

    Ridiculous nit-picking. it's in Korean, but I'm sure you get the idea.

    @kdarling: look up.. up... 4 posts up.. There you go.

    I saw that too.. a chick in our office loves her GaxTab... but that's a definite iBooks cloner...
    I also had to joke about her reason for buying it,.... to back up her PC files and transport them from office to home n vice-versa... ;)

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  • BGil
    Aug 8, 04:32 AM
    Have to agree with you on just about everything. If MS tried to release something like this, as anything other than a service pack, their user base would (quite rightly) crucify them.

    The TimeMachine mirrors the same functionality that was announced for Vista about a week ago,

    It's kinda unfair to say Microsoft just announced PreviousDocs/Shadow Copy "about a week ago" because it's been in every build for the last year.
    Winsupersite on build 5219:
    Windows Vista build 5219 also includes an integrated Shadow Copy client, which you manage from the Shadow Copies tab of the Properties dialog for your hard drive (Figure). This feature, which first originated in Windows Server lets you cache older versions of data files so that you can recover information in the event of an error. So if you overwrite a critical file, or inadvertently change part of a document, you can "go back in time" and access older versions.

    Let's see how this works. First, you need to enable Shadow Copies from the aforementioned dialog. Then, after you've mucked up a file, you can access its Properties dialog in Explorer and navigate to the Previous Versions pane (Figure). Here, you can select between various different versions of the document (and your time travel experience is complete). This is a great feature, and I'm glad to see it being added to the Windows client.

    That build was released in September of 2005.

    Even before that Bob Muglia, who head the Longhorn Server project, said it would be integrated into NTFS.
    MS also ships a shadow copy client for XP.

    If anything, Apple has known about Previous Docs for over a year now.

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  • NoNameBrand
    Jul 20, 08:23 AM
    The Mactopus

    Well, I don't know about Apple, but when I get one, that's the name it'll have.:D

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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 02:44 AM
    Are you saying you would prefer they give it the ability to use more memory before they give it the ability to use more processing cores? Because that's the only thing 64bit is going to give you.

    Yes, it does most of what I "need", but the competition does most of them better. Final Cut used to be cutting edge, now it's slow, inefficient and buggy.

    Naw, memory too. There's probably a lot I left out, it was just a quick list off the top of my head.

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  • AS5052 Happy Easter Clip Art

  • scotty321
    Apr 7, 10:46 PM
    Anybody who knows anything about the people who work at Best Buy will tell you that they are all a bunch of untrustworthy backstabbing liars, and you can't trust a thing they do or a thing they tell you. Best Buy is the worst.

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  • Easter Egg Hunt Clip Art

  • faroZ06
    Apr 27, 08:50 AM
    I miss the old Apple where they didn't care if idiots complained. Between changing the bars after the antenna issue, ( all they really did is change the bars to not show a big drop when there was a big drop in reception, as AT&T suggested,) and now nerfing location services DB they just seem to be giving in to idiocracy.

    And Tea Party members :D

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  • mahonmeister
    Nov 29, 12:35 AM
    Heeeeeeell Nooooooo.

    Eat my shorts Universal.

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  • happy easter clip art.

  • yodaxl7
    Apr 7, 11:56 PM
    As best as I can figure, it works like this. Managers get good grades if they sell certain amounts of products.

    I'll use low numbers here. Let's say BB corporate wants you to sell at least 5 iPads a day to make your "Quota". One day, 10 iPads come in. You sell all ten, yay, you made quota for the day.

    But the next day, none get shipped to the store. So, boo, you didn't make quota, since you didn't have any to sell.

    So, if you get 10 the day after that, & not knowing if more are coming tomorrow, you sell 5, make quota, and hold the other 5 for the next day when, low and behold, none get shipped to the store. You still have 5 left over to sell, which you do, and again you make quota for the day.

    Basically the more days you make quota, the happier BB corporate is, and the better chance Mr. Manager gets a bonus down the road.

    Mr. Manager (

    Best buy should fire these managers! Days without iPad, these days less customers in the store. Withholding a few would bring customers on days without any in stock.

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  • Happy Easter Bunnies Exclusive

  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Mar 31, 03:02 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.

    John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.
    Except... he's right. This was a bait-and-switch from Google. I don't think it was a bad move for the future of the platform, but it does render a lot of their PR commentary through history as bogus. As for Gruber, you clearly don't like him, but while he is certainly a fan of Apple he is usually correct.

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  • Happy Easter Clip Art A

  • Gasu E.
    Jul 14, 02:43 PM
    Did you see my above post? Great minds think a like... ;)

    Logically speaking, weak minds would also think "a like".

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  • animated happy easter clip art

  • buffalo
    Aug 11, 11:11 AM
    Is it possible for Apple to release a phone sold in their stores that would work on all networks? Or have several versions of the phone that will work for Verizon, Cingular...

    happy easter clip art images. animated happy easter clip art
  • animated happy easter clip art

  • ohaithar
    Aug 22, 07:37 AM
    I bought GT PSP and its as if the developers actively tried to suck all the enjoyment out of the series.

    GT for the PSP did suck

    Mar 22, 01:11 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Looking at these specs will be awsome while iPad users actualy have a ******** of Apps to actualy use their specs on. :rolleyes:

    Aug 27, 01:19 AM

    The update time for Apple's store is 9am EST? I was under the impression that it was 9am PST. I'm behind the times! (pun intended, I suppose)

    Is the 7-10 days for BTO iMacs? Or stock ones?

    Apr 11, 06:18 PM
    sept release will fall into my upgrade period. great

    Apr 25, 02:39 PM
    While I can't say that I like the idea of private information being recorded without clear consumer knowledge or warning, I have to wonder what exactly is getting 'exploited' here? In two years when you throw your phone out Apple secretly searches your trash, takes it and markets to you based on where you went two years ago? Give me a break. :rolleyes:

    again so that you might understand it:

    The issue is that the data are stored unencrypted on your iPhone. So everyone can steal your phone and find out where you've been in the last year. If you think that is not an issue then your job is not very important and your private life is very boring.;)

    It's not that Apple uses this info. It's about the fact that there is a gaping security hole that Apple did not fix.

    Apr 5, 05:22 PM
    Not again..

    NAB is for broadcast professionals - its doubtful there will be computer releases here.

    I've been to NAB and your statement could not be further from the truth. The FCPUG super meet is the perfect event to launch FCP. It's the largest global gathering of FCP power users.

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