Sunday, May 8, 2011

dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond

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  • FoxyKaye
    Feb 22, 06:04 PM
    And the general consumers don't really care when some sweaty geek foams at the mouth how much he hates Flash. They just want to be able to see all of the web, in its full Flash glory.
    For better and for worse.

    I happen to be one of those Geeks foaming at the mouth about flash, and in general, I think that the reason why Adobe was so upset by Jobs' recent comments that they're lazy and all their products are bloated and inefficient is because they hit to close to home.

    But you're also very right - the general consumer doesn't care about these points. On some level everyone "knows" that the Web "requires" flash, and without it they're not getting the full "experience." It's an easy hit for the competitor's marketing department to play up the full flash experience on devices that support it in comparison to the iPhone and iPad. Jobs can scream all he wants about HTML5 on the horizon, however, this isn't going to be fully realized for some time. Likewise, too many sites rely too heavily on flash content for its absence to not be felt.

    I think not supporting flash is a mistake, despite its technical flaws. Maybe this is all just a play by Apple to get Adobe to make some real and necessary improvements to flash in the first place - especially in how it taxes processor cycles and affects battery life on OS X (and presumably the iPhone OS as well). It wouldn't surprise me at all to see some magical "reconciliation" between Apple and Adobe on this point sometime this year as the iPad hits the consumer market.

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. Luda came with his girlfriend,
  • Luda came with his girlfriend,

  • JediZenMaster
    Mar 18, 10:36 AM
    ATT could use better price discrimination policies. There are many people who would like tethering, unrestricted 3G etc, who are more than willing to pay. Many would also give up unlimited data as long as ATT gave quality service at a decent price.

    So have you seen what verizon charges for tethering? This forum is extremely slighted towards AT&T. Yet Verizon charges more for tethering and they seem to get a free pass.

    So compared to the other carrier that offers the iPhone the tethering with AT&T is a "decent" price.

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  • girlfriend Beyonce Knowles

  • macUser2007
    Oct 8, 10:00 AM
    Flash is what will bring the iPhone down.

    I can see the ads:

    iPhone: I have touch.
    Android: Bleh, I have touch too.

    iPhone: I am sleek and I have a 3.5" screen.
    Android: Bleh, nowadays I am sleek too, and I have a 4" screen.

    Android: Oh, and I can surf ALL of the web, including Flash sites and Hulu.
    iPhone (nervously picking a pimple): Bleh, who needs Flash, I hate Flash!!! I hate Flash even more than I hated Copy/Paste. Just wait for HTML5, it'd be here in only 5 years....

    Voiceover: Yes you can! But only with Android.

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  • where Ross#39;s girlfriend in

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:39 PM
    Indeed sir, that is why I tried.

    Deo favente
    Thank you. That's very kind of you.

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  • Pao Gasol#39;s girlfriend

  • ReanimationLP
    Aug 29, 11:41 AM
    Who the hell listens to GreenPeace anymore.


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  • not denying dwight howard

  • MovieCutter
    Apr 12, 10:59 PM
    You guys are all failing to realize that it's not the software that makes a great editor. This release gives us full time editors render capability that we've been wanting for years, multicore awareness, slick timeline editing capabilities, etc. It's not going to change our final product, just give us a slicker way to get there.

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  • By nba baller dwight mar just

  • Liquorpuki
    Oct 7, 04:28 PM
    2. Only one manufactor is going to sting. Android is announced already on 4 different companies phones (Motoral, HTC, Samsung,and Nokia) I have heard rumors of Sony being added to that list as well.

    For those who like the iPhone, this works in our favor. With iPhone OS, there's only one hardware platform developers have to deal with. All they need to do for QC is make sure their apps work on the latest OS rev.

    Since Android is a platform running on multiple handsets, devs SHOULD test their apps on multiple phones. Most won't because they don't have the resources to get their hands on every single phone out there. So software that runs fine on one phone won't run on others and might even brick them because of different hw configurations. It happened with Windows Mobile.

    3. Apple very poor and single point app approval process is starting to a lot of problems. When Jail Break stores are kicking off it clearly people want more choices. Hell people Jail break just to get certain apps that apple will not approve or take to long to approve. Compared to google system where the app store is just one of many locations to buy apps.

    I agree with the app approval being slow but I don't think people appreciate how streamlined the process of putting a 3rd party app on your iphone is. It's rare that an app will make your OS unstable, brick your phone, and make you restore factory settings just to get it running again.

    Far as jailbreaking, to put it in perspective, look how bad Verizon cripples ALL their phones on release. Yea I have to hack the iphone to install maybe 5 choice apps I can't get otherwise, but at least my phone didn't have its GPS and bluetooth disabled, RAM cut in half, wi-fi disabled so I'd have to use 3g even though I'm at home, etc

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 10:13 PM
    no, i haven't been "infringed" by something lol.

    i said the ahmadiyyah, a religious minority, are persecuted in indonesia. you said they're not muslims, as if that justifies their persecution.

    do you understand now?

    Erm, nope - not abuse - infringed by religion.

    You didn't mention Indonesia.

    Nothing justifies persecution, nor does belief in a religion :)

    Right, I'm off to catch a flight home.

    Cya laters!

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. Dwight+howard+shoulders+
  • Dwight+howard+shoulders+

  • emotion
    Sep 20, 10:30 AM
    That's pretty much my question too. The iTV is a mini without DVD, storage, OS, or advanced interface? I guess I just don't see a market for this at $300.

    I do, it's like an ipod for video. Or more like maybe airtunes. Anyway. Read the whole thread I think some people get it.

    I think I understand what Apple is getting at here. Not sure I'll buy one but they might be on to something

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. Dwight+howard+shoulders+
  • Dwight+howard+shoulders+

  • tveric
    Mar 18, 05:04 PM
    The most important thing to note, however, is if you use PyMusique you may have your account cancelled (and Apple knows who you are and where you "live" based upon your credit card). So, if you really want to take that risk go ahead. And remember, you could also be found guilty of violating the DMCA even if you just try to use this tool. It's almost like you were planning of going online to one of the illegal music sharing sites, documenting your activities, and then sending that information directly to the RIAA with your name and address with a note asking them to prosecute. Basically, you're stupid to even try to use PyMusique.

    So, if I use PyMusique, and Apple cancels my account, thereby forcing me to use some other music store, or P2P service, Apple comes out ahead how, exactly?

    No one's account is getting cancelled. Apple will quickly negate the effects of this work-around just like they did the other ones. And I find it funny that every time someone finds a hole in the iTMS DRM and thereby forces Apple to make the iTMS more secure, a bunch of gloom-and-doom types weigh in on how bad, bad, bad it is to write/use such exploits. Just read some of the posts in this thread, it's friggin' hilarious.

    Everybody relax.

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  • Dwight+howard+son+braylon

  • Nermal
    Mar 18, 04:51 PM
    Second, it's a violation of DCMA.

    Why? He's not breaking copy protection, because the protection wasn't there in the first place.

    I can't believe that people think this is a bad thing. Don't you like freedom? :eek:

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. Romulusrumson on jrue howard
  • Romulusrumson on jrue howard

  • iMikeT
    Aug 29, 11:04 AM
    It's a tough one. I'd like to think that we could vote with our wallets over something like this, but unfortunately I need a computer, and there's no way I'm not using OSX.

    I'd like to think we could still complain about it, but "Apple's annual shareholder meetings have seen frequent protests from environmental groups" makes me think that they don't really give a toss, which is bad, mmkay.

    I don't really see why if Dell can do it, Apple can't.

    Did I read that correctly?

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. Dwight+howard+shoes+the+
  • Dwight+howard+shoes+the+

  • citizenzen
    Mar 27, 07:37 PM
    What does "anti-gay" mean?

    It means that his motivation is to get rid of the gay and not necessarily the welfare of his patient.

    For instance, a sex-change doctor/therapist wouldn't care if he's treating a man who wants to change into a woman or a woman who wants to change into a man. They're just there to facilitate whatever change the patient seeks to make.

    I doubt your doctor would ever consent to changing the orientation of a straight person to gay, because he's not interested in facilitating his patient's needs, he's really only interested in forwarding his own (anti-gay) agenda.

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. Dwight+howard+lakers
  • Dwight+howard+lakers

  • lbraud
    Apr 6, 11:23 AM
    Imagine Joe, who is strongly considering buying a Mac for the first time. He goes to the popular Mac sites to get excited about the purchase by being involved in the community. What does Joe find when he visits MacRumors? Big capital letters on the side bar, "SWITCHERS ONLY," discussing all possible reasons that switching could lead to, albeit minor, bad experiences. Joe wants to be informed. Joe reads the three pages of differences that other people found annoying.

    These posts are from people that are similar to himself, he identifies with them. One minor annoyance that he reads about won't shift his attitude away from buying a Mac, nor will that one poster look like a troll. If he reads many slightly negative messages all at once, they will change Joe's attitude toward "switching." If Joe is tentative and apprehensive enough to read all these posts, then it is a good chance he isn't yet committed to buying a Mac. This is exactly the kind of attitude that is most influenced by these types of messages.

    After reading the thread, Joe is left with Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (,_uncertainty_and_doubt) about buying a Mac. His attitude has changed and in a couple of days he won't remember why it changed�just a vague, uneasy feeling of uncertainty.

    Being informed is good. Free speech is good. Persuasion is a tool that is used for good and evil. Don't help evil screw Joe.

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. to Dwight+howard+lakers+
  • to Dwight+howard+lakers+

  • Apple OC
    Mar 12, 08:55 AM
    Before everyone jumps to conclusions and spreads fear mongering ... as I said this will not be like Chernobyl.

    While we are all on the same page and wish for the best news possible for the region ... we need to look at this with proper perspective.

    Chernobyl was 25 years ago and happened in a country known at the time to reject outside help.

    What is unfolding in Japan will be dealt with by the very best experts the World has to offer.

    I have complete confidence no matter how this turns ... The Japanese Government will do what is right for the people who live there.

    IMO ... this will be under control quite soon. Watching it on the news and the Internet is almost pathetic ... the Media seems to want this to get bigger.

    We all wish the best for everyone affected by this tragedy.

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. Dwight+howard+lakers+2012
  • Dwight+howard+lakers+2012

  • grue
    Apr 12, 10:54 PM
    I'm the angriest Mac user / professional FCP user I know, and even I'm blown away. Are there things I'm curious to see how they work out? Sure. But overall� wow.

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. Dwight+howard+lakers+2012
  • Dwight+howard+lakers+2012

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:25 AM
    That "one ignorant post" also didn't realize that those passages were from a translation that is extremely anti gay. Other translations that match much closer to the original text don't mention anything about being gay at all.

    Yes, the Bible is one big hug fest, full of fuzzy kittens and balloons.

    If you're going to be a Christian, then for Zeus's sake, own it. Your Bible is full of hate, end of story.

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  • dwight howard high school

  • ChrisA
    Oct 26, 08:25 PM
    Apple wasn't very quick at adopting the Core2 chips (which are pin-compatible with Core chips), what would make Clovertown any different?

    The C2D was a general upgrade that applied to every MBP sold where as
    Clovertown may be a build to order option.

    dwight howard girlfriend dee dee rosemond. B (long-time girlfriend
  • B (long-time girlfriend

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 25, 07:05 PM
    I bet if you drink and swear enough you can get your hours cut back. Nothing says retirement like excessive liability.

    You don't know how wise your words are, with one bureaucratic "charity" that I have to deal with.

    They are nothing, if they are not all-consumed by worry over "liability".

    Good evening skunk. Nice to see you in such good health.

    Full of Win
    Apr 13, 03:26 AM
    seems back in 2007 they bought into 2000 CS5 licences

    Did they, the BBC, have a time machine? In CS3/CS4 was the Adobe offerings.

    Apr 24, 01:36 PM
    Currently the biggest threat to freedom and democracy is Islam.

    Freedom comes under threat when we use force and aggression as a socio-political tool.

    No matter who is on the receiving end of it, the chances are they will respond in a like manner.

    And so the cycle of violence turns.

    Who will have the wisdom, compassion and courage to see through this and bring it to an end?

    Oct 9, 12:57 AM
    Originally posted by Abercrombieboy
    I don't understand you guys, you say that Windows XP is now stable and maybe you are right, and you say that PC's are faster and the hardware is the same quality for less money.

    Oct 26, 12:01 PM
    I highly doubt this will be a simple swap. The Clovertowns are quite expensive, not to mention slower in terms of raw clock speed, so expect it to be a high priced upgrade.

    May 5, 11:16 AM
    I am based in Los Angeles and I had very few dropped calls until about a month ago. I now get about 2 dropped calls a day

    Typical really, it was just after I told a colleague I was never having a real problem with my iPhone!

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