Saturday, May 21, 2011

bieber gomez kiss

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  • baddj
    Mar 31, 06:37 AM
    Urgh, new iCal really is horrible.

    Can you post a screenshot?

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  • whooleytoo
    Jul 20, 05:47 AM
    And since just about all OEM's wil preload Vista on their machines, the sales-numbers will be HUGE.

    I think this is the key - once Vista comes out what OEM will be able to continue selling PCs with XP installed? Even if Vista's hardware requirements were a Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM, they'd build every PC with a minimum of a Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM, because they can't afford not to be on the Vista bandwagon.

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  • kadajawi
    Sep 6, 02:38 PM
    I should add though, I'm glad there is an option in the mini line not to have a DVD writer, if it saves a few euros. I've had 3 Macs with them and have burnt a total of 2 DVDs, a complete waste of money.
    Oh well, I've burnt so many DVDs on my PC (have I?) that my writer seems to be at the end of its life. Ouch :(

    On a side note... at least with standard sized drives there is barely any price difference between combo and dvd writer... I guess Apple is really having a nice profit on the superdrives...

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  • FoxyKaye
    Jun 23, 12:00 PM
    iOS on a real Mac seems about as pointless as Microsoft Bob on Windows.

    Granted, there are some highly innovative aspects to iOS, and integrating some of these into a desktop computer OS would be beneficial.

    But gods help us all of iOS and OS X merge at some point - as was pointed out on Slashdot just today, it would create a fully media DRM-locked, Apple-controlled application distribution center. Which would be very beneficial to Apple, but not so much to the consumer.

    Although speculation that this will happen is rampant, as exemplified by the ARS Technica article today:

    In the meantime, it has been well over a year since either the XServe or Mac Pro have seen an update (despite charging through the roof for last year's technology), and Apple hasn't said anything about 10.7. That should be enough of an indicator right there.

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  • jbelkin
    Nov 28, 01:32 PM
    The problem with the Amazon chart is you can guess a Thursday at 5 PM ranking is better than a Sunday at 4 AM ranking but it's hard to tell exactly if one means sales of 1,000 and one means sales of 18 - last time I checked, the Zune was 48 with a couple ipod cases selling better but of course, it's better to crowd the top 10.

    Yea, MS still thinks it's 1992. Notice how they trumped the Zune would be in 30,000 stores versus 10,000 for the ipod? Does anyoen want to point out the internet to MS? That no matter what town I live in, in 1992 I might've had 1 choice in buying consumer electronics but now I can be in Middle Nowhere, North Dakota and literally have 100,000 stores + eBay at my fingertips? And where Ms counts on - no choice but ours to buy - the default choice - iPods on the other hand are not at Walgreens or 7-11 but people still find them ... amazing what world class hardware, software and online store will do for you.

    Ms doesn't understand why when consumers have a real choice, they seldom choose MS products (webtv, talking barney's, watch OS or Melinda Gates' last MS project - the answer to OS7, MS Bob).

    Looks like Steve ballmer's stock holdings are going to need some more propping up.

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  • Piggie
    Mar 26, 09:34 AM
    People said the same thing with touch screens in airplanes yet the top-of-the-line fighters have touch-screen control. Admittedly, they don't use the touch screens as their flight controllers, but when you consider the volume and velocity of their decision-making, it shows it can be done.

    I think it will all depend on what you get used to.

    No, don't accept that, sorry.

    No One control method is best for everything.

    It's like saying I invented the button and now I should drive a car with buttons. No buttons are great for some things, wheels are better for others.

    Like a Stylus is a superb item for writing and drawing with on a screen for some tasks.

    Unfortunately, Steve Jobs role is a salesman, and he won't tell you the truth as he is selling a product. Salesmen lie.
    Steve says Stylus = fail. He does not really think that, he knows it's not true, but he has to say that as he's selling you a product that cannot use a stylus very well as it's designed for finger tip sizes touch detection.

    If you took brushes away from artists and told them they must use their fingers. Yes, they could create some pictures, but not as well as they could with their brushes.

    No 1 system is right for everything.

    The only MAIN problem and it is a BIG problem is too many people forget Steve Jobs is a SALESMAN for Apple, and he will tell you things as FACT that are just sales talk to promote his product he wants to sell.

    There are too many people in the world that can't grasp this and think what he says is gospel truth and cannot ever be wrong.

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  • Nugget
    Jan 1, 05:20 PM
    Sounds like the keynote will either be really boring or really surprising.

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  • Michael Scrip
    Mar 22, 05:15 PM
    As mentioned above,some people want to listen to their songs uncompressed.

    Geez.... what did they do long ago... have a 400-disc CD changer in their trunk?

    How did they manage?


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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 4, 08:07 PM
    Don't worry - by the time your Golf dies you can get a new one, and maybe by then they'll be selling the Golf GTD ( over here.

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  • Intell
    Apr 9, 04:39 PM
    "rare"? In what part of the world are they "rare"?

    Yes, I can drive them. Both American and European.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 19, 04:37 PM
    Would you rather have the Libyan people (who have called for help!) slaughtered by Gaddafi?

    Historical observation: The Iraqi people never asked for US help, but there we were.

    As I've said we need to finish existing world combat projects before starting new ones. Or is it like Bush/Cheney said, "who gives a damn about debt?"- just the average citizens who will lose their pensions, health care, I suppose...

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  • EarthDawn
    Jan 5, 08:12 PM
    2000 clk 430

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  • Giaguara
    Apr 15, 11:05 AM
    i like the part where he thot that just cuz he went/lives/lived in japan he's smarter than other people.... o and then the crack about americans not knowing what a primary school was! hey, i went to Primary school! and i live in the US!! LOL ;)

    I was wondering why didn't add also that he can't be a luser as he has a Japanese girl friend. ... you know, any American / just any Western guy is always seen as Very Hot in Asia, when there are girls who can see it as an opportunity to get abroad and avoid marrying a Japanese guy .. at least the guys I know who've been [working] in Japan tell that there are a lot of lus.. amh, I mean of course three are not ..

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  • hansolo669
    Mar 1, 10:23 AM
    haha - luckilly my family dont control my eBay account, and if they complain I find a way of hiding a few more of them in a cupboard (I actually ended up moving a shelf at one point so I could fit a iMac G3 in it) - although it is reaching the point where both my room and my dorm room are nearly full of old (and new) Macs... xD (All of them bar 1 boot, and the 1 that doesnt is only because its HD is on the way out - with a goodun it boots just fine).

    haha- nice ;) , im just waiting till i move out (oh and have that magical thing called money). the thrill of makeing old machines work "just one more" :)

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  • jettredmont
    Apr 12, 09:55 PM
    Also the guy who took a nice iMovie and made it unusable. I hope he doesn't fsck up FCP. Even iMovie had background rendering until he stripped it out.

    Have you used iMovie recently? In the last two releases it has moved forward by leaps and bounds (and I'm fairly certain it does background rendering of everything...) Your criticism was true of the oriinal new iMovie, but since then they've been re-adding the features on the streamlined chassis and it is a rather nice program now.

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  • speakerwizard
    Nov 15, 08:11 AM
    well, OSX whooped xp for multicore usage then

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  • Marx55
    Jul 14, 03:28 AM
    Cheaper Blu-ray next month: "BenQ to launch Blu-ray Disc writer in August"

    Blu-ray is awesome for backups as well as HDTV and HD movies in general. You can also have much more content on a Blu-ray than on a HD-DVD disk.

    So, should Blu-ray drop prices more to match HD-DVD as seems the trend, the election is clear: Blu-ray for ever!

    Apple: go for it with the option ot two-drive BTO Macs. We need them.

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  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 01:40 PM
    power-hungry gpu monsters.

    6970 folks, not 6990 :)

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  • chinesechikn
    Mar 26, 06:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The Future of video games?

    In the future, your controller will cost �400, require a 10ft HDMI cable, a �25 adapter, and have the graphics of a PS2.

    Yeah, and you can unplug it, put it in your bag, play it on the train, surf the web, check your email, edit your movie ...bit more than a $400 controller

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 07:52 PM
    Oops. Fixed that. Should be 210 km/h.

    Thanks for the link btw takao.

    Mar 20, 03:49 PM
    I agree.

    I think that if the App Store wasn't regulated, this app would clearly have standing to be in there, as would an app that was misogynistic, anti-semitic, or pro-flatulence.

    However, Apple (and Steve Jobs in particular) has said that the App Store is meant to "protect" people from certain things (namely porn). Since Apple has the right to determine what goes into its store, I think it's fair to ask that an app that is more offensive than porn (most people disagree with this type of "therapy" and approve of homosexuality compared to the level of disagreement there is with porn) should be similarly removed from the App Store.

    I think there's also a Pandora's Box in that if this App delves into trying to "cure" people of some non-existent psychosis, could Apple be guilty of aiding and abetting the practice of medicine/psychology without a license? I'm not saying there's an answer to this, but it certainly does leave the door open to more problems.

    There are homeopathic apps in the AppStore. Those won't work any better than this 'pray the gay away' app, but they still are allowed in the store.

    Apr 24, 01:22 PM
    Here is a thought ... suppose when the police pull you over and figure they can wrap up a case by using the info they download from your phone and the make of car you are driving.

    Defense lawyers are not cheap :cool:

    And then what? The police know where you've been driving - what's the big deal? If it proves you weren't near the scene of a crime, well then that's definitely good. It if proves you were, then all it proves is you were nearby - not that you actually did anything.

    Here in the UK, we often hear about drivers who've had car accidents, the police have dug up the person's phone records and discovered they were sending a text message just before the accident occurred. Seems to me to be a great way to catch people who aren't paying attention to the road and punishing them. What's the big difference here if the police know where you've been?

    Feb 23, 02:01 PM
    snip, imac

    This is my first Mac computer so nothing special but I love it.
    welcome! great choice for a first mac, the imac's are beautiful!

    Mar 17, 04:54 PM
    and i was able to hit 5 million points recently! even though my production is down slightly, while my last power bill was up ($190). so my production might go down a lil more

    so i hit 5 million points on jan 27, and i hit 6 million points today. so that last million took me 49 days. not my best so far, but hopefully once i get back to my apartment next month i'll be back in business

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