Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vw Golf Mk4 R32 Body Kit

Vw Golf Mk4 R32 Body Kit. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • iGary
    Sep 12, 01:32 PM
    I'm kind of worried about sweat getting into that thing throught the switches.

    Otherwise, I would have already ordered one. My shuffle died last month.

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  • cmaier
    Apr 6, 11:02 AM
    Maybe word will stop crashing on documents with to many tables, and PowerPoint will stop crashing on large presentations editing animations.


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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 5, 05:54 PM
    The Playstation one is better for those twitch games imo.
    That's like saying that a punch in the face is better than a kick in the balls. Neither feels very good. I highly doubt that fast paced action games will be very popular on either one of them.

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  • AidenShaw
    Oct 26, 06:52 AM[/url].
    If you always have lots of active threads, and you're concerned about overall throughput and not how fast each thread runs, then the Sun T1000 might make sense. It's similar to the Blue Gene, in that it has lots of slow processors. (The T1000 is 4-way Hyper-Threaded per core, and most of us understand the issues with hyperthreading.)

    The Woodcrest has much faster performance per thread, but only has four cores (threads) per dual socket system.

    Also note that Sun's power, performance and heat claims haven't been updated - they're still comparing their systems to Netburst Xeons, not Woodcrest.

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  • jlseattle
    Apr 10, 09:13 PM
    @HiVolt I worry that the growth that Apple is seeing will affect their ability to be innovative. So for though they have been keeping on track. I'm curious to see how the new year rolls out for them.

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  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 11, 04:09 PM
    I think, at least right now, carbon fibre would be prohibitively expensive.

    That's what I was thinking.

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  • Harmush
    Oct 18, 10:42 AM
    I am convinced that the interface changes we saw in iTunes are a prelude to 10.7.

    I would also go with this.

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  • Ieo
    Apr 12, 10:54 AM
    If they do something like that, power to them- as long as they don't charge a ridiculous fee I'll probably subscribe if it offers something netflix doesn't....but I don't see me dropping netflix anytime soon. If they decide to try and shut-out netflix on their (apple's) platforms in order to promote their own product, I will definitely side with netflix. Netflix has been good to me and I'm pretty loyal.


    Although, it might be really nice (at the beginning at least) as far as buffers and video quality go: My ISP is ****ing horrible about throttling Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, etc. I have an 8 down/2 up connection, and yet it takes me 10 minutes of buffering to watch a 5 minute 320p youtube clip? **** that. If they weren't the ONLY ISP available here in podunk, I would drop their ass.

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 20, 10:50 PM
    I'm at work so this is from memory...

    1) 2009 Macpro 8 core 2.66mhz
    6 gigs of ram, Mac OSX 10.6.4
    40-50k ppd running -bigadv

    2)home built rig in server box
    i7 980x at stock speed
    12 gigs of ram, Ubuntu Linux
    ?? ppd standard a3 units
    this is the one that will get windows and a gtx 480 so it can run -bigadv + gpu

    3)home built rig in server box
    i7 920 at stock speed
    6 gigs ram, Win 7
    ??ppd standard wu
    2x gtx 275 gpu 7k ppd each
    1x gt 260 gpu 4k ppd

    4)home built rig in server box
    AMD cpu 6 gigs ram, win 7
    ??ppd standard wu
    2x gtx 275 gpu 7k ppd each
    1x gt 260 gpu 4k ppd

    man you could be getting a lot more PPD if you overclocked the 2 home built i7 machines. of course windows is where the bigadv units are right now, so that's where the points are.

    i am curious, what do you do when you get a new video card or processor, with the old one? in other words, do you use the old stuff, or just take it out and let it sit around?

    that's the hardest issue i have with upgrading. i'd love to upgrade my system to a 6-core, but then i'd have my 4-core just sitting there

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  • Ugg
    Jan 9, 06:48 PM
    Wasnt there a quote from the Big Cheese Steve that "it's all included" or simmilar, hinting that ilife, iwork will be included in os releases again?

    Ohh, I'd love that, more money to put towards the iPhone.

    I think the lack of computer related announcements today was to underscore the name change to Apple Inc. It's a whole new world baby, and computers are only a part of it.

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  • Snowy_River
    Nov 14, 11:11 AM
    Pretty sure this is subtitled, Rocky VI.

    Rocky VI ( is already coming out. It opens on December 22. :D

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  • Gosh
    Oct 25, 03:45 PM
    With MacBook only second to iPod Nano in the sales league it would only be Apple generosity of spirit or a major change in Intel pricing which would see a MacBook update with C2D this year.

    Anyway a graphics card would be top of the list if possible for desirability first!

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  • cohen777
    Apr 11, 06:23 PM
    I am sure the book will be insanely great.

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  • adnoh
    Mar 6, 04:09 PM

    Dude! That's sick! Link to original pls?

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  • bcaslis
    Apr 28, 11:11 AM
    For someone that created a fluff thread, you're taking yourself too seriously. What did you expect, people to not defend their purchase?

    My opinion stands: For the equal-but-opposite reason that I would never buy the 13", there's that group of people that would never buy the 11". The latter group is too practical. The former, too cool. It's personal, as is productivity. Apple did the MBA offerings right this time. But this guy said it best:

    You original said that some people would never buy the 11" even if it had more resolution. I pointed out that some apps are limited by the current resolution. You seem to think it proves your point, but it does the opposite. I'm saying for some apps you need more resolution and some apps you need more storage. Nothing about that says that if the 11" offered either it would not be a choice instead of the 13". I see no logic in your statements, simply an attitude.

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  • Frankydan100
    Mar 7, 02:26 AM
    <img src="">

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  • cdallen
    Apr 17, 05:15 AM
    true, but you cannot deny potential sales will be lost from people who cant wait and will go for a different phone.

    my contract is up in June, and i will be pissed if i have to wait until september.

    You should contact apple... Im sure theyll change everything to match your upgrade cycles

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  • CrUmp
    Apr 28, 05:38 PM
    when people say "it's China we're talking about", I wanna know how much do you really know about China and its system... from your news and tv/movie?

    No, they will not get death penalty for this, and they will go to jail.

    As of death penalty, don't you know there are death penalty in some states in the US? Anyways, these people are not gonna be put to sleep whether in China or the USA, don't worry.

    If you can read Chinese, the source news NEVER said that those 3 people were "arrested" by police. The authority started investigating the case last year, and those 3 people were charged with Offence against Commercial Secrets. They deserve it because they probably made a lot of money of this.

    Some laws are still there in a different country because they works there, or they are needed there. so don't put your western values on everything you see, just saying.

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  • FriarNurgle
    Apr 27, 02:18 PM
    If there are any issues, they have been so minute as to be unnoticeable.

    Thanks. I still think this is much to do about nothing as there is much more sensitive and personal info on our phones and computers... but back to the topic at hand.

    I like the fact that Apple is addressing this issue. However, it would be nice to hear more about how this data tracking benefits us. What apps and features use it? What % performance increase does it give? What benefit does it give Apple and it's third party partners? I want to see the pros as we seem to have covered the cons with much vigor recently.

    Mar 23, 02:18 AM
    I've read a little on the subject of Japanese society (The Chrysanthemum and the Sword is good) and visited a few times. I don't have a complete answer, but a couple of points people haven't made yet are:

    - Japan is racially and culturally quite pure - with low immigration and a high barrier for immigrants to integrate (the language). Japanese language and culture is not widely spread outside of Japan. This leads to them having a very inward focus, and a high amount of loyalty to their own society. As a Westerner/English speaker, you could disgrace yourself in your own society, yet still find a happy home somewhere culturally similar. For a Japanese person there is no other home - if they disgrace themselves to their fellow Japanese, they risk being ostracised from everything they hold dear. (This is the reasoning given in TCANS for the low surrender rate of Japanese troops in war - a Western army will surrender with 30% dead, for the Japanese 90%+ would have to die, since to surrender would be to disgrace oneself and become ostracised. This is the same reasoning for the Japanese army's poor treatment of prisoners of war in WWII - as the social standing of one who surrenders is very low).

    - Having transgressed, Japanese society is happy to throw the book at a suspected criminal - and extends few of the rights arrestees enjoy in the West. Prisoners can be held for 23 days before being charged, the legal system assumes guilt and police have traditionally interrogated in private. When a case reaches trial, there's a >98% conviction rate, and trials have until very recently ( all be Judge-only trials (no jury). There's evidence that lenient Judges face career setbacks.

    So yes, the Japanese people may be educated, moral, disciplined - but there are also very strong societal pressures to conform, and if a person did loot, they'd expect to be treated extremely severely.

    I think you're spot on. I lived in Japan for a while, in a very rural part, and it was like that. For crime, the burden is on the accused to prove innocence, not the other way around like in Western cultures. And there is no search and seizure. If they believe you might have done something, they can search you all they want. If someone was caught with drugs, his phone records would be searched and every single person on that phone list would be searched. In Japan, you really can't get away with a crime. And like you said, your circle of friends and family is all you have in Japan. There's no running away from who you are. If, in a time of crisis, you become a thief, everyone would lose all respect for you. One of my favorite Japanese mma fighters was disowned by his father for failing his high school exit exam. Think about how shameful being a thief would be. And in Japanese culture, fighting on in times of hardship is a very important quality. They sort of see it as a time to show your best. At least that's what I get from watching Japanese mma fighters.

    Jul 14, 11:26 PM
    How is magnesium going to prevent the screen from being scratched? I could care less what the ipod is made out of. The only thing I care about is how is Apple going to prevent the screen from being scratched. Apple should do what Nokia has done for the Nokia 8801 cell phone, and use a saphire crystal (Or hell if Apple wants to go cheaper then use a mineral cyrstal) for the iPod screen. This will prevent scratches completly. The only draw back with saphire is that it will chip, but keep in mind watch makers uses saphire and mineral crystal all the time on GOOD watches. These watches are used daily like an iPod and people hardly drop them hard enough or bang them hard enough to chip them. Hell I bang my watch really hard sometimes (on accident) and just expect to see a chip, when I look down my watch is perfectly fine, no scratches or chips, and I have had it for over two years.

    just my thoughts

    Well, it might be a problem of cost since the Nokia 8801 is around $500+. There might be a problem of manufacture, cost, and readability of LCDs through crystal. Or Apple may not think is necessary.

    May 4, 01:11 PM
    A WEEK iPhone battery life? Even if you cripple the phone by disabling features, there's still no way it would last even close to a week unless it's in sleep mode the entire time

    Sure it can, as long as you don't make or receive any calls, play games, stream music, or surf the web.

    May 5, 02:49 AM
    Does it fix the mute button? maybe its just mine but it vibrates when I switch it both ways and some doesn't vibrate when switched to silent.

    I had this issue and it turned out that the cable which connects the mute switch to the motherboard was loose. Take it to an apple store.

    In other news, I was having much reduced battery life starting around 4.3. This update seems to have remedied that. Full day's test coming tomorrow!

    Apr 10, 11:53 PM
    What about liquid metal?

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