Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lotus Elise

Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • cal6n
    Sep 12, 12:02 PM
    MINI PRO !


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  • lPHONE
    Apr 11, 12:25 PM
    Ha Ha. He had to bust it half. That's cheating!!

    It doesn't blend.

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • LobsterDK
    Apr 17, 07:15 AM
    Your rebuttel makes no sense. He's not talking just about himself but in general about the risk of defection among people that arent willing to wait. Himself being an example.

    With the fierce competition iOS faces from android right now and maybe also nokia by then, you seem like a fanboy out of touch with the present market reality. You can be sure he wont be the only one pondering this. Very risky move from apple if they would delay the next iphone IMNSHO.

    No matter when they release a new phone, there are going to be people who are still under contract, close to being out, have been out for a while, etc. etc. The phones sell year round. The danger zone of people who may jump ship while waiting applies only to those who's contract expires around the time of the year that they have released new phones in the past. I know it's not unreasonable to suspect that the the bulk of people with iPhones have contracts that expire in that time frame, but I've never seen any numbers to confirm or contradict that. It also ignores subsidy policies/release schedules for countries outside the US.

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  • HDJulie
    Jun 15, 08:51 AM
    Thanks! I'm going to go by one of our Best Buys after work.

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  • JAT
    Apr 28, 01:18 PM
    This is why every article turns into a fight. Why fling mud for no reason.

    Just trying to get it off me. Watch out where it lands!

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  • milo
    Apr 13, 10:25 AM
    It's possible. It's also quite possible that NF's offerings will either get very much scaled back or have a big price increase after their current content contracts expire and they have to renegotiate (and end up with terms that are much closer to what Apple and others have as opposed to their current deal which gives them a big advantage).

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  • headfuzz
    Apr 12, 02:32 AM
    Johnny Cheung Lee is a badboy. His Wii Remote work was simply awesome; head tracking, creating your own digital whiteboard for next to nothing etc.

    He was snapped up by Microsoft - and subsequently it would appear Google - and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was on the dev team for Kinect.

    If these guys have half the talent Lee does Apple should hire them today. :cool:

    Check him out: :cool:

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • the.snitch
    Aug 7, 07:28 PM
    I downloaded it using HiDownload but it just kept going past the marker. Finally I hit stop, but I'm left with an invalid file.

    I've tried many-a-time to download the quicktime streams, with a large variety of mac and pc software. Every time it has left me stumped. I'f you really cant watch it (i.e demand is too high/you have a slow connection etc.) wait at least 3 days until most of the fans have watched it and showed their friends, set your quicktime preferences to a 128k/256k connection so you get a lower quality but faster stream, and watch it. It worked for me last WWDC and again in January.
    Luckily this time im on a free uncapped DSL line at a Telecom wireless Hotspot in the Auckland CBD. Worked flawlessly :D

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • samven582
    Apr 26, 01:03 PM
    look at the top of the LCD screen on the pic, this one has serious back light leak

    and a yellow tint

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  • lordonuthin
    Aug 27, 09:33 PM
    Hmmm, I'm not seeing any improvement in ppd even though the gtx 480 is humming right along. Foldingmon indicates it is doing about 14k ppd so I should see some difference, I will have to triple check to make sure I'm listed a the donor and not anonymous, hate to be loosing that many points :eek:

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • ryanw
    Sep 12, 11:55 AM
    Occum's Razor.

    Ouch.... we're going to get ZERO coverage of this event until it's over. What a drag...

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 28, 05:50 PM
    Don't tell me we have to pay for this, on top of iCloud and Mobileme and etc.

    You will pay for this and brag about how happy you are to pay for it. And then brag about Apples record profits. :D

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • KindredMAC
    Apr 6, 10:55 AM
    Unfortunately, Apple is discontinuing support for MobileMe calendar syncing via Sync Services as of May 5th, preventing users from utilizing direct Outlook-MobileMe syncing.

    This doesn't affect MobileMe syncing between Macs and iOS devices correct?

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • MyLeftNut
    Aug 7, 09:55 PM
    I agree Bwhaler,

    Moreover, I have had a brush with serious illness and knowing that Steve would be doing as much as he can to ensure his health, I hope he is just being pedantic about his diet. Grazing diets as you might call them usually restrict calories in some form or another and this is part of a long term plan to give the body time to recover without being stressed. Even though he is vegetarian, it doesnt mean he should be eating Tacos and icecream...bad move.

    Heres to hoping.


    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Blu101
    Jan 8, 06:36 PM
    Ok ok, so i got bored.

    Great shot! Lines up perfectly, love it :D

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  • lgmars
    Apr 22, 02:10 PM
    Does it not depend the PPI that the image is ? If they have made the image at a PPI that the the same as the iPad 1/1.5, then you may have a point. However, if they made the image at a higher PPI, say 300+, then your point is moot.

    I would say it's unlikely that they make images at such higher PPI, at least not in the final app. It increases the cost, the file size, the app complexity with no obvious gain. I'm highly skeptical.

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Plymouthbreezer
    Sep 12, 05:28 PM
    I just bought a Lexar jump drive for $14 yesterday, and it fits on my keys. ;)

    I'll be getting one of these new shuffles as soon as I can. Awesome little player perfect for running and school and "risky" situations where you don't want to risk even a nano sized player.

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Transeau
    Nov 13, 10:15 PM

    I think this update killed my firewire!!!!

    My Mac Pro and my Macbook took the updates, my Macbook Pro C2D did not need it.

    I tried backing up my Macbook to my Macbook Pro and Mac Pro via Target Mode, and now ALL THREE are NOT seeing ANY firewire device!!!

    What Happened????

    Lotus Elise. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • ABG
    Mar 24, 11:13 AM

    Hopefully this will help reduce the "rest of the world" backlash on availability.

    Oct 25, 04:15 PM
    Xserve lags so far behind the Mac Pro in release, costs much more, has little to make it better and just as much to make it worse. I would love to have an Xserve, but I don't understand why anyone would buy one.

    #1 feature: The xserve is small and takes little rack space
    #2 redundnet power supplies
    #3 disks and power supplies are front servicable (these are the thing that break all the time)
    #4 Bundled with server version of OSX
    #5 It comes with an option for no graphic card.
    #6 Lights Out managment (see #5 above)

    Of the above I bet #6 and #1 are the most populare features

    Here is soething that competes with the xserve

    Notice they talk abut "power comsumption" and "compute density" something that only someone running many dozens or hundreds of these would care much about.

    If yu realy want an xserve and can't afford one. I'd suggest buying a 1U rack mount PC case putting an ASUS mainboard inside of it and installing BSD UNIX. A Mac without a graphic card and with no mouse or keyboard is just a UNIX box.

    Apr 10, 11:29 PM
    What a ridiculous title.

    Congratulations, you just been played as free promotion. Steve Jobs has been doing this his entire career. BTW, iWoz was the first in the "i" biography titled stories.

    However, my favorite is "The Macintosh Way" buy Guy Kawasaki. I have turned down jobs from people who trashed that book.

    Nov 13, 08:46 PM
    Panic. I installed the firmware, the little bar was moving across the screen, and then halfway across -- the computer shut down. Now my screen is dead, I can't tell if the hard drive is functioning, my restore CD is 20 miles away, and I'm scared witless. WTF?!?!?!


    Apr 11, 05:21 PM
    I'm blind in my right eye, and this will allow for me to experience 3D for the first time. Existing methods require binocular vision but this works for me, and I was pretty darned convinced. I don't see how you guys can expect better than this, seriously!

    Sep 12, 04:01 PM
    I'm really puzzled what you people see good at this. This is pure *****.

    Apple took the best small flash-based player in the world and made it the worst. With direct USB plug, you had amazing portability, still had MP3 player and good take it wheever you want. I regularly used to transfer small files from/to work, exchange files with friends etc.
    With this, I would need to carry that stupid dock as well. :mad:

    So it still has no screen at all, now has no USB as well, but it has the hinge. Wow.
    The worst piece of "design" ever offered by Apple. Probably designed by a person that never actually used Shuffle in real life.

    Get out of the box and think bout it from a music perspective. No need to compare it with the older shuffle. I`ve seen a lot of small mp3 players and none of them got me interested enough to even consider one. All I cared for was a full screen iPod. But this new shuffle is definitely cool. Not to mention it`s cheap too. No real need to worry bout losing or breaking it. It`ll keep people like me going who are interested in getting an iPod for themselves but dont want to buy until the real thing arrives (vPod). I m definitely getting one as soon as I can.

    I can definitely say that it`ll sell thrice as much compared to the older shuffle. Or in case there are few more people like me then you might see it being the bestselling iPod during this Xmas.

    I'm also curious as to the 'waterproof-ness' of the model. if we're using it while exercising or skiing or in the garden - it's going to get rough and diry and moist. For such a small player (cool as it is) you almost need something protective on it (maybe a film product).

    Wonder if the aluminum makes it have some kind of weight - the stick ones were almost too light...

    With the THING being this cheap, I`d certainly not worry bout it much.

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