Saturday, May 21, 2011

People Dancing To Music

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 19, 11:36 AM
    This doesn't look like an iPhone 3GS? :confused:

    I say again Laguna, are you really liable to get these two pieces of hardware (manufacturing branding and all) confused?

    I simply can't see it, especially with the huge size discrepancy.

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  • liketom
    Oct 12, 12:19 PM
    if true thats good , but should be more like 10%

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  • Hattig
    Mar 29, 12:50 PM
    Have I just done the impossible? :D ( (

    I think he was referring to the older versions of Office that had weird MDI interfaces for Word and Excel, so that it only displayed one document at a time, unless you explicitly forced two separate instances of the application to run at the same time.

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  • poppe
    Aug 28, 06:49 PM

    merom is better than everyone anticipated... --->

    all the people who said it's only marginal at best can stick it where the sun don't shine! suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzz

    Cool find, but I dont much believe it completely.

    Just my thought...

    I just trust that Arstancia website (how ever it is spelled) They did a core 2 duo laptop review and got some performance increases of around 10-15% but never 22%...

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  • dukebound85
    Apr 25, 02:04 AM
    Uh no I didn't. I just interpreted the law. As someone implied earlier, this could all be a ruse. I might not have done anything I said in this thread. No one here can know 100% for sure, because you did not witness the event I claim occurred. That simple fact, in addition to any record searching anyone did without a warrant would be an invasion of privacy would get anything I say in this thread thrown out of court faster than you could blink.


    OP, I do find it amusing you think you know the intricacies of the law just because your uncle is a judge

    Until you have the education/training yourself, I would not be so confident in your opinions...especially as one who has not even finished hs

    I also advise you to stop digging yourself in a hole. I feel you are rapidly losing any credibility/respect that many long time posters previously had of you due to this very, and I mean very childish and selfish mindset you are exhibiting in this thread

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  • toddybody
    Mar 22, 02:54 PM
    Call me spoiled by all things thin, I think the iMac is looking pretty chunky these days. Not sure why it isn't significantly thinner than it is. The next time they do update the form factor it should essentially look like a giant first gen iPad.

    Id totally want a super thin iMac as well...but the thing already has heat issues at its current thickness. They'd need to integrate some pretty revolutionary CPU/GPU (low TDP) and give it some new cooling technologies (IDK if the new nVIDIA/AMD vapor cooling chambers would assist)...this isnt going to happen. It's already a Panini press...making it thinner would just exacerbate things.

    Now, I think the 27inch display has few excuses for it's thickness...Samsung/LG are making some damn thin monitors. I just wish Dell would hop on that bandwagon. 1'' thick Ultrasharp 27inch 1440p monitor FTW!

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  • danielwsmithee
    Apr 25, 02:44 PM
    But I fear what Apple has in mind is basically an entire range of Macbook Air laptops. The Air is a fine computer, no doubt, but it's not the portable desktop I want and never can be without supporting two drives and discrete graphics in one way or another.That is exactly what I envision for the next Mac Book Pro. Take a MacBook Air make it just thick enough to handle an additional 2.5" Hard Drive, dedicated graphics, and a high performance processor. Ditch the optical drive, make SSD+HD the standard configuration.

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  • brepublican
    Aug 23, 07:13 PM
    WOW. And I thought hell froze over when bootcamp was introduced...
    There is nothing unusual with this move, I dont know why it keeps coming up. In fact, its strategic on Creative's part to include it in the settlement. They make good headphones and speakers, and if affixing a 'Made for iPod' tag on them increases revenue, they have nothing to lose. Total profit

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  • tsugaru
    Mar 22, 03:28 PM
    Sounds like you'd be interested in a nice Windows7 machine. Enjoy. :rolleyes:

    Why would he? Just because he wants a 24"?

    Physically, compared to the 27, it's not much smaller due to the aspect ratio. The resolution on the 27 is the only real improvement.

    I recall when the 21.5 and 27's came out and people were up in arms for Apple going to 16:9 displays when they had traditionally stayed with 'regular' PC resolutions.

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  • Compile 'em all
    May 3, 10:23 AM
    So when is the ACD gonna support thunderbolt?

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:11 AM
    EDIT: @ Rodimus - Had she hit me when I slammed on the brakes, she would have been at fault. All I have to do is tell the cop that I thought I saw an animal run across the road. She is supposed to keep enough distance to be able to stop if I slam on the brakes. Doesn't matter than I cut her off, she has to prove that I did, and she also has to prove that I slammed on the breaks with malice.

    umm good luck with that. My father has a ticket to prove other wise. He made the mistake and cut off a guy who was speeding by mistake. Cop handed him a ticket for illegal lane changed and the other guy a ticket for doing 20 over the limit.
    It was declared a no fault and both were on their own. Both cars totaled.

    You cut her off therefor made an unsafe lane changed. Legally you should of given her enough room to be able to adjust for you. Add to the fact you are 16 and chances are would be a witness or 2 saying you were speeding. Your word vs hers and your word is pretty worthless.
    And if you did if they can prove malice or road rage you just increased your charges and heck could be nailed for insurance fraud as well.

    You are proving to us all that you should not have a DL. You just are increasing the case that you should not be behind a wheel of a car.

    On and do not use the argument that the car can do 186 mph. Sorry that is for another country. Top it off I am pretty sure my car can out handle your car.

    I've seen people like the OP get pulled up and receive whopping great tickets from the cops. To say the least they look terrified about what their mum will say when she finds out. It makes me laugh.

    Funny story. One time when I was driving back to TTU some idiot in a purple VW blew past me like I was standing still a little north of Houston. At the time I was doing 5-10 over the limit (75-80 mph). Scared the crap out me as they wiped right around me.
    about 30-45 mins later I see the same purple VW pulled over and the driver was in hand cuffs. It was priceless.

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  • teme
    Oct 13, 02:47 AM
    I think the red color is so much better than the other current Nano colors (pink, blue, green). It looks great... if they release a red MacBook, I might buy it. I don't need a red Nano right now.

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  • michaelsviews
    Apr 3, 08:10 AM (

    Category: Apple Software
    Link: Apple Faces Increasing Cyber Threats, McAfee Says (
    Description:: McAfee Inc. expects Apple��s iPhone, geolocation services such as Foursquare, and mobile devices to be the target of malware attacks in 2011. The computer security company also predicts attackers targeting shortened URL services and internet TV platforms as well as a rise in politically motivated hacktivisim, as more groups are expected to repeat the WikiLeaks example.

    ��We��ve seen significant advancements in device and social network adoption, placing a bulls-eye on the platforms and services users are embracing the most. These platforms and services have become very popular in a short amount of time, and we��re already seeing a significant increase in vulnerabilities, attacks and data loss,�� said Vincent Weafer, senior vice president of McAfee Labs.

    McAfee Labs Threat Predictions for 2011:

    * Apple: No longer flying under the radar

    McAfee said the popularity of iPads and iPhones, combined with the lack of user understanding of proper security for these devices, will increase the risk for data and identity exposure, and will make Apple botnets and Trojans a common occurrence.

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug

    Just another ploy to scare people into buying there over priced software.

    I'm sure Apple takes security very very seriously. Is it me or is McAffee screaming wolf?

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  • boncellis
    Sep 5, 06:59 PM
    As far as the streaming video possibilities go, I think it would be cool for Apple to include the ability to "project" the entire desktop onto a remote screen, like a TV or projector. The tech is already there, and I think that kind of functionality would be that much cooler and more practical than simply streaming audio/video content. I would love to use my PB's lid-closed mode wirelessly with the TV.

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  • flopticalcube
    Sep 9, 12:25 PM
    Looks like MacCentral forgot to mention the fact that no matter how few cores an application can use - even if it's only ONE, the fact that more can be run at full speed SIMULTANEOUSLY is the whole reason for wanting-having-needing more cores - not wiether or not what you normally run can use 2, 3 or even all 4 cores at this time. OS X automatically delegates work to however many cores are vacant or underused so the user gets immediate benefit from 4 cores they will never get from 2. And I am 100% certain that tthe benefit is radically more than 20-30%.

    It's an old think I always do only one thing at a time mentality that overlooks this otherwise obvious reason - a new way of working and a new way of thinking about how to do work - for going with more cores if you can afford it.
    Maybe they should have run all their benchmarks at the same time!

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  • shawnce
    Sep 26, 11:11 AM
    I see, another "we'll start in US and maybe in the future do something for the rest of the world, too" product.

    Well, good luck finding an exclusive deal in Belgium, you can't "lock" cell phones here, we believe in choice. Hopefully it will be GSM (100 % coverage)

    Apple is likely having to GIVE exclusive rights to carriers to get them to carry the phone (in return for pushing the phone, etc.)... I doubt Apple wants limit the potential market for any phone they come out with. So if carriers in Belgium are not allowed to lock a phone to one carrier then you likely have nothing to worry about.

    ...and by the way you have CHOICE to not buy something that you don't want to purchase and for whatever reasons.

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  • OllyW
    Mar 30, 12:11 PM
    Just for those that insist Microsoft only ever uses the term 'program' . XP dates back to 2001.


    Fancy bringing up facts to ruin their argument. :D

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  • gugy
    Aug 31, 09:28 PM
    The fact that it isn't a "format," for starters.

    $10 ~ $15, if that is the price for anything below a 720p encoding of a movie, would be the stupidest thing that Apple has done. (Well, at least in the last 10 years or so.)

    If they do 720p encodes - and that would have to be the minimum, as they really should be 1080p - then they might have something worthwhile. The problem is, this will totally clash with the move to Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, so being realistic, my guess would be 480p encodes. Which, of course, then makes purchasing movies this way versus DVD a really stupid decision (IMHO).

    I'd love to see Apple get this right, but... I'm really not holding my breath.

    Very true, I just can't see Apple doing this. That will kill the Movie store from the start.
    IMHO they might do the rental of movies that was speculate before.

    If they decide to sell it, it has to be cheaper than the current DVD offerings, unless the quality and resolution are higher. If not, I would not even waste my time going there to buy it.

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  • jaw04005
    Nov 13, 12:48 PM
    Well, I’ve dismissed most of the other complaints. But this is Rogue Amoeba. Phil Schiller needs to get involved with this immediately — completely unacceptable. They are one of the premier Mac shareware developers.

    Oct 12, 08:23 PM
    Meh I want the black nano to match my macbook, not a red one. :\

    Apr 30, 03:18 PM
    With all the programming and money toward the Sony owned rights, etc., the tech isn't worth it in a computer except to a small percentage.
    I agree. Blu-ray is nice, but on a computer, even a 27" iMac, it's not reaching it's full potential, IMO. Besides, you can always input your PS3 to your iMac if necessary.

    You are also stuck in current times. Physical media will be dead by then, everything is going to be cloud based, there will be no such thing as a physical copy of movies any more :)
    What kind of media do you expect that "cloud" to store data with? Your statement delves into the realm of privacy concern.

    Jul 14, 09:56 AM
    Right except iMac.... it'll go to Merom which is a drop-in replacement for Yonah (Core Duo)

    Although I agree that eventually Mac mini and MacBook will be Merom, I think it may be many months later..... I think the mini with the Core Solo might get upgraded to Core Duo tho' ... so that Apple can boast to be the _only_ major manufacturer to use dual-core across the whole product range!

    Note that if I'm right (trust me!), then there's a gap.... no Apple box with a Conroe? I don't think so.... Apple will introduce a new system with support for a single Conroe. Hopefully it won't be the MacPro with a different mobo, but a completely new box (fingers crossed).

    Oh.... the recently released educational iMac won't get Merom at first either... it'll get left behind so as to make the proper iMacs better value and worth splashing out for! :)

    I really think the iMac should use Conroe now. I think the reason they used the Yonah chip is that they had no desktop "Core" architecture chips available. While using Merom is the easy thing to do, I hope they don't do it. The iMac is supposedly a desktop, it should use a desktop chip.

    Apr 4, 12:49 PM
    Normally, with my luck, this would have been the day I would end up setting aside to go in early and get an iPad 2 . . .

    Aug 31, 07:09 PM
    or maybe just maybe...

    Apple is bringing out a new desktop! I mean think about it they haven't really bought out a new desktop for agess all they have done is switch all products to intel.

    **Edit, IMO i think its silly because whos gonna pay $14.99 for a movie on a tiny screen, and if they make it to watch on your computer then its just going to take hours and hours to download if you have a slow broadband connection

    If you pay whatever price for a "lisence" to a movie it makes sense you have a lisence to a variety of resolutions for the 5 CPU's you are allowed to run them on, FOREVER (Time Machine).

    Stop whining. Or not.

    As for the so-called video iPod, it seems to me such a device has far more uses than a mere media replayer. It could be a remote control. It could be a PDA. It could be a 3G/4G internet portal, standalone or for an external computer, such as a, gag, MacBook.

    Further, such a device is easily reprogrammable as a dictation machine, a bar code reader, a video camera, a still camera, etc, etc, etc. Some functions might need a dongle to the extent they are not implemented in Rev. 1A.


    See ST-TNG datapads.

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