Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friendship Wallpapers With Poems

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 4, 12:35 PM
    it's just like the whole Raoul Moat thing here in the UK, he killed I don't know how many people, injured others, shot a Police Officer in the face with a shotgun, and people still said it was wrong to kill him, SERIOUSLY!

    I say well done to the Security Guard, i just hope he is commentated for doing the right thing, and lives the rest of his life peacefully.

    Its simple lots of people just have issue with emotions of revenge I for one have not one ounce of issue with it. But then most people have never been a victim of crime so its hard for them to visualize the danger. You pull a gun and point and if I can I will put you down without hesitation but most people will just coward as they get shot.

    Kudos to the security guard for probably saving other people lives even if they don't realize it.

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  • bearcatrp
    Apr 20, 10:10 AM
    This is total BS. We should have been informed of this and a way to turn it off or delete the file on our own. As for the poster above who stated it only goes to your computer, I highly doubt it. This is another big brother tracking honest citizens. Hope a class action does happen. I will definitely sign on!

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  • Derekasaurus
    Jul 14, 09:19 AM
    Bring 'em on, but place them in a mid-tower case.
    Or a mini. ;-)

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  • blahblah100
    Mar 30, 01:39 PM
    Amen, brother... M$ wants to have it their way but not allow anyone else to do the same.

    Care to explain how App�� differs?

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  • OptyCT
    Mar 29, 12:23 PM
    Exactly. Apple needs to implement both of those features. They are not dealbreakers, but the make the experience more complete.

    I use Hyperdock to enable the "window snap"... great app. And another app to allow files to be copy-pasted... can't remember the name of it though... available in Mac App Store.

    BetterTouchTool also has a snap function. I use it all the time.

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    Apr 20, 09:50 AM
    Is the Program to read it Mac only or is there a PC version??

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  • Lone Deranger
    Mar 30, 01:29 PM
    They are bothered because they want to be able to describe their app store. They want to be able to say:

    "We have this thing called Marketplace. What is it? Well, it's a place where you can by apps. Think of it as a grocery store for apps. You know, an app store."

    But MS never consistently used the term App to describe any part of their business. Sure it pops up occasionally here and there, almost at random, but that's about it. Historically they've always used 'Programs'. So to use your example, why couldn't they say: "We have this thing called Marketplace. What is it? Well, it's a place where you can buy programs.....". Why are they not happy with that? It will line up so much better with their software genealogy.

    I suspect the truth of the matter is they now want to start using 'App' for everything (instead of Programs), because Apple has popularized the term. Its on everybody's tongue now. And MS wants in on it. They want their stuff to be associated with the buzz that Apple created. That's borderline parasitic to me.

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  • applebro24
    Mar 22, 01:19 PM
    Come on Mac Mini update; well overdue for a refresh. That Core 2 Duo is keeping me from buying.

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  • angelneo
    Sep 13, 09:01 PM
    I assume the screen would be a touch screen. I would hate to start dialing numbers using the click wheel.

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  • Aleen
    Apr 25, 01:10 PM
    They should better stick to the same design rather than messing things up. The current unibody is really great.

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 17, 06:36 PM
    The Safari exploit launched a Mac OSX program. How is that NOT an "OS" issue? The exploit could have just as easily told the Mac to delete a directory on the hard drive, for instance. So it's not just Safari that's an issue but the fact that OSX would let Safari execute a program outside the browser.

    I'd like to know where this idea that "many have tried" to create viruses and/or malware for OSX comes from. How do you know what people have done or tried? I'm not saying Unix is easy to exploit, but I know darn well it's not invulnerable. If they held an OS hacking event with a prize, I'm sure someone would prove my point for me.

    And this idea that nothing can be done on the Mac until a virus or other malware exploit shows up on a news site is absurd. There are plenty of tools out there, for instance, to point out dangerous web sites that could be a threat to a computer. Most OSX users wouldn't bother to install one if one was offered to them because they believe themselves invulnerable. So why worry about visiting a malware site? Some exploits are potentially cross-platform (adobe flash, for example). Again, I say most OSX users are far too comfortable in a foolish belief that they are not in danger from anything out there.

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  • PlaceofDis
    Nov 13, 01:18 PM
    the tide is turning against Apple here, they need to clean up their act and get this whole thing working better.

    i understand the walled-garden approach and respect that, but they also need to get the store cleaned up/organized and they need to work better with developers - which might just mean hiring more people to work with them on a daily basis.

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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 13, 10:46 PM
    It would have to be really thin, but I like it! :cool:

    However the real innovation that is going to put Apple over the top is the built-in microfibre wiper blade that squeeges the LCD display after every call. This removes all trace of facial oil and keeps the screen beaming with that showroom shine! :eek:

    Sorry, I had to sneek that one in.:D

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  • JoeG4
    Apr 25, 12:15 AM
    Out in my neck of the woods we have a pretty well strapped police dept and they DO respond to 911 calls about drunk drivers. In fact, in Cali there's signs all over the place telling you to call 911 to report them. lol :)

    Glad I don't live where you do :P

    Ok, it's obvious you're very confident behind the handling abilities of your car, so hear me out:

    * What kind of car is it
    * When was the last time you checked your brakes
    * How old are your tires, what kind are they, and when was the last time you checked the tire pressure - what was it?
    * When was the last time you inspected your tire treads and suspension

    I hope you can answer some of these questions.

    Admittedly, if you don't do any of the above your car might be unsafe at any speed.

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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 9, 07:58 PM
    No, not at all.

    An affinity mask sets the set of CPUs that can be scheduled. A job won't be run on another CPU, even if the assigned CPUs are at 100% and other idle CPUs are available.

    And that, by the way, is why setting affinity is usually a bad idea. Let the system dynamically schedule across all available resources -- or you might have some CPUs very busy, and others idle.

    Win2k3 also has "soft" affinity masks, which define a preferred set of CPUs. If all of the preferred CPUs are busy, and other CPUs are idle, then soft affinity allows the system to run the jobs on the idle CPUs - even though the idle CPUs aren't in the preferred affinity mask.

    But I am pretty sure the newest developer tools can cope with that, considering that multicore chips are a rather new thing in the mainstream market...

    Try the Processor Preferences app contained in the Apple CHUD tools, for instance...

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  • MacMan86
    Apr 12, 06:21 AM
    Unless, as mentioned earlier in this thread, that 3rd party hardware includes the ability to upgrade its firmware. In that case, all customers will be required to install a mandatory "security" bug fix which installs support for a new private key, and everything proceeds as normal.

    Heck, it's even possible that Apple might already have planned for this contingency, and instead of just having one private key, they may have come up with a set of many private keys to choose from, and also preprogrammed support for all of those keys into every properly licensed accessory. Maybe they just planned to use the first key up until it was compromised, and then move on to another.

    Now, they might just push a new iTunes upgrade that blacklists the compromised key and moves on to another one -- and at the same time, instruct all licensed equipment to also add that key to their own blacklist (while continuing to maintain seamless support for all the remainder of the preprogrammed keys) the next time the licensed equipment connects to an authorized audio source.

    (Unless, maybe the reverse engineer in this case already anticipated such an eventuality, and actually extracted all of the keys -- assuming, of course, that there really are multiple keys. If that were the case, then the reverse engineer hypothetically might have defeated the entire benefit that Apple might have derived from hypothetically having multiple keys to choose from in the first place...)

    What's a little crazy with that is you start to believe your own hypothetical, made-up engineering. Now, no one here knows anything for sure, but, I think we can say with some certainty that Apple won't be changing the key in iTunes.

    3rd party hardware includes the ability to upgrade its firmware
    Sweeping generalisation. Those simple iHome AirPlay speakers can be connected to a computer and then firmware upgraded? Very unlikely. Not every AirPlay licensed hardware is an expensive Hi-Fi amp with upgradable firmware.

    Heck, it's even possible that Apple might already have planned for this contingency, and instead of just having one private key, they may have come up with a set of many private keys to choose from
    Near enough pointless. If someone is able to get hold of one private key, they're in a position to get hold of any others. This guy dumped the ROM after all.

    The biggest reason for Apple not to change the key is it would break everything. A "mandatory "security" bug fix" isn't feasible for hardware, it would be like trying to organise a product recall - you could never tell everyone, and everyone would be wondering why their product suddenly broke - the companies behind these products would be swamped with support calls. You simply can't just bring out an update that breaks everything, hoping that customers will somehow update hardware that might not even be up-dateable.

    tl;dr - However Apple engineered this, it's almost certainly not like that ^

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  • cube
    Apr 14, 12:42 PM
    What about the MacBook and MacBook Air?

    Not real Macs.

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  • yoda13
    Sep 5, 01:49 PM
    I hope for good quality movies too. What is realistically the limit on quality that they can implement and still have it be manageable with a normal average speed broadband connection? Just curious.

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  • spicyapple
    Sep 10, 06:36 AM
    The Woodcrest MacPro will suddenly feel very old if Apple manage to put Cloverton in MacPro early next year.
    It appears I will be living in a cardboard box under a bridge sooner than I expected. :) All these juicy new Apples will put me in the poor house!

    Mar 30, 01:06 PM
    MP3 player is a broad term to refer to a whole class of products just like DVD player. App Store was not a generic or broad term used to describe anything before Apple made it popular. They put those two words together and created a brand out of it.
    That's like arguing no one put Apple can put "i" before a product name.

    I see your point, but in that example there were already products in the market using the term "mp3 player". In the case of App Store, was that term previously in use? And by the way, "Mighty Mouse" wasn't a trademark violation, they listed that it was used with permission from day one.
    I stand corrected on "Mighty Mouse". There were app stores before Apple, which is why when Apple premiered theirs I didn't get the big hub-bub. PalmGear (,en,usd/palm/index.html), now PocketGear, was selling apps for Palms when Apple was working on OS X. Handango too I think. These were app stores before Apple's App Store.

    Mar 22, 01:59 PM
    My Mom needs a new iMac due to screen issues

    Isn't that kind of like throwing the baby out along with the bath water? This is why an all in one seems so wasteful to me.

    OS X Dude
    May 3, 10:49 AM
    The whole point of Thunderbolt is you can daisy-chain devices (up to 6 I think), so one port goes a long way.

    Besides the three-monitor doohickery on the 27", I struggle to see why 95% of people would need two ports often. But still, nice to have :)

    Sep 4, 03:25 PM
    I think it is the highly anticipated iToilet with universal iPod dock and count 'em four AppleTalk ports.

    Sep 10, 06:20 PM
    Put a Conroe processor in a midrange headless system, and you'll have what the cube was supposed to be. The problem is that Apple just finished rationalizing a minimized line. To add something else into their lineup makes for all kinds of headaches.

    Low-end (headless) - mac mini
    Mid-range (all-in-one) - iMac
    High-end (headless) - mac pro
    Server room (headless) - xserve

    In order to rationalize another product line in the mid-range (pro-sumer?) market, I think they'll need to focus it on some other feature that people need. Dropping the cube back out there just cannibalizes sales of existing product, if you are not careful with it.

    Apple does not seem to believe that there is some large contingent of people who want a mid-range system that would prefer it not to have a monitor. I, however, think they are wrong, and they are missing a large segment of people who are willing to pay top dollar for a high-end well-designed machine. That market is the one for the high-end gamer.

    Apple absolutely could produce a great machine aimed at high-end gamers. Produce a super-cool design aimed at that segment. Make it BTO with multiple upgradable graphics cards, fast bus speeds, fast ram, RAID 0, etc. They could leave off FW800, Bluetooth (most wireless gamer mice don't use it), and some of the other connectivity options that high-end gamers could care less about (modems, etc). Put the Conroe processors in there and crank them up as high as you can. The high end system could be liquid cooled, we already know apple can do that when needed. Most games are still not threaded all that well - but an MT OpenGL also couldn't hurt...

    They could also Pre-install boot-camp as a BTO option. We all know any serious gamer is going to want windows installed - so just prep them for it. It wouldn't surprise me to see many more people buying macs to run windows on in the near future anyway.

    There isn't any reason why such a machine couldn't look like the "cube" I suppose, but I'd probably prefer to see something different. The cube had a different design goal and has too much baggage associated with it anyway.

    It is coming, I bet. But you forgot the need for SLI. Apple is a hardware company and does not mind selling to Windows users that want the best hardware for their games. It is coming.

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