Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nissan Gt R R35

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  • gwuMACaddict
    Sep 9, 07:50 AM
    same boat here- what do i do with my shuffle then? turn it in to an expensive thumb drive? hehehe

    i'll probably get a nano one of these days, but it's not driving me crazy yet. also want to see one in person first

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  • r.j.s
    Mar 20, 03:43 PM
    News thread here (

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  • N10248
    Jan 22, 06:06 PM
    This is the ONLY advantage Windows has over macs and ive made this mistake a few times too

    on windows same-name folders get merged and each file replace gets promted for a yes/no. whereas on os x it replaces the entire folder with the other one after 1 prompt.

    Could be bad if someone copied a folder called "Music" to my home directory and it would delete all my music for me

    hope this get fixed in tiger

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  • sb58
    Apr 2, 05:42 PM
    oh how much is the Shimmering Isles?

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  • gkarris
    Apr 27, 05:04 PM
    OH BOY!

    (*runs out and starts charging up credit cards...*)


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  • niuniu
    Jun 6, 04:03 PM
    haha :D Good luck !

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  • Steamboatwillie
    Jul 7, 10:28 AM
    Hey gang,

    I've got a 600mHz G3 iMac Logic Board that I want to reincarnate. I've read the websites that show you how to convert an ATX (pc) power supply to work with an iMac motherboard but I'm really not looking forward to several hours of soldering. I was wondering if anyone knows of an adapter that is for sale to do this? I also emailed Marathon computer (makers of the iRack) to see if I could just buy one of thier power supplies. No dice I would have to buy the whole iRack case for $400 >yowch<

    If I have to I'll break out the old iron but I am hoping for a shortcut.

    Mucho thanks :)

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  • vbagley
    Apr 15, 01:28 PM
    My reply in red.

    Really two different things the OP needs. One he knows about, and one he doesn't.

    First, a request for some clarification. You have a DSL modem that has a single Ethernet port on the back, right? Right! You stated "no wireless". I'm assuming that that's due to some kind of restriction - i.e. workplace or parents or whoever said "no wireless". Is this correct? Yes, it's a restriction. Or do you simply mean that your DSL modem doesn't have WiFi?

    Anyway, if there is some "no wireless" restriction, then the wireless router one person suggested is out.

    Does the DSL modem have NAT built in? Do you know what NAT is? (Do a little Wikipedia research...) NAT allows several computers to share a single Internet connection. It changes the packets going out to the Internet so that they all come from the same address. It also provides *some* firewall protection, in that incoming packets are only accepted if they match-up with an outgoing packet. By default, a NAT router won't accept any incoming connections. You can set it up to accept incoming connections, in that case you need to designate which computer to send them to for a given port.
    This is of no concern to you unless you are running a server, etc. Not running a server. It's a AT&T DSL modem.

    If your DSL modem does not have NAT, and also doesn't have some kind of firewall, then you are currently *very* vulnerable to attack. Ack! That's all I need to hear!

    It would be useful to post your DSL modem model. Westell-black one! AT&T always asks, "the black or the gray," when I have to call.

    If it does have NAT, then I'm a bit surprised that they didn't build in a small Ethernet switch and give you multiple Ethernet ports. If it does have NAT, then you should only need to add an Ethernet switch. Get a gigabit switch, which will make then connection BETWEEN your Macs very fast. (For copying files back and forth, etc.) For the Internet connection, gigabit is a non-issue, since Internet speeds are (typically) way below that of even a 100M switch.

    If it doesn't have NAT, then you need a router or firewall. Think "wifi router without the wifi". It's a bit of a specialty product, because they are usually built into a WiFi device, cable modem, or DSL modem.

    You can also look for a compatible DSL modem that has a built-in router and switch. So... I should look for another modem with a built-in router and switch? I don't intend to exchange files between the macs since one for one type of business and the other is for all my graphics.

    You will have to check your provider's terms of service to see if it's OK to connect more than one computer. Generally, though, the provider won't be able to detect that you are using NAT, so won't know in any case.
    Oiyvay! More waiting on hold! Maybe the best thing to do is connect and disconnect from the modem with whichever mac I happen to be using at the time?

    It seems there are never easy answers for my questions.

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  • amacgenius
    Nov 20, 10:52 AM
    Geebus. :eek:

    Ditto. I wish there was a way to make the pencil stop writing (there probably is, and I didn't see it) then you could actually draw something worthwhile.

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  • angelwatt
    Mar 1, 06:25 PM
    I see one typo here:
    <style type="text/css"">
    Notice the extra " at the end. That can definitely cause issues.

    I also recommend running your page through the HTML validator (, which can help identify these kinds of problems.

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  • dejo
    Apr 9, 05:13 PM
    Such a thing is only possible on a jailbroken phone so you should probably ask your question on a forum more tailored to them.

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  • tutiplain
    Apr 15, 07:32 PM
    Hi everyone,

    My Xcode 4's Organizer window shows that my provision profile should be valid for 10 more days, and yet, when I select iOS Device to test my app, Xcode reports that it cant find any provisioned devices. Does anyone have any idea how I can troubleshoot this problem? (I just installed the provisioning profile today, since my previous one had expired five days ago. I also have Xcode 3 installed in another folder, don't know if that affects anything).

    Many thanks for any info.

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  • Dagless
    Mar 18, 09:58 AM
    Those games were awesome. :)

    Best of all Camelot are supposedly working on either an unnamed Wii or DS (forgot which) RPG. Music was perfect, game design was simple but had hidden depth with them Djinn things. My stomach went all tingly when you go to Knox and see the physical "end of the world".

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  • onthecouchagain
    Apr 28, 02:33 PM
    Do SSD lasts long? Lasts longer than HDD? I've read/heard that overtime, SSDs can slow dramatically as the space gets filled. Is this true?

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  • jessica.
    Apr 14, 03:04 PM
    The cloud player depends on flash pluggin so it doesn't work on ipad.

    There is a work around. It's a PITA, but it works. It is just not worth it to me to hassle with it on my iPad. It is nice on my Droid though.

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  • hminks
    Apr 4, 10:39 AM
    Hi guys,

    Beware: horror story lays ahead. You're all going to be smacking your heads and thinking I'm a total idiot. Which I am.

    Back story: Macbook from late 2007. In perfect working order, battery was still great and everything ran smoothly. I am usually VERY careful with my computer.

    Saturday night, I had fallen asleep on my bed with my computer on next to me, and a half a pint of water on my bedside table. My cat decided it would be a good idea to jump up onto my bedside table, and knocked the glass of water over. Water splashed onto my bed and onto my keyboard. I was asleep on the other side of the bed so I didn't realise until I woke up about 4 hours later.

    I realised what must have happened and called my boyfriend (he's a tech assistant at his uni). He told me to remove the battery and set the laptop upside down to rest in the sun, and then to look up what to do on Google using my phone. So I Googled "OMG I SPILLED WATER ON MY MACBOOK" and read everyone's advice on what to do. The weird part is that everything I've read has said that people's computers turned off either immediately or a few minutes after the water spilled onto it. My computer didn't turn off - in fact, it was completely frozen. The time still read 4:30am when I looked at it at 8:30am. The power button didn't work when I tried to turn it off so I had to just remove the battery.


    Water spills on keyboard, computer doesn't turn off but just freezes. What does this mean? What are the chances that my computer will be okay after a few days of drying out? I'm assuming that nothing shorted out immediately because the thing stayed on. But that could just be wishful thinking.

    My computer is over 3 years old so is obviously completely out of warranty. I can't afford to replace the keyboard or, God forbid, the logic board.

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  • stompy
    May 3, 08:35 AM
    Whether [TB] will happen or not, will depend ... But if the costs are too high in their opine, they may skip it this go around.

    We'll have to wait and see to be sure.

    And now we know: next Mac pro will have TB.

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  • AriX
    Jan 14, 05:04 PM
    Hey everyone!

    CunningTV is going to be covering the MacWorld 2008 keynote at

    If you're the kind of person who likes watching multiple live things at the same time in addition to MacRumorsLive, this is for you :)

    Also, if you'd be nice enough to Digg it that would be great:

    Thanks, and have fun watching MacWorld!

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 15, 03:13 PM
    In mine live a 13" late 2009 MBP, a 15" 2006 MBP, a 2011 21.5" iMac, a 13" early 2009 MacBook, a blue iMac G3, a white iBook G3 and a Mac Classic :D

    How bout' you guys?

    Jul 11, 09:44 PM


    I dont see a difference other than its thinner and the cable isnt smooth.

    Dec 25, 09:14 PM
    Already been posted here:

    May 2, 07:25 PM
    Applecare really comes in handy if you have problems. I had an early '08 macbook pro with the faulty nvidia card. The entire thing must have been replaced before I sold it: two bad screens, multiple fans replaced, logic board replaced, hard drive replaced, and probably more, I'm just forgetting.

    Nov 17, 02:09 PM
    I really enjoyed the inline display feature.

    Also, any one else experiencing that the app crashes when geo-tagging is on?

    Yeah I liked it too. He didn't say, but I imagine that it was removed at the request of Twitter. It goes against their 140 character philosophy.

    Mar 6, 10:37 PM
    cheers for the quick reply twoodcc. i have the console version installed too. its working now.

    the GUI version doesnt let you do anything, just think of the TM preferences! its that... lol.

    i can run the console version if need be, any hints to change preferences etc? its currently using ~770% of my CPU lol - i dont want it that hot.

    i can't recall all the setting for the pref pane, but i know you can start the console version with the -configonly parameter to configure the client.

    but let me ask, what machine are you running this on? and which client are you running?

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