Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mercedes Sl500 Amg

Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Tomorrow
    Oct 17, 09:45 AM
    Typical OS X user experience is this: I mount a network share. I work through the day but if there's any significant network connectivity issue, my mount point goes away and OS X alerts me that the network share is no longer available and I have to reconnect. IOW, OS X suddenly turns helpless on me and my mounted share just disappears because it's too dumb to know what else to do.

    Wow, I've never heard of this issue - and I haven't noticed it on my setup.

    I have a NAS that, upon booting my iMac, gives me a "can't connect" error, because it's trying to mount that volume before network connectivity is established. I have to click the share's icon to get it to mount - but then it stays mounted. *shrug*

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Macnoviz
    Aug 17, 03:28 PM
    ... the official "Apple Ridicule Platform."

    He, he. But I thought the platform was in the aquarium attached to Steve's office? :confused: :p

    It's on top of the 5th avenue Cube

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • NT1440
    Apr 30, 02:32 AM
    Did anyone notice on the very beginning of the show "HD brought to you by Windows 7" ? I know this is probably coincidence, but its still not cool to do spoof like this if Microsoft is a sponsors. I kinda lost respect for the guy now, I don't know. Peace may be funny, but its still very distasteful to do 8 and a half minute clip, which is almost half of the show if Microsoft is a new sponsor. I mean come on.

    You base integrity on if they bend to their sponsors will? :confused:

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • iPodClassic
    Apr 17, 12:18 AM
    I guess iPhone 5 will be coming out abit later. :(

    Yep! I think Apple nailed itself on this one, it they arent gonna come out with iPhone 4 this summer, this will be a way to increase sales until then. Besides, its like the Wii getting a new color and everybody goes crazy for it bcus its the first time they've done it.

    So what will happen? I guess its just avoiding competition, last year you guys remember all those Android phones coming out? Evo 4G, Galaxy S, Droid Incredible? By moving it they'll have more room during the holidays, iPhone is the new iPod these days.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • jeffreyropp
    Apr 29, 02:23 PM
    And here I thought Jon was smart and would find out the details of this story before "reporting" it.

    Funny segment, disappointed in lack of research.

    He seemed to have several details wrong and omitted others altogether. Interesting that he chose to sacrifice some facts in preference for commentary that resonates less if you have followed the story closely.

    Few seem to understand the potential impact to Apple's business that relies on some level of secrecy to innovate on the scale they do.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • wordoflife
    Apr 10, 08:01 PM
    I can't wait to get it on my ...... kindle unless i get an iPad by then

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • mixel
    Apr 19, 08:39 AM
    And your point is? :D

    People are still gonna complain unfortunately:( Its all about priorities. I for one am a huge Valve fan period(hence my interest in the thread)...that said, Im not super enthusiastic about MR threads on "Facetime Updates"/etc. People just care about different things...I dont think thats crazy;) Stay well friend!
    I see the point, but there's a bit of a difference between something not being to your taste and telling the people who run the sites that they're geeks who don't know what constitutes a newsworthy site. :)

    If I did complain I'd do it in a way that was at least civil, hehe.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • alust2013
    May 1, 12:17 PM
    It's because it uses server CPUs, all of which, except for the bone-stock model will outperform the iMac i7. They are considerably more expensive, and are required for dual CPU systems. They also use far better GPUs, have expandability, etc.

    I understand the i7 vs Xeon argument for the single CPU systems, however, a pro buying a workstation will be expecting a workstation-grade CPU, not a consumer model.

    Go check out workstations from Dell or HP. They are more expensive than the Mac Pro, believe it or not.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • shadowx
    Aug 3, 01:18 PM
    Hell yes!!!

    With a better mobile graphics GPU, i.e.,
    ATI Mobility � Radeon� X1800 Series or
    GeForce Go 7900

    Larger optional hard drives:
    offer the Seagate ST9160821A-RK 160 GB ATA-100 for mac laptops or Seagate Momentus 5400.3 160 GB

    and here is the kicker: (optional)
    Blu-Ray Drive player/burner, with DVD+-R (dl) ability.

    hey i know it would cost more, but apple is supposed to lead in terms of technology.

    Getting a little ahead of ourselves on the GPU?? How about Apple clocking the X1600 at ATI's default speed, first.;)

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • WillEH
    May 1, 03:58 PM
    But in fear of being labelled a racist, I shall no longer speak my views. It's a sad day when you're a racist for disliking people who break the law, and enter countries illegally, it's even worse when your own government house them.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • gnasher729
    Apr 27, 10:43 AM
    Unless they've bought map data from Navateq or TeleAtlas, I strongly doubt Apple has enough time to map the entire world. If anything, because of the huge number of people using iPhones, it's perfect for creating an aggregate map of traffic data which no other company could do (besides Google i suppose).

    The USA has the longest road network at about 4 million miles. There are probably 40 million iPhone users in the USA. So that is 1/10th of a mile per user. If mapping the USA cost $10 per mile of road then the cost would be one dollar per user. I'd invest a million or two in writing some really clever software to analyse GPS data and let iPhone users collect all the necessary data, then professional drivers just following all the mapped roads to fix errors.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • I3eXa
    Jan 12, 01:29 PM

    ohh...i like it

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • satcomer
    Mar 22, 07:47 PM
    After living in Japan for three (some time ago) years several things amazed me. Japanese men treat Japanese women like second class people. The vending machines served hot food, hot drinks, cold drink and highly caffeinated beverages and these machines were on almost every block. Lastly a form of prostitution is legal in certain Provinces. Lastly almost every Japanese person I saw were absolutely in love with sea food.

    It doesn't surprise me that Japanese people don't loot, etc.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • bruinsrme
    Apr 16, 06:35 AM

    If you are college-bound, poster, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how that attitude changes and your MBA is instead embraced as a necessity in higher education.

    Best of luck!

    Yes colleges are far more network user friendly. Then again, look at the number of students paying tuition. Colleges and universities might have a little larger IT budget than a public school district.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Joshuarocks
    Mar 20, 12:00 PM
    This was only a sample of what i found on ebay.. The Quad G5's are still demanding in the lower 300's to mostly 400 and as high as 700 dollars. Again, the reason why I was suggesting either of the dual cores or Quads was because of how rugged they were + how fast they were.

    Once I know the position of my interview and get hired with a good company, I might go ahead and get either a dual core 2.3 or Quad. I originally had the Quad, but sold it as by doing so it allowed me to go with an Intel Mac Pro 2006 model. Currently, I have the 2010 Mac Pro.. so all my Intel stuff is well taken care of.

    I guess the G5 Quad would take care of my G5 nostalgia, but yet remain a perfect, and efficient machine for everyday tasks.. Although I use the PB G4 1.67 for my everyday tasks, the mac pro is only used for certain things like dvd ripping, handbrake, etc.

    Just that its difficult when you get some else's G5 Quad, you don't know if the LCS will burst or something.

    I mean, how much slower is the dual core 2.3 versus the Quad?

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • outlawarth
    Apr 5, 11:42 AM
    What was it, before the iPad 2 announcement, that every one was certain of? iPad 2 will be late. No new iPad til September.

    Apple laughed at that and said, actually were ready to go next week.

    +1 ... The iPad 2 rumors were ridiculous claiming no iPad until summer/fall. Laughable.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Salavat23
    Apr 6, 05:44 PM
    Its an ad people, relax.

    They spent $500 (if they actually bought it) to make this ad. That's nothing.

    Some companies spend millions of dollars on a 30 sec ad. You guys can seemingly only justify money paid to actors, but not money spent on a relatively cheap physical prop.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • charlituna
    Apr 12, 03:14 PM
    First the iPad is coming out with 2 revisions in then only one revision, then the iPhone5 is not coming out in June 2011 but in September then it is coming out again in June and then it is not coming out at all in 2011. Tell you what, I will believe it when I see it.

    Exactly. Until Apple says it, it is all rumor. Maybe some are better guesses than others, but they are still guesses. Perhaps at one point they were partly true (like Apple doing prototypes of ipod touches with cameras way before they released them) but things change. THIS is why Apple doesn't talk about their ideas. They only talk when someone is a done deal, tested and ready to release.

    In regards to the rumors, I don't see Apple shifting too far off their current pattern of one major release in each of Q2, Q3 and Q4 (Q1 is covered by holiday sales). That way they have high sales to help bolster their earnings reports and thus their stock values. Once the value drops it is harder to recover than just keeping it more or less high all the time.

    Now is it possible that they would shift what falls in each quarter, perhaps or perhaps not.

    Right now the carriers aren't really ready with LTE and the vendors aren't ready with NFC and these are the two big possibles for new iphone hardware. They are apparently already shipping the iphone 4 with a dual chip so that wouldn't really be an 'iphone 5' issue. So might they skip the baby steps of an iphone 4s and not do hardware. Sure they might. and then perhaps release the next iphone in Spring 2010 as their Q2 and shift the ipad to Q3, perhaps even including it in the whole Back to School promo to help push it into the school setting.

    The talk supporting an ipad 3 in the fall could be a mis read on orders by Apple for parts to test possible set ups for next years ipad 3. Nothing more or less.

    Mercedes Sl500 Amg. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Aphex3D
    Jun 16, 01:35 PM
    So did I. Then I went back today and asked what would happen to my preorder. The Mobile Manager said they are automatically taking the white pre-orders and swapping them to black. He also told me they would be opening at the usual 10 o'clock AM. I plan on getting there around 8.

    Blonde Buddhist


    Dammit I wanted a white one too. I'm just going to assume the one white one they've ever so far made will be available to me at my store on june 24th. Or give the black to my sister once the white one comes out. EITHER OR.

    Apr 21, 02:57 PM
    This is getting exciting.

    The billion dollar question: just content purchased from iTunes or all compatible (audio) files in one's iTunes library?

    Apr 7, 10:15 AM
    I love how worked up people get over trivial things like this.

    Saw one comment on this saying that here in the UK Apple have had to recall all the iPads because of wireless issues, leaving the customers furious, which is funny because it hasn't even been released yet... But I guess it's true, it is on the internet after all :rolleyes:

    Gotta love fanboys, either side of the spectrum you're guaranteed a laugh :D

    May 5, 01:00 PM
    Ah...the metric system. Such a nightmare. :D

    I think eventually more and more "American stuff" will use the metric system. At this point on most "large objects" it doesn't really make that much difference. And the "pros" trained in this stuff can use both. In the small scales even Americans use the metric system. Especially when more nanotech products start hitting the markets, ppl will get use to the metric system. I mean, look at the iPod nano! :p

    Decades back, they sold weed by the ounce, now they sell it by the gram.

    Jan 2, 10:55 AM
    On my MBP.

    Apr 27, 09:32 AM
    I love Navigon. I just wish I could click on an address in Mail and have it open up navi automatically.

    Yes I know, it will never happen.

    I would love to see Apple take over the maps app though.

    Why not?

    You can touch an address in iOS, it opens map, and you select "Directions to", and bam, directions.

    Now, if Apple creates a GPS app of their own, I don't see anything stopping them from using this same address touch feature.

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