Thursday, May 26, 2011

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  • fatboyslick
    May 4, 04:18 AM
    Let's be clear... "Android" is an OS from Google that you can find on dozens of phones from many manufacturers.

    Apple knows they can't compete with that. And they're not. Marketshare is not a goal. For instance... Android has more marketshare... now what?

    It's Mac vs Windows all over again. Windows is crushing Macs 10 to 1. Dell and HP have sales that dwarf the Mac. But is Apple really in trouble with the Mac?

    Apple sells phones... and quite a lot of them. 18 million iPhones last quarter... and 16 million in the previous quarter. Any other manufacturer would kill for those numbers.

    If iPhone sales drop to ZERO... then we can talk about Apple rethinking their strategy. Until then... Apple will continue to sell hundreds of thousands of phones every day... further positioning themselves away from bankruptcy.

    Indeed - Apple make money from the sale of iphone hardware whereas Google will only take a percentage.

    However, Google's plan is to control OS's because they then make money from their App store and adverts

    Apple identified this last year and thus released the Ad-Sense scheme for devs to tempt them to use Apple's App Store over Googles.

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  • YoNeX
    Dec 1, 11:10 AM
    Has anyone been getting updates at all from VMware? I sent in my request for Discussion Forums (a while back), but haven't gotten access.

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  • chrmjenkins
    Sep 15, 07:45 PM
    Say goodbye to co-op (if that's the 4GB model).

    The bundle is 250gb.

    Have to say, I'm jealous of the Reach buyers. Getting ready to move so need to stick to essential expenditures :(

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  • uwetodd
    Apr 26, 01:38 PM
    Nice. Another awesome media streaming feature that will be choked by AT&T.

    There will probably will be a push to utilize WIFI. Unless, of course, you're one of the "chosen" to have their unlimited data plans grandfathered and won't be impacted. ;)

    Also, you'll be able to multi-task on the ATT network...


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  • matticus008
    Aug 16, 01:11 AM
    Hey, don't say that too loud.

    From the ever changing Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines (
    And that's how they read now� "Back" at the release of Tiger it was like this:(no explanation on why the changed was deemed more appropriate).

    Hey, don't look at me. I did not write that!
    It's still the same story. The icons are still distinctive and easily identified by their outline, as per interface guidelines. The fact that they're on a consistent and unified "button bar" or "bubble" is simply an aesthetic decision. Safari and the Finder have worked in this fashion since the beginning and no one threw the "HIG book" at Apple for that.

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  • seble
    Apr 25, 03:15 PM
    Yeah, Im going to listen to someone like this...

    Image (

    Kill the hate! Brian Tong is awesome.


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  • skunk
    Feb 12, 07:12 PM
    He makes me think of his father: in two or three years, Aaron Sorkin will put together a TV series where Charlie Sheen plays the (heretofore unmentioned) son of Jed Bartlett, who has somehow managed to become president...

    The Wasted Wing?It's happened before...

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  • Brien
    Mar 15, 06:44 PM
    If im eligible for an upgrade ill be there. Love my iPad :D.

    I think it'd be awesome to organize an Orange County iPhone 5 run. When the time comes, post the thread, and we'll figure something out.


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  • Sined
    Apr 28, 01:57 PM
    And thats just it.

    Google hasn't found a way to capitalizes on its smart phone market share.

    So even if they get 75% of the market and Apple keeps its 25%, in terms of revenue Apple is still going to "win".

    In the long term it will.

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  • Dubthedankest
    Mar 15, 09:35 AM
    Be sure to let us know if any of those stores have product. Out of all the stores I've seen that have opened early today, none have had product. Which, of course, begs the question 'why in the hell are you opening early then?'


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  • 840quadra
    Dec 1, 02:26 PM
    I agree with the few others that are concerned about this.

    Our Mac OS innocence is coming to an end. Part of this is due to the growing market share, and popularity in the Operating system. The other issue I feel that is of concern, is the new challenge this OS provides for Script kiddies, and bored coders. If you have an ego, and want to get your name out, why not do what hasn't been done before, as opposed to doing what everyone else does ?

    This is going to be a growing trend, and the amount of Mac Haters in the wild is quite high! Once code tricks and secrets start to get out, it is only a matter of time before OS X is targeted by thousands, much like XP!

    Apple has time to take this very seriously, and work to keep this system tight and secure! Hopefully this is going to be a big part of the focus on Leopard, but only developers will really know this!

    These current headlines aside

    1. Pay attention to what warning messages pop up when browsing the web.

    2. Only download and install software from sources that you trust, and if you do trust them, take an extra moment to think about why you trust them, and if you really need to install that piece of 3rd party software!

    3. Keep your firewalls on if possible

    4. Don't permanently unlock preferences, folders, or other security areas on your system using your keychain, unless you really need to do so!

    There are others, however that is a good baseline to follow for some minimal security checks and balances!

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  • MacRumors
    Sep 29, 10:15 PM (

    Gizmodo reports ( that one of its readers recently visited the Genius Bar at the SoHo Apple retail store ( in New York City complaining that 30% of his attempted calls were being dropped, and was informed after testing that such performance was considered normal by AT&T's standards for the area. The reader provided Gizmodo with a copy of the Genius Bar work authorization form noting the technician's assessment of the situation.Issue Description: dropped calls, poor signal
    Steps to Reproduce: plugged into behavior scan, report concludes that phone has dropped over 22 percent of the phone calls made. customer states that the percentage is a bit higher but does not register to the phone due to the fact that when a call begins to fail he manually disconnects the call.
    Issue Verified: Yes
    Proposed Resolution: this is a basic trouble shooting case so that the customer may report back to ATT to show that the phone is fully functional and the problem is consistent with the service provided by ATTAT&T has acknowledged that it has struggled with service performance in areas of high iPhone density such as the New York City and San Francisco Bay areas, and has recently taken steps ( to enhance 3G service in those and other markets.

    Article Link: AT&T Dropped Call Rate of 30% Considered Normal in New York City (


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  • bbplayer5
    Nov 11, 06:59 AM
    why would anyone care if it does sever side encoding for porn? Do you think they are keeping track of your fetishes lol.

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  • rmhop81
    Apr 26, 01:58 PM
    Wow...are you really that narrowminded?

    I'm not for one minute, nor did I ever say that Amazons cloud is invincible. The point I was making was that if Apple plan on using 1 datacenter, they will not only make the service unusable outside the US, but also make it pretty unreliable. The Amazon outage was the first since 2008 and was caused by a network glitch. Not exactly your run of the mill outage.

    Either way, Amazons cloud will outperform Apple's, period end of story. You'd have to be a pretty delusional fanboy to think that Apple would have the upper hand in this market. :rolleyes:

    LOL you didn't even know about the outage until i posted a link. now it was just some tiny network glitch that wasn't the run of the mill ;)

    did i ever say apple's was gonna be the biggest and the baddest? the funny thing is....i use amazon vod all the time on my naw, i'm not really an apple fanboy but thanks for assuming.


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  • iJohnHenry
    Dec 29, 05:03 PM
    I hear a chair screaming for help.

    They don't make chairs like that anymore.

    I wonder if it has wheels on it??

    Probably ruts in the floor tile, to and from the fridge.

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  • atari1356
    Oct 24, 07:45 AM
    From the press release:

    "up to 39 percent faster than the previous 2.16 GHz MacBook Pro"

    Really? I'd like to see those benchmarks... nice that they finally added FW800 back into the 15" model.


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  • VenusianSky
    Sep 30, 01:06 PM
    So this is a headline article based on a diagnosis and opinion of an Apple Genius Bar technician? In additoin, it is coming from a reader on Gizmodo. It may or may not be true that 20-30% dropped call is expected for those areas, but why headline this article when it is merely coming from the voice of an Apple store representative? It is very deceptive and may trick people into believing that this is a factual statement coming from AT&T themselves. Too many people on the internet always believe what they read from any source and that is why the legitimate journalist are p o'd about the future of journalism and reportings.

    Edit: Sorry, not headline, but front page.

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  • renewed
    Sep 15, 07:48 PM
    The bundle is 250gb.

    Have to say, I'm jealous of the Reach buyers. Getting ready to move so need to stick to essential expenditures :(

    I just got an email that says mine has shipped. I cannot wait! Luckily I get my 50" Plasma back tomorrow so good timing!

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  • ratzzo
    Apr 23, 06:54 PM
    The more carriers with iPhone reach, the better. Competition only benefits us, the customers.

    Apr 27, 01:07 PM
    We can't have an opinion (which is shared by others) it seems. Yeah, what exactly do you know?You were stating point blank that the seizure was obviously fake, and using various random, similarly unqualified posters to back you up. Whether it was a real seizure, a panic attack, blind terror or pure acting, what does it matter? You have no way of knowing, and it is not germane to the subject. If you have seen somebody kicked hard in the head and they end up having what appears to be a seizure shortly afterwards, it is far more appropriate to offer support rather than assuming anything at all.

    Jason Beck
    Apr 10, 02:30 AM (

    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.005 sec (1/200)
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    This photo made me thirsty for some Sprite. That is a cool tree right there. Liking the colors on it alot. Could care less about the fountain. : )

    May 1, 11:12 PM
    It is good that Chloe got the information to Jack's screen in time.

    Oct 27, 11:18 AM
    Fingers crossed !

    Aug 15, 06:18 PM
    does anyone know a rough date for its release?

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