Thursday, May 26, 2011

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  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:53 AM
    More hate from the god squad. :rolleyes:

    So true. And yet I am always told Christianity is all about loving one's neighbour… (as long as you don't covet his ass, I guess).

    Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
    Looking at that list, heaven is gonna be a tad empty…

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  • joepunk
    Mar 11, 10:15 AM ( has some updates to the reactor problem.

    Update: There's no evidence of any radioactive leakage, but officials have confirmed that the cooling process for the nuclear plant has not yet gone according to plan.
    Update 2: Japan has declared a nuclear emergency.
    Update 3: 2000 residents near the Fukushima Nuclear Plant have been urged to evacuate.
    Update 4: According to reports, Japanese jets have been ordered to fly over the Fukushima Nuclear plant
    Update 5: According to Reuters, a Dam has broken in the same region as the at-risk nuclear power plant.

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  • I'mAMac
    Oct 29, 10:08 AM
    I heard somewhere that the Clovertowns are actually slower than the Xeons, but with 2x as many cores will there be much difference?

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  • Professional football player

  • samdweck
    Oct 7, 04:54 PM
    Originally posted by arn

    Sam... you need to chill.

    Personal attacks and pure emotional posts are not very helpful. The point of this site is not to be Pro-Mac at all costs.

    A fast enough Pentium will beat a 1.25GHz G4. How fast the Pentium has to be appears to be a point of contention... but that's all it is... as long as people keep it civil... it's cool.

    Besides, alex_ant's post was a joke. Slow down, and read the intent of the posts.


    sorry arn, but it pisses me off! i mean really, i am very pro-mac and i should chill, but what does a pc person have business doing here... sorry though!

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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 24, 01:50 AM
    I'm 99% sure the machine is intended as an independent hub that can use iTunes libraries on the same network but can also go to the iTS directly and view content straight from there (and possibly other sources, such as Google Video.)

    You are going to be sorely disappointed then!.

    The iTV most definitely requires a computer. The iTV is a like a suped up Airport extreme for video. It has already been demoed and it requires a computer. The computer streams the iTunes content to the iTV and the iTV receives the stream and translates it into video and audio out via an HDMI or SVGA connection to your TV. The iTV also supports front row and allows remote control of the iTunes source machine.

    There maybe more features in the future but those are the reported and demoed features.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 10:51 AM
    Whatever your God has said in the past, I'm afraid I don't think he was even aware of the concept of 'LGBT'. He seemed to be a tad fixated on the 'G' part of that. Good to see his followers are trying to change that though. Forward thinking, modern, etc.

    Dont bash his/her religious beliefs. They could be right or wrong...its up to each person to decide, and make true in their lives. Personally, I believe in a powerful God of love and grace. Just my 2cents:)

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 11, 10:17 PM
    Wikipedia seems to be kept up to date. If you have something new, maybe you guys can add it to this...if someone didn't beat you to it. ;)

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    Oct 26, 03:37 AM
    Bulletin. Many thousands of us knew it would be this soon. :)

    Yep we did. I expected Octo way back in July/August.

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  • maccompaq
    Nov 12, 07:56 AM
    All of my people are on AT&T so I cannot switch, because of the mobile to mobile calling feature. AT&T has a strong signal where I live, and I really like my iPhone4, so switching would not make sense. Even with all the dropped calls, I just redial and continue on.

    I am sure that when many of the iPhone users switch to Verizon, the AT&T experience will improve.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 15, 01:12 PM
    LGBTQ teens are at the highest risk factor for suicide among ANY of their peers. That is why videos like this are more important than say "fat bullying."

    So now were placing importance based on what? Suicide is suicide.

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  • Australian Football Player

  • chabig
    Sep 20, 09:59 AM
    I'm wondering why they couldn't/wouldn't just combine the mini and the iTV into a single unit.They could, but it would cost a lot more.

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  • Football Player Tattoo Lazio

  • TEG
    Sep 20, 12:19 PM
    ya, seems unlikely the hard drive is for DVR functionality [as someone pointed out, there are no video inputs ont the device]... but the hard drive could prove useful in other ways.

    It brings an interesting thoughts though how it complements the DVR. Wonder if Apple has thought about licensing the streaming componenet of it to Tivo, for example. It seems like it might be nice if Tivo could play protected itunes content on your home network.

    Or on the flip side, Apple could license Tivo in a box of their own.


    That is an awesome Idea. Hopefully the iTV will be able to be integrated with the TiVo. Maybe being an external HD if needed. I just don't want Apple to go into the DVR business, because TiVo already did it right, and I don't think anyone could improve on it. I would like to see a software update for the TiVo that changes the encoding from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 so when they launch TiVo to Go for Mac, you are 90% closer to being able to use the video in other places, plus it could improve video quality with smaller file sizes.


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  • Gods of Football

  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 02:47 PM
    It might help starving Africans, but we could also screw up our genetical inheritance royally. Cross breeding is a problem we know too little about.

    Ditto stem cells. :)

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  • iliketyla
    Apr 20, 07:11 PM
    The experience is degraded because Android lacks the Apple-integrated experience that we care about. Saying Android can do anything iPhone can do is like saying that both an Hyundai Accent and a Ferrari will get you from A to B. Yes, both can do this, but it's the experience that matters. The point isn't the fact that both have apps and both can browse the internet. Most people don't care about overclocking their phones or installing custom ROMs or "software freedom," whatever that means.

    I'm a former two-year Android user. The transition to iPhone 4 was great.

    Good for you.

    I'm a former iPhone user.
    The cost difference in an Android was great, and I don't regret it one bit because the experience is far superior FOR ME.

    Live and let live, your iPhone is not a Ferrari.

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  • Cyrax
    Apr 6, 10:45 AM
    I just switched. Like, a week ago.

    1. Expose + Spaces are GREAT window managers. I took to both like ducks to water.

    2. Spotlight is pretty awesome and intuitive. However, Win 7 has features like that integrated.

    3. I never used the Explorer, always just navigated through folders one by one (bad habit, I guess). So Finder has been a bit of a learning curve especially since the opening folders behavior is not quite the same. Like when you double click on a new folder a new window opens up.

    4. No registry is great. Installing/uninstalling apps is clean and efficient. Just the way it should be.

    5. The Dock is a mess. Of course, this is nothing new. Many, many people have spent tons of time talking about it. However, it is fairly intuitive and simple to use. It's also very tweakable for those who want to do it. I guess that's why Apple has kept it around.

    6. I like how Mac OS X keeps all the power user features out there and accessible. Automator for example. OS X looks nice and is easy to use but is actually extremely flexible and powerful. Windows, of course, you can do a lot to tweak it, but it just doesn't feel the same.

    7. Quicktime-stuff and iTunes run MUCH better on the Mac. No surprise there.

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  • legacyb4
    Sep 12, 06:28 PM
    Hate to say it, but I agree... I've got an old P4/2.8 running MCE2005 with a TV tuner and while not outputting the highest quality video, it's fulfilling the role of what I want in my living room; namely, a digital recording device for TV content that can also play back DVDs and downloaded content. It'd be a plus if I actually used the computer but I'm a Mac man suffering the Windows solution for something that Apple hasn't fully provided me yet...

    When this thing surpasses the capabilities of my Windows media center and Xbox 360 combo then I will be impressed. Until then Apple is playing catch up to MCE and playing it poorly.

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  • Husky Football Player Part

  • whatever
    Oct 25, 10:48 PM
    Well based on nothing really except I've been using apple a long time, worked in their retail stores for a while, and know how they like to be cutting edge (yet dependable and pretty), I'd say count on 8 cores for xmas. Maybe not november, but maybe so. I think the thought alone of HP and Dell releasing prosumer workstations with 8 cores leaving Apple behind when Vista launches is just too much to let slide for Apple.
    And why is that? Christmas is a big time of year to sell Professional Machines? Nope. Expect all of Apple's energy to be going into consumer products for the rest of the year.

    Don't be suprirsed that iTV (or dare I say a video iPod) get's launched in November, right before Thanksgiving.

    football players tattoos. Football Player Tattoos
  • Football Player Tattoos

  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 13, 12:40 PM
    What genius decides to make a pro app accessible to the masses? We who use FCP have to make money from our business, so we need a little bit of smoke and mirrors to make our business needed, otherwise our clients will just get a 16 year old in off the street, download FCP (sorry imovie Pro or whatever they have decided to call it) and there you go we are out of work!

    So basically what you are saying is that you are a two bit hack and a kid with just an ounce of creativity can easily replace you because any kid can afford a $300 program, whereas a $900 one keeps them artificially out of the game.

    The really ironic thing about your post is that FCP 1.0 was a cost revolution itself bringing video editing to he masses for really the first time ever, which you took advantage of. Now that Apple is doing it again and you are at risk you seemingly outraged.

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  • represents Football player

  • Mord
    Jul 12, 05:00 PM
    This thread is getting too funny. Apple has been so far behind on power these past few years and now we get the chance to use Conroe, and suddenly that's not good enough for the Mac snobs. Conroe is an extremely fast chip (especially compared to G5), so I don't get why some people think it's a bad choice for the pro-line up. Sure, it can't do smp, but not everyone needs or want to pay for quad processing.

    So, aside from the ability to do multiple processing, what advantages does Woodcrest have that make it mandatory to go in the pro-line? How much "faster" is it going to be over the Conroe? It's my understanding that they are identical in that respect.

    if you don't need all the power you can get the mac pro is not for you, apple does not do a consumer tower and most likely never will, they simply must have a quad settup and if they have two configs of them (a 3GHz and a 2.66) they may as well keep the low end option on the same platform, this has been said again and again and again, conroe is not bad it just does not make sense for apple to use it in the mac pro, conroe goes in the imac.

    Oct 7, 06:54 PM

    I share your very pro-mac attitude, but it IS pro-mac to call a spade a spade. I hate to admit it too, but Wintel is getting faster and faster and we're sitting still.

    OS X is an amazing Unix based os that should Scream in every app, and yet Wintel is kicking our buts in 3D graphics which should be a mac relm. Instead of blindliy saying that Mac is best we should self examine and send Apple our opinion via their feedback on their website.

    I know that people hate car examples so I will use a totally different one. War history.

    Hitler was not only an evil Nazi facist, but he was once a corporal and knew little or nothing about war tactics/strategy. He had some of the greatest generals of the 20th century working for him. Field Marshalls Von Manstein, Von Rundstedt, Rommel & ColonelGeneral Guderian but to name a few. Read up on military history, these were great leaders of fighting men, and Hitler was a politician.
    They constantly told him that he was doing things wrong and he just refused to listen, to the point of firing all of them at one time or another for telling him The Truth Now, granted, we are better off that Hitler lost (those Generals themselve were even happy about it) but that proves that you gain nothing by denying the truth.

    now back to Apple. Apple is only gonna make machines that are faster than Intel (i.e. G5, G6 etc...) if we DEMAND it. If we are content with 800MHz note books, while IBM makes 2.0GHz and Alienware makes 2.6GHz ones that smoke us, then we are doing ourselves a disservice.

    I am a dedicated Apple user, but only because of OS X, until OS X, I was a Windows guy and wanted an Apple, becasue back in 2000, the G4 was the top. I figured that between the G4 and Unix, I was gonna be top. But Apple has stood still (compared to Wintel) and I am starting to get anxious, and so are others.

    there, I've said my $.02............can we still be friends?

    Oct 20, 12:59 PM
    Now to pre-arrange for the 8-core Mac Pro's arrival next month. :)

    I'm now working with

    Two 20" - 1600 x 1200 Dells
    One 24" - 1920 x 1200 Dell
    One 30" - 2560 x 1600 Dell
    Two 15" - 1024 x 768 Original 15" Analog Bondai Blue Apple Studio Displays

    2 PowerMac G5's Quad, 2GHz Dual Core + 1 Old 1.25GHz PowerBook G4
    2 G4 Cubes

    for a total of 9 cores totaling 16.2GHz. :p

    Original retail cost of all of the above about $13,000

    New 8-Core Mac Pro @ 2.66GHz each totaling 21.28GHz for about $4,000

    Mar 18, 09:20 AM
    They offer an unlimited data plan for one device. There's nothing illegal about it. By sharing that data with other devices you are very clearly and very simply breaking the contract.

    Please point that out in the contract, know it all.

    Guess what, it isn't there.

    Go look up the word Unlimited in the dictionary. Internalize and understand it. Come back here when you're done. Then come into a court room. Id like to sit back watch you (as I will eventually be watching AT&T) dance around the clear and concise definition of the word.

    I've engaged in long, drawn out discussions with my legal pals about this very issue for several years, and they all agree it would completely impossible for AT&T to get out of court unscathed over this word "Unlimited"

    Most of you people don't grasp the significance of the word in this case, which is not at all surprising given the crowd. (young and/or naive).

    Most also think that because AT&T includes fine print in a contract, they can enforce it however they wish...which of course is a laughable fantasy to anyone who has sat through the first day of contract law.

    Apr 12, 10:50 PM
    I know what grading is. Prove to me that this App has no grading capability.

    But you can't prove that it does...

    Color really needs to stay stand alone I feel. If Apple were to merge both, I feel it would be immensely bloated.

    Plus, at least in our case, our primary editing machines don't really have Color setup. Only our colour correction studios.

    Apr 27, 06:19 AM
    I switched to Mac 3 years ago and I have never looked back. most of the annoyences has been covered already, but none of them are a real showstopper.

    The biggest annoyence with OS X is the lack of a good music handler. I just hate iTunes. It's the biggest bloatware on the market if you ask me. Please, don't start a flame war about this, it's my opinion, and based on how I handle/listen to music. It might work for you.

    Regarding the (in)famous "x" to quit programs: This might be the biggest conceptual difference between Windows and Mac. Windows is, well, windows based. Program, user interface etc are all contained in one window. Mac on the other hand is based on programs, interacting with the user using windows. It takes some time to get used to. The best way I believe, is to avoid the buttons and use command-h to hide and command-q to quit programs. This way, alt-tab works as in Windows. Using the "minimize" button is confusing when you want the window back. you can alt-tab to the program but the window will still be minimized

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