Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thornhill Broome Beach

Thornhill Broome Beach. Shot at Mettams Beach, Perth.
  • Shot at Mettams Beach, Perth.

  • daneoni
    Apr 19, 07:16 AM
    So what? They're already getting sued by Apple, so what's another lawsuit? Point is, contract breach or not, Samsung could cripple Apple's whole ecosystem within days by halting all processor shipments. Apple makes the vast majority on iDevices and this would kill Apple's whole economic model. And this doesn't even account for Samsungs components that go into their Macs. As a result, Apple would have no hardware to sell. They would dip into their treasure chest. It could be devastating to Apple.

    You might be willing to walk away from $5.7 billion, face an even bigger lawsuit that you're all but certain to lose and become known in the industry as 'that guy who breaches contracts because of a legal dispute' but i doubt Samsung are.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. the Bondi Beach Walk,
  • the Bondi Beach Walk,

  • chatin
    Sep 5, 09:06 PM
    They may have partnered with a network like Showtime for a movie library.

    1) No HD. Way too much bandwidth here! As someone who edits HD, Mac Pro is underpowered for 1080i. (Not really!)

    2) No first run movies like Walmart gets on the day of release. Although I wish, since I was capsized at Amazon, with a wrong version, scratched Poseidon.

    But if one of the above proved untrue I would be very happy and start buying like crazy!! :p

    Thornhill Broome Beach. the each with their dog.
  • the each with their dog.

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 16, 05:58 PM
    Yeah, I said Thunderbolt would take over the world when I said that USB and Thunderbolt were complimentary. :rolleyes: Thunderbolt for high bandwidth, USB for low bandwidth.

    Yeah, super complex high speed adapters that we've seen done time and time again in an affordable manner. :rolleyes:

    Glad you're done arguing. Clearly you only had two points to try and refute and it would be embarrassing for you to just leave the rest of my previous post with no replies.

    No, it's more like I'd get banned if I really said what I thought. I'm clearly dealing with someone that knows very little about USB.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. to go down to the each.
  • to go down to the each.

  • ciTiger
    Apr 20, 10:01 AM
    WOW this is a major privacy breach.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. Long Beach Turkey Trot 10K.
  • Long Beach Turkey Trot 10K.

  • miketcool
    Sep 13, 09:49 PM
    So the search feature is related to dialing? Man, this is only throwing fuel into an uniterrested group of people worn from constant rumorings of whimsical phones.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. Long Beach Turkey Trot 10K.
  • Long Beach Turkey Trot 10K.

  • airamerica
    Oct 27, 11:11 AM
    I know the planet is doomed and that we are all going to drown under super high sea levels BUT I just can't see the point in groups like Greenpeace.

    I mean, they bang on about this and that, looking for big companies to target. It just stinks... Have you seen that raft (boat) they sail around in - it is hardly a pin-up for ecological travel.

    Greenpeace you are a product of the 20th Century, turning to ever more desperate methods to get your message out. Take your tree hugging ideology and put it to good use somewhere else - fight Aids, cure cancer, help the disabled etc.

    Apple and it's partners or competitors crack on! Do your thing, if you can become 'green', go for it. If not, we're all doomed anyway!


    Thornhill Broome Beach. Boards: Beach camping in
  • Boards: Beach camping in

  • MattyMac
    Sep 5, 06:02 PM
    My nano is already on eBay awaiting a nice metal clad 8GB version, I hope they do an andonised black one though to match my other gadgets.
    nice....I'm sure it will be a good time to pick up an older generation on ebay...once they are released that is. This week is the sellers market however.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. Broome
  • Broome

  • Blakjack
    Apr 4, 12:15 PM
    Me neither. I wonder if the suspects were armed...or at least how smashing glass doors escalated into gunfire.

    Obviously u didnt read the article. I have no sympathy for people who do stupid stuff like this. At the end of the day, u deserve what u get and the only people who really get *****ed at the end of the day is the family of the criminal who decided to do something stupid and got killed in the process. Its hard times for everybody right now, but thats no excuse.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. Beach Camping Spot Ideas?
  • Beach Camping Spot Ideas?

  • chrisleeroth
    Apr 22, 04:09 PM
    What is the difference between listening to streaming music (subsciption) and apple's cloud... They wont actually store all my songs wont they just let me stream the music I purchased from the server?

    Thornhill Broome Beach. tour of california eaches
  • tour of california eaches

  • Eddyisgreat
    Feb 26, 12:44 PM


    Thornhill Broome Beach. Miramar Al Aqah Beach
  • Miramar Al Aqah Beach

  • dockingbay94
    Apr 11, 05:22 PM
    Great news for those of us using a mac mini as a HTPC.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. of Nissi each and five
  • of Nissi each and five

  • morespce54
    Aug 24, 11:05 AM
    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    Or now, in that peculliar case, we could say: The Friend of my Friend is my enemy ;)
    (talking about Apple and Creative VS Microsoft VS SanDisk etc.)

    Thornhill Broome Beach. own private sandy each.
  • own private sandy each.

  • BrianMojo
    Sep 5, 03:56 PM
    Come on Apple, show us the HD. In a time when everyone's standoffish about HD because of the format wars Apple adopting the technology would mean you would never have bought into the wrong technology -- and eventually I imagine it would become the standard.

    Come on Apple, push the technology forward like you know you should. Please?

    Thornhill Broome Beach. Broome Street
  • Broome Street

  • mkrishnan
    Sep 19, 01:35 PM
    Looking at some financials, I think Disney sells on the order of 100M DVD units per quarter, which comes out to about 7-10M units per week? 125k units through the online channel in one week isn't so bad. :) If they hit their $50M revenue target, that means they will see sales on the order of 1% of total home video sales? That's a fair start.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. Broome Street
  • Broome Street

  • macintel4me
    Sep 5, 07:24 AM
    I really wish the media device rumor is true, but i would highly doubt that Apple would bring out the successor to the iPod this early. May be it is a pilot program like the Rockr phone for music on cell phones that Apple wants to experiment with by throwing a media streaming device in the market!

    Also, i really wish the movies are priced at $4.99 rather than $9.99!
    No, no, no! The iPod is for mobile entertainment. The media device is for the living room. Nothing mutually exclusive about these at all.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. 1st Paysan - Oliver Broome
  • 1st Paysan - Oliver Broome

  • Veldek
    Sep 14, 02:14 AM
    screen is scaled 16x10 format (don't know if that's right or not) - key shape/layout is unknown.

    again, these are renditions, not the product itself. Although, I'd buy one...I think the buttons would be way too small to use them. But the overall looks would be quite nice.

    Thornhill Broome Beach. Essex and Broome Streets.
  • Essex and Broome Streets.

  • Otaviano
    Apr 22, 05:48 AM
    How does streaming music to my iPhone help me, when O2 cap my Internet usage, and then charge when you use more.

    A great point, it's kind of funny how consumers have let the media lead us into believing we need clouded services out of everything. I can understand streaming television and films, but what is so hard about syncing your music at home once or twice a week?

    Thornhill Broome Beach. Siri Karoline Thornhill
  • Siri Karoline Thornhill

  • Lesser Evets
    Mar 22, 02:56 PM
    I wouldn't be surprised if the iMac and new Mac mini are the replacement for the Mac Pro...

    By the time November comes around, Thunderbolt may cause the death of the Mac Pro.

    Your logic is half-baked. The MacPro has one specific function which the iMac will probably never have: instant customization. You can stack tons of drive space in them, tons of RAM, and choose any sort of monitor config.

    Sure, iMacs might be able to do something like that, but with a lot of garbage floating around and cluttering everything. Also, the processors in the Pro are always beefier.

    However, I'd agree that for almost all people in the market, an iMac would be just as good as a MacPro. In 4 years I will probably replace my 2007 Pro with an iMac. Spending $4000 for a good Pro isn't worth it compared to $2000 for an iMac.

    Thornhill Broome Beach.

  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 11:51 AM
    Windows is as easy to use as SL. I'd say in terms of functionality Windows beats SL hands down. But most Apple fans idea of functionality in Windows is complexity and they prefer the dumbed down Mac operating system.

    When I start using Mac OS X 2 years ago, it took me two solid months to get used to its ways. I can tell you, when I started out, I would not have described Apple's operating system as easy to use. Now I'm competent using two operating systems, and can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of both. Neither are very difficult to use if you apply yourself to learning, but you have to put in the time to take full advantage of either one of them.

    Well put :)

    Apr 22, 10:16 AM
    The idea must delight at&t. Data charges will be very high

    What about those many places where 3G is not available
    ....weak reception areas reception areas
    ....airplanes, subways,...

    Use the album that you downloaded, and synced onto your phone/iPod.

    There is NO indication that Apple will not be letting you still download your music. This is a service in ADDITION to what you can already do.

    Why is this so hard to grasp?

    Aug 28, 01:21 PM
    Every time i read a post like this i cringe a little!

    There are so many rumors about a new ipod coming in the next few weeks/months/etc, most likely announced at Paris (maybe).

    Therefor if apple were to release a new ipod they would want to try and get rid of some older models! Thus i conclude that even if the new MBPs are announced or even shipping tomorrow then more people would buy one with the ipod offer... ...getting rid of sed older models!

    So why would they wait til after the promotion?

    Apple dont needhelp shifting notebooks but if they announce a new ipod you would bet that not many people would want the original ipod video over a new improved one!?

    I see people still talking about big announcements at the Paris expo. Considering there will be NO keynote of any kind I find it unlikely.

    Mar 23, 06:55 PM
    To me smells of political double cross. These "Senators" are all up for Election in 2012 and don't want to be tried to the alleged ailing of the current Presidential term. So they are trying to win votes of the "mothers" of America that they can talk up on TV (think political adds). They want people to think they are tough on crime, etc and not talk about their voting records.

    Note: After seeing so many Presidential elections I am convinced a person is elected or re-elected based on the current economy. People vote on who they think will help boost the economy. Plus who ever is elected the opposite Political Party will have large gains in the "off year" elections. It happens all the time. :eek:

    Sep 12, 03:35 PM
    o dude ;)

    that was really, really reassuring and comforting!!! thank you :D

    well yes i might try that, but even if my attempt failed i won't bother to manage to get the new one, cause as you pointed out, there obviously aren't that much of major differences, as most of us seem to agree upon.....

    right now i'm in korea, and it's 5:30 in teh morning... had to stay up all night to get the live broadcast.... it was very enthralling and stuff, all was good except that it'd hurt my productivity today.... haha

    well just saying!

    Take it back!! They will give you another one with NO questions asked!! See upper posts!

    Sep 5, 07:02 PM
    Yeah... yeah... Movies for the American audience...

    ...I don't even get TV shows... :(

    Yes, but you get to live in Norway, and in Bergen no less. I'll be in Bergen next week, and will be happy to bring you some TV shows.

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