Monday, May 16, 2011

selena gomez crying in airport

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  • zin
    Mar 24, 02:38 PM
    Please don't put an AMD 5XXX series into the new iMacs! :(

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  • Selena Gomez and The Scene

  • Stridder44
    Aug 29, 10:40 AM
    ...We probably won't see a Core 2 Mini until but that just fine for me because that's when the Intel GMA X3000 will be ready. Coupling a Core 2 Duo processor with a GMA X3000 will give the Mini a lot of punch.

    Wow I'v heard about the GMA 965 or whatnot, and that seemed like a pretty awesome upgrade, but this is the first I've heard of GMA X3000. Are there any details on this?


    It looks like the GMA X3000 is ready to go now, but a Yonah coupled with a X3000 IGP would still make the Mini a great machine.

    If you're right I'll marry you.

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  • selena gomez tanning.

  • treblah
    Jul 19, 08:25 PM
    Leopard will ROCK, is a lot faster then Tiger and has a lot of new functionality. They are not even going to show all the stuff under the hood at the presentation.

    Source? :rolleyes:

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  • selena gomez who says lyrics.

  • kretzy
    Aug 7, 03:52 AM
    Any Aussies staying up? I think i will have to.
    I'm still considering my options. I'd like to stay up but it starts around 3am here and I have to be at uni by 10am and Tuesdays are my fullest day. I might try to get to sleep earlier than usual around 12 and then get up for it.

    Stupid timezones.

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  • mwayne85
    Apr 19, 10:57 AM
    What are these "Macs" you speak of?

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  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • mambodancer
    Nov 28, 03:32 PM
    Here's a great review by Chicago Sun Times writer Andy Ihnatko. Aside from being quiet humorous, it brings up some points about the Zune I hadn't known. The article starts out this way...

    Avoid the loony Zune

    November 23, 2006
    Yes, Microsoft's new Zune digital music player is just plain dreadful. I've spent a week setting this thing up and using it, and the overall experience is about as pleasant as having an airbag deploy in your face.

    Read the article here:,CST-FIN-Andy23.article

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  • SaMaster14
    Jan 5, 03:30 PM
    Nice car man. I had a P10 G20 with JSPEC Sr20DE and that thing would run low 15s with an automatic!

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  • Jaster
    Apr 3, 09:24 AM
    What does the iOS scrollbar look like on pages with a black background?

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  • selena gomez up hairstyles.

  • benjayman2
    Mar 1, 01:01 AM
    Thanks for all the nice words. As far as the window bay being slightly girlish I have to agree lol. I wanted something a little more custom looking. Although I do share the quarters with my wife to be it will change and pictures will come soon after :p I'm surprised no one mentioned the pillow pet :D

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  • selena gomez short haircut.

  • jxyama
    Apr 15, 11:57 AM
    Hey, thank you for being an idiot !! I wasn't replying because I went on Holidays. I went to see Tokyo for Five days and track down the old places of Edo described in Ernest Satow's 1921 book "A diplomat in Japan" and to buy a new Emac !! Its 115 000 yen in Japan for a Superdrive model. Oh, I forgot...For you being a high school graduate - Edo (or Yedo in some translations) is the old name of Tokyo. Up until the Meiji restoration.

    If I was stupid - I wouldn't speak two languages
    If I was an ignorant person - I would have stayed in my home country and not learn about the ways of the world...I believe that you have spent too much time in front of you mac.
    If I was a vain pretender to knowledge - Do you know who Ernest Satow was ? Do you know over 2,000 Japanese kanji characters ? Do you know how to live in another country ? You have NO IDEA

    So please don't call other people names - This is a thread for discussion not a primary school (If you are American - a primary school is a elementary school) :D

    i'm sorry, this has got to be one of the most irrelevant comments i've read here at MR.

    (btw, not to brag or anything, but i'll one up you: i speak japanese and english, both fluently. i've lived (not just traveled) in japan, USA and switzerland. i also have a phd in physics. what does all that have to do with having a constructive discussion? NOTHING.)

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 16, 11:27 AM
    I'd beg to differ on that point. MemoryStick is actually doing pretty well in the market considering that the top three cards are SD, CF and MS stick. Granted they keep changing it but it is doing better then Beta, MiniDisc and MinisDisk HD(even though there are many die hard minidisk fans). Hell you even look at those multi memory card readers there is always support for MS stick. So it does look like Sony did something right there.

    That's only because one of the biggest brands keeps using it. I honestly can't think of anything Sony doesn't make that uses MS besides card readers.
    Even sony must realize its not gonna be such a good idea long term...some of their better cameras don't use it- the new Digital SLR has an adapter to use it- it uses a real professional media format instead.

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  • selena gomez bikini blue.

  • jbomber
    Jan 13, 06:03 PM
    am i the only one who doesn't think the name is as awful as people think? :D

    in any event, i doubt that's the name. granted, apple doesn't register urls for individual products, i'd find it hard to believe that they'd leave this one in the wind for just anyone to snatch up.

    in all likelihood it relates to some aspect of the features, or the overall weight of the device.

    i really wish it was the fabled MacTablet being released, but it sounds like it's still a ways off...

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  • Porco
    Sep 6, 09:01 AM
    Dude, the MBP was updated in late April of this year, why would you think it'll be updated four and a half months later??

    Yeah, next thing you know people will saying machines could have their processors upgraded before they're even released!! Oh, wait... :p

    Seriously, I think it's been widely stated that with the move to intel chips, processors are likely to be updated more regularly... don't know when the MBP will get upgraded, but if the chips are there, they need to be going in the machines ASAP for Apple to maintain a competitive line-up compared with otherwise-similarly specced PCs.

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  • mo-ca
    Nov 24, 11:51 AM
    Props if anyone knows who used that bag. i do :D
    i would say Indidana Jones, but i'm not surenope
    The guy on 24? I only know that because I was looking at that same bag ages ago and they marked it as the same bag he uses.yup jack bauer from 24 ... got this one too

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  • selena gomez 8 years old

  • Gasu E.
    Sep 14, 11:42 AM
    I guess you don't read my posts carefully. I said what you said, that Toyota issues a recall, but the onus is on the owner to bring in the vehicle for servicing. Exactly as Apple has now done: if you experience a problem, let them know and you can get a free bumper.

    To Consumer Reports this is an unacceptable way to deal with a design flaw. If it's Apple. For Toyota, it's fine and considered the normal way to handle a design flaw.

    I think you are a minority of one on this interpretation. Apple is saying you now won't get the case unless you are exhibiting the problem. Toyota's recall applies to ALL cars in the affected series, and they will repair/replace the questionable part whether you are exhibiting problems or not. Moreover, Toyota's sends a recall notice to all the impacted owners; with the new Apple policy, you have to read the news or contact Apple to learn of the program.

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  • selena gomez 4 years old

  • MacRumors
    Sep 14, 08:33 AM (

    selena gomez crying in airport. selena gomez 4 years old
  • selena gomez 4 years old

  • cube
    Mar 24, 03:43 PM
    Well then why the hell are you even chanting from the rooftops about how great Fusion is *supposedly* going to be when you KNOW that the chances of Apple using it are slim to none? It's like a kid nagging his parents for the ice cream that has a fancier logo and packaging when they know their parents aren't going to buy it for them because in reality it's all the same and will most likely taste worse then what they bought previously despite what their ads say.

    ATI has years developing graphics. Functionality wins over a supposed performance edge.

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  • list of selena gomez songs

  • Kenso
    Mar 22, 03:48 PM
    They should make brief questions to Steve Jobs the same way he answers:

    Q: Apple killing iPod?

    Sent from my iPhone

    A: We have no plans to

    Sent from my iPhone


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  • selena gomez hot pics. selena

  • Eidorian
    Aug 25, 12:09 PM
    CPU temp is a result of how efficient the heat dissipation is relative to the heat generated by the CPU... so without knowing how the heat dissipation capabilities varied between the two systems you cannot make much of a judgement on the CPU itself.

    The first generation iMac G5 had worse heat dissipating capabilities then later revisions of the iMac G5.Oh I can be sure that a Conroe placed in an iMac will run into the volume constraints and effective heat dissipation of the heat sink when compared to a full blown BTX tower.

    The original G5 and the Rev. B ( stuck with the wonderful heat channel. The 17" models ran a lot hotter then the 20" due to the internal design and volume.

    The Rev. C ( and Intel use similar internal layouts with the CPU and power supply toward the top of the machine.

    Here ( is a good comparison.

    May 3, 02:48 PM
    The 6950m and 6970m are also available in 2gb models. That would help with the larger resolution of the 27" display. Let's hope for that as well!

    Well, you got what you wanted on the 2GB 6970m! At least as a BTO option.

    Nov 15, 07:57 AM
    8-Core Mac Pro! :eek:

    ***drool*** :D :cool:

    Apr 26, 03:07 PM
    I still think amazon can win this case as their name is "appstore" instead of "app store" in many icons. When typed as text, the full name given is usually "amazon app store", not just app store.

    So it is possible Apple could get the final app store trademark approval after challenges from Microsoft, etc. and still lose this case against amazon.

    Jul 19, 03:47 PM
    There are more details here -

    At the end of the page is a breakdown in the sales figures.

    Desktop sales are down 14% on last quarter, and 23% on a year ago, but laptop sales are up a whopping 60% on last quarter and 61% on a year ago.

    Aug 7, 05:19 AM
    Thats interesting coming from a New Zealander. Very interesting

    Thats what i thought :rolleyes:

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