Friday, May 20, 2011

reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011

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  • 2 Replies
    Apr 26, 02:42 PM
    Once again, the seperating into 'smartphone' and 'tablet' markets makes little sense.

    As the capabilities of both devices grow we'll soon find that the only difference between the two is screen size.

    Do we consider the 13" Macbook to be in a different market than the 15" Macbook Pro? No, they're both laptops.

    And thus, everyone will soon wake up and realize that ALL iOS devices should be compared against ALL Android devices. These 'smartphone only' lists may still make sense in but in 2 or 3 years these kind of measurements will be seen as worthless.

    Your argument is so inane it's barely worth a reply.
    You do realize that not all tablets require a contract, right?
    When it comes to laptops, the only thing that's different between a 13" and a 15" will be the screen size. But a tablet and a phone are INHERENTLY different.
    My android tablet is wifi only and serves a totally separate function from my iPhone, my windows laptop, my linux server-cluster or my HTPC.
    So why should tablets be dumped into the same category as mobile phones? Just because they share a slightly similar form-factor?
    What if the next trend in smart phones is a clam-shell form-factor? Or a wearable hud? Or some implantable device?
    Similar form factor does not mean their sales figures can, or should be compared.

    Apple's to f'n oranges.
    You're basically saying ... meh, they're both round and edible so they're the same.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. reese witherspoon wedding
  • reese witherspoon wedding

  • jlasoon
    Mar 29, 09:43 AM
    The more things that are in the cloud, the closer I get to hitting AT&T's 150GB home DSL (non-uverse) data limit.

    I just dropped them for this very reason, went back to Brighthouse networks. 40Mbps no cap. :D

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese Witherspoon Goes Wedding
  • Reese Witherspoon Goes Wedding

  • muffinss
    May 4, 05:44 PM
    Wow, what a great job to completely and unfairly judge people.

    I consider myself OCD level organized. One of the reasons why I am so organized (more so than ever now) is because much of my media and software have transitioned to digital.

    You have a very negative spin on Apple's approach. Instead of "dumbing down", I'll call it "simplifying", and I absolutely welcome the change.

    I to have OCD, but I also realize that's its not hard providing an option for people to burn a copy of their digital download to a cd or disk. So far, as we know, they wont be allowing that.

    It doesn't make things harder, complicated or confusing providing such an option.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. reese witherspoon wedding
  • reese witherspoon wedding

  • jonnysods
    Mar 27, 05:00 PM
    Take your time Apple, make it a good release. Don't put it out just to be available at the same time as the iPhone 5.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Updated: Tuesday Mar 22, 2011
  • Updated: Tuesday Mar 22, 2011

  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 03:34 PM
    Allowing this, Apple would have set a presidence, so yes, I understand why Apple asked for this to be stopped... Tomorrow company 'x' would be releasing their JB app. Adobe will be releasing Flash on to Cydia LOL.

    Since we are talking in the context of smartphones, we should compare smartphone developer licenses, and not others. Apple vs Apple not Apple vs Lemon.

    You can nit-pick it all you want. $99 is nothing for a quality program like what Apple offers to developers. Plus, you can still get the SDK for free. You can still develop for free. It's just if you want "in" on the AppStore and other resources, you pay. So... again... what's the beef?

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Black Wedding Dresses 2011
  • Black Wedding Dresses 2011

  • milo
    Sep 11, 08:47 AM
    You have a point there. I certainly wouldn't want to attend. But I wasn't saying I would want to. Nor was I saying that any of the eager masses should be able to attend.
    The original post by Macrumors implied that this site is shut out of such events. Shutting out representatives sites such as this, which do much to promote Apple products is, I think, to some degree arrogant and perhaps spiteful. This site likes to penetrate Apple's notorious secrecy.

    Even if they were invited, you don't seriously think this site has the resources to fly to London? Who cares if they are there, we'll get the news from the billion other sites that will be, and MR will mirror it.

    Ever done graphics work or gaming on a laptop?

    The graphics chipset makes a huge difference for gaming or 3d graphics like Shake. It doesn't matter at all for things like photoshop or final cut pro.

    Has anyone ever considered that the media mac would not be a hardware upgrade to the mini but a software one via itunes 7 or is it just me?

    A mini isn't really up to the task, you'd be better off with a more economical machine with some expansion, especially way more hard drive space. Pizza box or mini tower.

    Why watch it on a 2.5'' when you can watch it on a 42''?

    Try bringing that 42 on a plane. :cool: Apple will do both, tomorrow will bring a streaming solution and higher quality movies. A TIVO box is pointless, an airport can do the same thing cheaper and much more flexibly. I'm not sure why you're so worked up about this, ALL the rumors are saying apple will have a solution for the living room (although it will be an Airport, a new mac model would be secondary), so who exactly are you disagreeing with?

    Jeez, why do people think Apple will make the movie store/movie management part of iTunes? That would be the worst decision ever, the two mediums and two markets are so vastly different they need two seperate apps!

    If Apple can just release an iTunes-like app combining Delicious Library style management with playback and the movie store, they've got a winner.

    Why make a new app when they can just update and improve iTunes? Seems like even you'd be OK with that, since you want "an iTunes-like app".

    It's funny to see that people have completely forgotten about the Apple Expo in Paris, also tomorrow :D.

    To me it is kinda strange that the expo starts 7 hours prior to the media event. Are they going to keep those black curtains (assuming there are some) during the complete 1st day of the event?

    Excellent point. There's no way in hell they'll announce laptops at this event, but they could even announce them earlier the same day from Paris.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese Witherspoon wedding
  • Reese Witherspoon wedding

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 01:41 PM
    Uh, a hero dies once all of his HP is gone.

    That should've be more clear. Basically I'm just stating *why* the villain is at level 16. It's not an arbitrary number - it's the number of players multiplied by two. # of players (8) multiplied by 2 = villain's level (16). That's all.

    Okay, but we start with only 1 HP. So, a number of us could die in the first round?

    The villain's level doesn't matter, right? He either kills all or he loses.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese Witherspoon Wedding
  • Reese Witherspoon Wedding

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 10:18 AM
    .What people are looking? The press? The "journalistic" dingbats of today couldn't do an expose on how to break out of a wet paper bag if their life depended on it. The brilliant politicians?! They don't know squat and are only as informed as (in this case, Apple), their source lets them be. Otherwise they know squat! ../

    Politicians and reporters? Why would you think they would be the ones to investigate it? No, I was talking about computer folks, hackers, jailbreakers, all the people who love to take Apple's stuff apart. It would be an enourmous coup to be able to prove this info is being transmitted back to Apple. You'd have every news organization reporting your findings.

    Yet it does not happen. Because no one can find any evidence that anything Steve said is wrong.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese#39;s Witherspoon got
  • Reese#39;s Witherspoon got

  • iBorg20181
    Jul 23, 11:14 PM
    If sales are strong they put off updates, if they are slack they roll out new stuff.

    This time Intel jumped the gun so Apple may take longer to respond.

    You missed my entire point - Apple can't put off updates just because "sales are strong." The "other guys" (Dell, HP, Sony, etc.) upgrade to new technology as soon as they can ramp up production, and Apple won't be, and can't be, "late to the dance" with technology that they all have simultaneous access to. Particularly CPU's. Graphics chips .... well, there they may fudge a bit, especially with 2 brands to select from, but not processor upgrades.

    There's no way we'll wait until "November/December," unless Intel fails to deliver Merom, as predicted. If any laptops have Merom sooner, so will Apple.



    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. reese-witherspoon-wedding-
  • reese-witherspoon-wedding-

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 02:29 PM
    I suppose we'll know who the villain is?

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese Witherspoon - The
  • Reese Witherspoon - The

  • shaolindave
    May 4, 05:55 PM
    He's just disagreeing with the notion that Apple somehow can't or won't make any adjustments when they start selling a radically different product through their app store. And common sense is on his side.

    Nobody knows anything yet about how the release will work, nothing is announced. Is it really so unreasonable to wait until actual information exists before having a hissy fit?

    Not to mention that it's a moot point anyway - if you're scared of the download version (regardless of the specifics), JUST BUY THE DVD.

    i'm not disagreeing with anyone on anything. stop putting words in my mouth.

    i'm saying that anyone who assumes that apple will make adjustments when they start selling a radically different product through their app store might want to wait until the adjustments are actually made. If you buy the digital download, and apple doesn't make adjustments, you'll be in a bad situation when you need to do a fresh install.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth
  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • skinned66
    Apr 5, 09:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Apple is just trying to protect the user experience for their product.

    Yes, it is ours to use and do with whatever we want once paid for, but.........
    Every jailbroken iphone user will complain and tell somebody that their phone always freezes up or isn't working right.

    They are not going to say in most cases it freezes, because I jail broke it!

    That info makes it look as if it is Apples fault that things don't work.

    :confused:My jailbroken iPhone 4 doesn't freeze on me. You shouldn't just make stuff up to defend Apple.

    The jailbreak haters make me laugh. My phone works just fine and while I do use a bit more memory, it's perfectly stable and I get a phone with far more utility. Any resultant perfomance issues are so negligible stock is not even competition.

    I understand some people bite off more than they can chew when they JB. I also know that scenario doesn't apply to everyone.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese Witherspoon to Marry in
  • Reese Witherspoon to Marry in

  • Eidorian
    Aug 4, 10:55 AM
    Give me a break. People voted negative on this because they are waiting on merom MBPs and now think that, contrary to they're hopes and prayers the past few weeks, that the Merom MBP revisions wont be out until september. This is no clandestine PC-clone smear campaign. who's it going to effect? This forum is full of the faithful, messing around here isn't going to change national opinion of Microsoft or apple products. It's not Steve Ballmer twisting his handlebar mustaches as he chortles to himself, going from one article to the next, voting negative at each. Let's get real here.You sir are correct.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. The wedding of Reese
  • The wedding of Reese

  • ihaveNFC
    May 7, 11:25 PM
    How is it a novelty?

    Turned out not to have any particular value "for me" as I continued to use it.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese+witherspoon+wedding+
  • Reese+witherspoon+wedding+

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 02:03 PM
    However, ati does list the 6990 as having a maximum display resolution of 2650 x 1600 per display though it can handle up to 6 displays. There will have to be a change somewhere. (Though you could probably write a program that would allow this resolution). That is still going to max out thunderbolt so you would not be able to drive one of those displays at native with a macbook pro.

    Pretty sure again that the limitation is purely a "spec sheet" limitation given that is the max current LCDs do. My GF's miniDVI Macbook has a maximum "spec sheet" resolution of 1920x1200 yet she's plugged into a Dell SP2343W with a native resolution 2048x1156 with no problem. That resolution doesn't even show up on the "spec sheet" but it works fine in practice.

    If the hardware really can't push more than 2560x1600 per connection, than since it can handle up to 6 displays of that resolution, I'm pretty sure it's just a firmware update away from enabling higher resolutions over DP 1.2. Again, maybe just something AMD overlooked because of the lack of such displays on the market.

    Time will tell, but all the components available today can do it. We're at the point where we are ready to break beyond the 2560x1600 wall for a single monitor.

    Now Thunderbolt is indeed a wild card here. Why would Apple limit DP like that though ? I'm betting that in DP mode, if they do implement DP 1.2, you would be able to use the full 21.6 Mbps. Otherwise, it makes no sense...

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. reese witherspoon wedding
  • reese witherspoon wedding

  • noahtk
    May 4, 03:11 PM
    That is that generic thing where you download Android Applications from .... :D


    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese Witherspoon#39;s Wedding
  • Reese Witherspoon#39;s Wedding

  • itcheroni
    Apr 15, 01:34 AM
    Lets look at the world's highest growth economy and see what their tax rates are:

    So they have a higher rate of capital gains tax than the US.

    A little lower down...

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese+witherspoon+wedding+
  • Reese+witherspoon+wedding+

  • kas23
    Apr 26, 04:06 PM
    Android could gain the other 36% of the market and it would still make less money in a year than Apple makes off iTunes alone in a quarter.

    "Android" makes money? Really? Can you provide me with a link of how much Android makes?

    Are we going to be alerted every time one of these companies comes out with something new and surpasses the other? Is this really news anymore? Is it really a rumor about things we care about? I wonder.

    This is not a rumor. It is a fact. And yes, it does concern Apple because whatever erodes into Apple's net revenue will cause them to make a better product.

    reese witherspoon wedding dress 2011. Reese Witherspoon#39;s
  • Reese Witherspoon#39;s

  • blow45
    May 6, 04:56 AM
    bs rumour, not in 2 years, no way, in 5 we 'll start talking.

    Apr 5, 12:58 PM (

    May 3, 01:47 PM
    I'm excited about this new game approach, but it's going to require a lot more attention to detail than I'm normally accustomed. Can I be a Palladin??? :p

    Hubert Brutal
    Apr 26, 02:32 PM
    There's nearly 50 android phones released in the US alone. And there's currently 4 iPhone models (the only phones that run iOS atm and will always be). Do the math. Since there is such a broad market for android phones, there is also a larger price scale. Of course android will overtake iOS sales. :rolleyes:

    I like my iOS devices but kudos to android to being more open to app development. I think my next phone will be running android anyway to switch it up a bit.

    Don't panic
    May 4, 04:57 PM
    It's closer to 700.

    but she is heavenly :)

    btw, love the name selections
    haven't figured out wilmer and rosius, though.

    May 6, 02:03 AM
    Until it happens I'm not even going to care.

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