Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 8, 08:16 AM
    Hummm... I would think by them throttling the sales, they get people back into the store over and over again trying to get one. So, take their "hot product" and dish a few out everyday to keep the eager hunters coming back in day after day and hope they buy something else in the mean time.

    Also, I can see from the sales incentive standpoint that if you've hit your quota for the day selling 20 ipads in an hour, but have another 40 in stock, hold them for the next day to ensure you have consecutive days of hitting your sales quota making you look better and probably getting other bonuses? I would think they compensate managers based on daily sales and consecutive days of sales above quota.

    So... basically, I see BB messing with stock to manipulate their sales and Apple being mad because they are so far behind on keeping up with demand and one of their big partners is holding out and using the iPad as sales bait.

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  • notabadname
    Apr 6, 03:50 PM
    Wow, that's success that only a Ballmer could love.

    Apple does need some competition. I hope these competitors focus on some of the Apple shortcomings like the religious adherence to the Cocoa Touch UI. Ideally there would be a more hybrid iOS/MacOS functionality in an iPad such that it could morph up to a more desktop like experience when docked. And conversely, it seems like MacBook Air/ Mac OS X Lion is getting a more iOS like feel. There's a middle ground there that Apple needs to get to. I suspect they will. But as with tethering, and allowing re-duplication of core apps by third parties, it will take Apple a while to let go here and allow the iPad to become that perfect combo.

    They still seem to ultimately strike this balance better than any other vendor.
    Not really. They built an excellent product, at what is still a leading price point, all without ANY competition.

    It is the other manufacturers that need Apple as a competitor. First the iPod, THEN all the clones that came out after, the iPhone, THEN all the clones and finally the iPad THEN . . . . you get the idea. Apple has been creating innovative products, in a vacuum, that cause the rest of the market to follow, for decades, just fine. Unlike other manufacturers, they strive for excellence with out the need for a product to "duplicate" and spurn them on.

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  • �algiris
    Mar 31, 03:27 PM
    Android > iOS.

    I was blind, but now i see. Oh wait ...

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  • kev0476
    Jul 20, 09:28 AM
    New MacPro rev2.
    8 cores = 24Ghz
    (with Free fire extinguisher and ear plugs) :p

    you need to do your math better, extra core = 1.5x - 1.8x speed increase. but still the same power usage as a normal core!

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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 27, 02:55 PM
    Pretty cool, but it needs a real name, MAC won't cut it. Maybe Mac Express?

    And it wouldn't have FW800 or a second optical slot. Probably a second HD slot instead. And I'd guess it would be more of a pizza box enclosure, but that's wild speculation. Your price is probably way too low, too.

    I'm not sure why you're saying this price is way too low. The specs, so far as I can see, are quite similar to the current bottom-end iMac, which has an integrated screen, and it's price is only $300 more. It seems to me that this price is actually about right.

    Also, I think that the name 'Mac' is a distinct possibility. Not saying I like it (or that I don't), or that it isn't simplistic, but I think that it's not unreasonable. FWIW, 'Mac Express' is nice, too, but I don't see Apple jumping on a name like that as quickly.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 02:11 PM
    Of course, had the case been deemed totally unfounded by Apple Legal and their bunch of advisors, it wouldn't have been brought to court at all.
    At the same time, if there is any chance that the case has some merit, a company will sue for sure, if points 1 and 2 above are not considered to do more damage than good.

    There is probably some merit to some of the claims, so are probably more ambitious and some are probably completely sure to get thrown out. The thing is, the more claims they throw in there the better they have a footing for eventual settlement negotiations.

    Just like you never open with your lowest price, you never open with only the claims you are 100% sure are going to win. ;)

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 24, 11:55 PM
    Oh I forgot. Still no qualifying/race weekends. LAME
    I don't know how far you are into the game, but I've read that qualifying is used later in the game for some of the bigger, championship races. I don't know this for sure, so don't hold me to it. But, you might get to qualify for SOME races... at some point.... maybe. :confused:

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  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 03:21 PM
    Wow! :eek:

    It's amazing how Apple keeps managing BIG updates to OS X. They are moving forward so much more efficiently than Microsoft. Not just polishing little things, but big, useful things. Not to mention some fun ones to attract consumers. I hope the advanced Spotlight features include easy boolean searching.

    And now we can all wonder about those OTHER features Steve said they are concealing for now so Microsoft can't make a halfway copy (or attempt to) yet again.

    I'm surprised res-independent UI was not discussed, but Apple has already said ( that is coming, so maybe it's just not polished enough to bother showing yet. (Or maybe it's better to show when new displays come out? Today's new low prices on Cinema Displays might hint at new displays to come later.)

    I've been asking for that background-change effect in iChat for years! Adobe Premiere could do that in the 90s, though not in realtime. Too cool!

    Now one question... A new Front Row has been mentioned, but what will it have? PVR, tuner-ready for future Macs or peripherals? At first I also wondered about ["from across the room or across the house"... But I bet they're just talking about sharing iTunes or photos from another Mac, which is old news.

    PS, congrats to MR's servers for handling the load :)

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  • Nuck81
    Dec 23, 07:39 PM
    well im a little stuck. my zonda r isnt fast enough for a lot of the top races, and the newly appointed online dealership has nice cars, but it doesnt rotate between them. so im really waiting for a nice car to come up in the used garage. either that or ill have to save up like 4M for a dealership car

    Zonda R is one of the better cars in the game. It will win any race you enter with it if you are able to drive. Add some downforce and lower the throttle sensitivity and it's a little easier to handle.

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  • lgutie20
    Apr 11, 11:57 AM
    I don't see why people understand from the WWDC invitation that there will be no iPhone 5 during the event and that they will only talk about software!

    WWDC is the biggest event and the only adequate platform to present the most popular Apple product! I don't see them changing their formula any time soon even if a software revolution is to take over WWDC.

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  • JeffDM
    Sep 16, 03:56 PM
    As for using a Dell, sure they could've used that. Would Windows use the extra 4 cores? Highly doubtful. Microsoft has sketchy 64 bit support let alone dual core support; I'm not saying "impossible" but I haven't read jack squat about any version of Windows working well with quad cores.

    Bad dual core support? Citations please. I think this is a case where a Mac fan is simply speaking out of ignorance of their "enemy" platform.

    I've been using dual processor Windows computers for a few years now and it works fine, I can't imagine dual core being any different. For quad core, I think THG showed that a Kentsfield showed significant performance benefits over a Conroe for many Windows programs. The media encoders showed very nearly a 2x performance difference.

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  • ericmooreart
    Apr 25, 03:41 PM
    This suit has merit. If I turn off location services there should be no record of where I go.

    With that and other simple info I can find out where you work, where you bank, where you live, what time you usually get home. All it takes is one website or email attachment to compromise your device. This info is not encrypted.

    I do think if Any device does this they should be sued

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  • nefan65
    Apr 6, 02:54 PM
    It's nice for Apple to have high iPad2 sales, and I think that's great. It's too bad the Xoom isn't selling more, although 100k isn't too terrible right out of the gate.

    I've seen and hefted a Xoom, and you know what? It's a pretty decent piece of gear. Good job Moto! From a hardware perspective I liked it every bit as much as the iPad2. In my opinion, its only downfall is Android. For me, Android is not intuitive at all. I can deal with that when it comes to traditional computers, but I don't have time to waste with that sort of nonsense on an appliance - I want it to just work, and that's what Apple provides.

    Actually, 100,000 is pretty bad. I think it was released sometime in late Feb. the iPad 2 sold 300,000 in the first weekend.

    Regardless, I think competition is good. If the XOOM had a WiFi only @ $400, it's make a huge dent. Plus, I've read that Honeycomb is less than polished, so I think that, along with a high price tag has some people turned off...

    That's just my opinion though..and we all know what opinion's are

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  • RedTomato
    Sep 13, 10:11 AM
    Personally, I still see data transfer, namely from storage media, as a huge bottleneck in performance. Unless you are doing something really CPU intensive (vid editing, rendering, others) Most of the average "wait-time" is the damn hard drive.

    Arrays of cheap RAM on a PCIe card?

    The RAM companies don't seem interested in making wodges of slow cheap hi-cap ram, only in bumping up the speed and upping the capacity. For the last 10 years, a stick of decent RAM has always been about �100/ $100 no matter what the capacity / flavour of the moment is.

    Even slow RAM is still orders of magnitude faster than a HD, hence my point. There's various historical and technical factors as to why we have the current situation.

    I've also looked at RAID implementations (I run a RAID5) but each RAID level has its own problems.

    I've recently seen that single-user RAID3 might be one way forward for the desktop, but don't really know enough about it yet.

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  • bibbz
    Jun 15, 11:36 AM
    Se after some clarification, heres the process...

    We cant guarantee you a phone, but if you "reserve" and have a pin number, you will get a phone. We just cant make a promise, guarantee, or anything like that per apple.

    The same still applies, if we take 10 pins, we get 10 phones.

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  • Carlson-online
    Jul 20, 11:47 AM
    I remember hearing about how it is possible to make multiple cores act like one (Idon't remember where I heard this). Anyways, whether 8 cores acting separately or together like 1 big processor has an advantage depends on the program you use. If the program is multi-threaded, then the cores acting separately might have the advantage while single threaded apps will have an advantage if the cores are acting like one. However, many apps today won't see that much improvement either way (like a simple calculator, or solitare and word processing).

    yes, its known as reverse hyper threading. AMD are working on it

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  • balamw
    Apr 6, 03:59 PM
    Apple's iPhone debacle

    debacle? The debacle that's sucking 51% of the profit in the entire smartphone industry?

    Market share isn't everything.


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  • Unspeaked
    Sep 19, 12:23 PM
    Haha... no.

    History has shown that having a product out sooner... doesn't mean you win the market. (Sega Dreamcast?) Sony will still kick due to the deluge of developers producing for the PS3. More software == more sales. In addition, the PS3 is completely backwards compatible (which is huge).

    Nintendo will live as long as the 8 bit gen kids still are around. The Wii also promises me to play any old Nintendo game via some sort of download... It's cheap... Sign me up.

    This is so right. Time and time again in the console wars, the first to market did not win in the end. It's ALWAYS been the system with the best game selection.

    3rd Gen:

    First to Market: Sega
    Best Game Selection: Nintendo
    Winner: Nintendo

    4th Gen:

    First to Market: TurboGraphics 16
    Best Game Selection: SuperNintendo/SegaGensis (tie)
    Winner: SuperNintendo/SegaGensis (tie)

    5th Gen:

    First to Market: Atari Jaguar
    Best Game Selection: Sony Playstation
    Winner: Sony Playstation

    6th Gen:

    First to Market: Sega Dreamcast
    Best Game Selection: Sony PS2
    Winner: Sony PS2

    The same could be said for advanced hardware; the winners in the game consoles were always the systems with the best game selections, not the ones that were first to market NOR the ones that had the best hardware.

    Of course, this has gotten WAY off topic now ;)

    (But I must say I'm going to preorder a Wii for sure!)

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  • Thataboy
    Jul 27, 07:59 PM
    It absolutely will!!! Leopard is just going to be mostly beneficial for dual-core machines. Read this article:

    Leopard sounds FAST!

    You didn't really just link to MOSR, did you? :p

    Anyway, I have the sneaking suspicion that we will see Core 2 Duo/Extreme-related computer announcements next week, and not at WWDC. WWDC will get major coverage anyway because of Leopard (which could easily take up the whole keynote). So why not spread the Apple press over 2 weeks?

    Moreover, everyone announced new computers today. Apple might have wanted to avoid the first-day glut of releases, but they might not want to wait almost 2 full weeks to announce a Mac Pro.

    My wild guess is Mac Daddy Extreme and/or iMaconroe on Tuesday with near-immediate availability, and announcement of MeromBook Pro at WWDC with early September availability.

    Apr 6, 10:57 AM
    Since you have no clue how the sandy bridge airs will perform, I'll take your statement as FUD.

    Ehhh...youre missing his point (and being a bit rude). The IGP on SB is NOT as capable as nVidia's 320M. Certainly the SB architecture will yield great processing improvements to the MBA (over the C2D)...but graphics will most likely take a hit. That was his concern.

    Apr 10, 06:17 AM
    I'm a little confused...why was Avid presenting at a Final Cut Pro User Group's meeting anyway? Do they just come in and are like "Hey, you've all made a mistake!" or something?

    Lets not forget that Avid ISIS and unity storage products have been FCP compliant for some time now. + the amount of times I go FCP > pro-tools, which is also an Avid piece of kit :p

    I'm a long standing FCP user - I cut my own work on it, but the post place I work in uses Avid. Lately I've really been thinking FCP (FCS in general) needs to catch up in a few areas... it'll be interesting to see what they update.

    What sounds bad to me about apple hogging the whole stage is the wording in the original article... "demanded all lectern time". Whatever way you dress it "demanding" stuff seems mean, but as others have mentioned I bet it was all properly discussed. The sad thing is I wouldn't put it past Apple to demand something like this.

    Mar 22, 06:22 PM
    You know, on second thought....there never will be an iPad "killer".

    Show me a single tablet, from any manufacturer...that will out-sell the iPad.

    You can't.

    When Steve Jobs is no longer around to rule the roost and Jonathan Ive is no longer with Apple, who knows how the company will change?

    Nothing lasts forever. Apple's biggest problem is Apple themselves. You can get too cocky and too arrogant.
    Just look at the way Apple are trying to manipulate sales and the queue's of public outside stores. Who knows where this will lead to in the future?

    Feb 28, 05:14 PM
    A same-sex attracted person is living a "gay lifestyle" when he or she dates people of the same sex, "marries" people of the same sex, has same-sex sex, or does any combination of these things. I think that if same-sex attracted people are going to live together, they need to do that as though they were siblings, not as sex partners. In my opinion, they should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another.

    Heterosexual couples need to reserve sex for opposite-sex monogamous marriage. If I had a girlfriend, I might kiss her. But I wouldn't do that to deliberately arouse either of us. If either of us felt tempted to have sex with each other, the kissing would stop right away. I know of a woman who gave an excellent answer when men asked her why saved sex for marriage. She said, "I"m worth waiting for." She lived by her Catholic convictions, and she wouldn't risk letting any man use her as a mere object, as a mere tool.

    Some may say, "I have sex with my girlfriend to show her that I love her." If I had a girlfriend, I would hope I would love her enough to protect her from the physical and psychological risks that come with non-marital sex. The best way for me to do that is for my hypothetical girlfriend and me to be celibate before marriage.

    Sacramentally same-sex "marriage" isn't marriage. Neither is merely civil marriage of any sort. If I understand what the Catholic Church's teachings about marriage merely civil, it teaches non-sacramental marriage, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, is legal fornication.

    Whatever crutch gets you through life.

    Aug 26, 04:53 PM
    Well, the on advantage of not being able to afford a lappy until next years it that I might a MacBook based on the Santa Rosa platform.

    It seems though that Santa Rosa might end up getting delayed... there have been many issues with getting 802.11n finalized, which is an important component to the new platform

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