Friday, May 20, 2011

miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot

miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot.
  • miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot.

  • notabadname
    Mar 22, 03:45 PM
    iPad: 1024x768
    7.76� x 6.82�
    45.2 square inches

    PlayBook: 1024x600
    3.54� x 6.04�
    21.4 square inches

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley+cyrus+tour+2011+
  • Miley+cyrus+tour+2011+

  • pkson
    Apr 19, 11:37 PM
    lol... thanks! Dunno how I missed that.


    Silly thought for the evening: Apple should be glad that Samsung is copying their old 3GS instead of the new iPhone 4.

    After all, only one company at a time should be paying style homage to old Leicas, right?

    I remember Steve mentioning that at the iP4 keynote. ... (I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic, or just mentioning something that popped up in your mind.. whatever it is, I'll just take it at face value..) Yeah, I don't think Samsung can do something like that yet.. They haven't done much work with aluminum.. Plus, I doubt they'll even remotely copy anything by Apple in the future.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley Cyrus @ Gypsy Heart Tour
  • Miley Cyrus @ Gypsy Heart Tour

  • Killyp
    Aug 7, 05:04 AM
    Now now Leoff, no need to be so harsh :)

    I think he has a point though. There is no way that you could sue apple based on this. Apple released the Mac, and they call it the Mac now (not the Macintosh). There is a company (I can't remember who) that makes plastic coats called Macs, and yet you don't see those two sueing each other.

    If apple did release the MacPro, which seems highly likely, then what is going to be the negative effect on your business? if anything, it will bring in more business as more people will be typing into their browsers.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley-photoshoots--marie
  • Miley-photoshoots--marie

  • CmdrLaForge
    Apr 10, 02:10 AM
    I am really looking forward to see what Apple has in house for FCP. I will decide then if I stay with Apple or move to Adobe Production Studio. If they go too much in the direction of iMovie I will for sure not like it.

    The take over of Supermeet is very nasty and it put the organizers in a very bad position because either way they can only loose. Other companys will think twice in the future if they want to sponsor it and if Apple doesn't have anything new they won't be present.

    Apple can easily make there own event, just book that building in SF and invite some journalists or plan in advance!!

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Pic+of+miley+cyrus+2011
  • Pic+of+miley+cyrus+2011

  • Sydde
    Mar 24, 01:28 PM
    And the vast majority of WASPs are racists? Got it.

    Literally, "WASP" does not mean racist, but the term is very rarely used without that undertone. Similar to the way the suffix -person almost always means "woman" (you would not call a man the "chairperson" out of habit).

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley Cyrus#39; Marie Claire
  • Miley Cyrus#39; Marie Claire

  • Jazwire
    Apr 6, 01:03 PM
    Awesome, can't wait.
    Picking up the 11" soon as they are out.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley+cyrus+tour+2011+
  • Miley+cyrus+tour+2011+

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 11:19 AM
    Probably, But I think Christmass season would be better for sales. maybe they will launch end of October to take advantage of that.

    I just hope it's true, I am so tired of my Verizon service and their crap phones.
    I think europe might be the best place to introduce, considering europe is slightly ahead (at least in comparison to US) when it comes to cellphones. Moreover, I have gotten the impression that people over here change phones much more often than in US. Mot people I know get a phone at least once a year. A standard contract over here is for 12 months, but many people arent tied up by contracts.
    Agreed. I can't imagine anyone getting "all excited" about a product that's a year or more off.
    I wouldnt be surprised if the iPhone will be the one-more-thing at the Paris expo. In fact, I actually expect it considering the competion getting harder. mp3 cellphones at 4Gb and the upcoming MS iTMS/player should force Apple to act sooner than later.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot.
  • miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot.

  • mgargan1
    Nov 29, 12:52 AM
    anyone remember this show?

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. MILEY CYRUS NEW PHOTOS 2011

  • dhc
    Aug 11, 11:05 AM
    I'm stuck in a contract for another year, so I'll be watching to see how this pans out. Hopefully, I'll be able to jump on a Rev B without reservations.

    Given Apple's patent on the click-wheel interface, what do you think the likelihood of a virtual rotary phone interface? There are plenty of people who are now adults who've never 'dialled' a phone. It would be really slick if Apple could find a way for all of us old-farts to re-activiate our kinaesthetic memories and dial up and old friend using the click wheel on our new iPhones.


    Loving that idea..54820

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot.
  • miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot.

  • Luph67
    Apr 6, 10:51 AM
    What is the obsession with back-lit keys?

    Do you actually look at the keyboard when you're typing?

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Pop-star Miley Cyrus,
  • Pop-star Miley Cyrus,

  • aohus
    Apr 19, 01:52 PM
    wow @ post 2.

    apple will have a hard time fighting this in court.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. miley cyrus leaked photos 2011
  • miley cyrus leaked photos 2011

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 04:34 PM
    Knowing about the record label wasn't on the front page of the newspaper, this was the 1970's...there was no internet, it's more than just a little possible that Jobs did not know this. And you're assuming that logo was everywhere, and you're wrong.

    Actually, anyone above the age of six knew about Apple Records.

    We all lived and breathed vinyl back then :)

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. MILEY CYRUS PHOTOSHOOT 2011

  • powers74
    Apr 10, 08:26 PM
    When this hits it's going to piss a lot of people off.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley Cyrus on the Cover of
  • Miley Cyrus on the Cover of

  • 2IS
    Apr 7, 12:26 AM
    I'm getting tired of Apple Mac's being INTEL's BIATCH!

    Integrated graphics on a laptop costing THAT MUCH? PLEASE!

    Steve Jobs should threaten to switch to AMD/ATI solutions even if just for leverage with Intel to get discreet graphics chips in these machines.

    If this is true, this is a pathetic technology compromise in my opinion.

    lol... You really think Intel is the reason Apple laptops cost what they do? Really?

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. as Miley+cyrus+2011+pics
  • as Miley+cyrus+2011+pics

  • apolloa
    Mar 22, 02:20 PM
    I think the Playbook is better then the iPad because it's smaller. The interface is more interesting too IMO. Apple really need to get a 7" screen device out there.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley Cyrus#39; Marie Claire
  • Miley Cyrus#39; Marie Claire

  • BaldiMac
    Apr 19, 04:34 PM
    I'm speaking about estimated Q1/11 to Q4/10 numbers (the est. Q1/11 numbers is what that news was about...). And what about reading the graphs I posted yourself? :rolleyes:

    I like how you completely ignored the part of my post that proved your claim to be wrong. :rolleyes:

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley Cyrus#39; Marie Claire
  • Miley Cyrus#39; Marie Claire

  • Leoff
    Aug 6, 05:36 AM
    MacBegginer and MacBookBeginner: Enough of this "Pro" stuff, the MacBeginner will be an old beige Performas with a Duo core shoved in there, to help the recycling effort. The MacBookBeginner will be an old 1400c, as they had a few dozen still laying about.

    MacCon: A cardboard box with both an Apple and "Intel Inside" logo on the front, a blank CD stuck in the side, and a hole in the top (simulated iSight for your friends). Will still be superior to anything Dell has.

    iPod Newton: Radical case design redesign for the iPod where it will now survive a fall from an apple tree.

    XBox Server: Microsoft and Apple join forces again. X-box controls included with every XServer, but because it's Microsoft, it locks up more frequently. Server reliability plummets, but the help desk techs have a LOT of fun.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley+cyrus+red+hair+2011
  • Miley+cyrus+red+hair+2011

  • boncellis
    Jul 14, 11:32 PM
    School House Rock - "Oh, I'm just a bill, a lonely old bill, sitting here on Capitol Hill" (

    I prefer the Simpsons' parody of that cartoon:

    "...and I'll make Ted Kennedy pay, if he fights back I'll say that he's gay."

    But seriously, the $1799 price point is a step in the right direction. If we could get it down to $1599 or <gasp> $1499, then that would be the de facto mini tower so many have clamored for. I would like a redesigned case, but that'll come eventually.

    Sometimes the right price can make a person forget about what might have been.

    miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. Miley+cyrus+2011+pics
  • Miley+cyrus+2011+pics

  • slothy420
    Jun 15, 04:41 PM
    Radio Shack is no longer doing Pre-orders...I was told there are no more iPhones available for them...

    The Best Buy in my area is doing a $50 Pre-order but it's BS...The $50 doesn't go towards the iPhone...You're still going to have to pay full price (not guaranteed that you will get one on launch) and the $50 that was originally paid will be returned to you as a gift card. Are you serious????

    I'm not sure where you are getting your information from, but it doesn't match my experience at BB this morning. I paid $50 for the deposit which was returned to me in the form of a $50 BB gift card, which the sales rep specifically told me to bring it back on the 24th and it would be applied towards my iPhone purchase. I have a 9am appt at the store (1st appt of the day) and will be the first one to walk out of there with my new iPhone 4.

    Mar 20, 10:21 AM
    This should all go public.

    But they have worked so hard, all these decades, to diminish the "one man, one vote" to something much less than that.

    Won't you think of their children, and reconsider?


    Jun 9, 12:38 AM
    This is a huge story. I don't understand why it wasn't posted on page 1 especially since learning of the Radio Shack Trade-In program. I think the Doctor should reconsider not putting this on Page 1. :confused:

    Dec 9, 06:38 PM
    GT5 is a game for people who love cars. Not people who only love fast cars. People who love all cars.
    But, I DO love all types of cars. I just don't think they all have a place in a RACING game.

    I'm sure you'd be happy if everyone started with a Zonda in their garage, but for people who like to drive something fresh and fun the exhaustive list in GT5 is perfect.
    The game doesn't have to be only 700hp exotics, that isn't what I'm saying. There have been PLENTY of wildly varied cars throughout history that would be fun to drive, on a track, in a racing game. The VW K�belwagen and Citro�n DS, for example, aren't some of them.

    Aug 26, 07:39 PM
    I hope they use Conroe in the iMac over Merom. Conroe is faster than Merom at cheaper prices. But it would mean more hardware tweaking that plopping a Merom in there.

    Sep 19, 10:10 AM
    30 days on refurbs might mean something actually...

    Any ideas?

    Could be that they are expecting a flood of returns after they introduce the new MB and MBP. And they are waiting so they can send out fresh referbs. Just a though.

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