Friday, May 20, 2011

Mapa Paris Metro

Mapa Paris Metro. Disneyland+map+paris
  • Disneyland+map+paris

  • adk
    Apr 24, 11:56 PM
    Why do I feel like you are one of the people who purposely try to slow people down because you need to be on some higher moral ground and make sure the entire world does the speed you believe is safe?

    Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.

    Aren't you doing the exact same thing?

    Mapa Paris Metro. metro-de-paris-mapa-franca
  • metro-de-paris-mapa-franca

  • Nielsenius
    Apr 22, 08:45 AM
    I understand the concept of all this, but what if you're in a place with bad reception (or no WiFi for users without an iPhone)? I don't think that I'll be switching to an all-cloud storage service any time soon.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Paris+metro+and+rer+map
  • Paris+metro+and+rer+map

  • Lesser Evets
    Mar 22, 02:56 PM
    I wouldn't be surprised if the iMac and new Mac mini are the replacement for the Mac Pro...

    By the time November comes around, Thunderbolt may cause the death of the Mac Pro.

    Your logic is half-baked. The MacPro has one specific function which the iMac will probably never have: instant customization. You can stack tons of drive space in them, tons of RAM, and choose any sort of monitor config.

    Sure, iMacs might be able to do something like that, but with a lot of garbage floating around and cluttering everything. Also, the processors in the Pro are always beefier.

    However, I'd agree that for almost all people in the market, an iMac would be just as good as a MacPro. In 4 years I will probably replace my 2007 Pro with an iMac. Spending $4000 for a good Pro isn't worth it compared to $2000 for an iMac.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Metrô: Estação République
  • Metrô: Estação République

  • NeroAZ
    Apr 4, 12:42 PM
    I was born and raised in San Diego, and yes I've been to Chula Vista (Chula Juana), and National City (Nasty City), scummy areas near the Tijuana border. I'm NOT at all surprised by this.

    I'm sure some locals of those scummy areas may chime in.

    That being said, it really doesn't specify in the article, but a lot of the Apple stores I've been to have off duty cops standing by the doors during business hours, not sure about before they open.

    Mapa Paris Metro. mapa paris metro
  • mapa paris metro

  • OllyW
    Mar 30, 11:57 AM
    That is great coming from a company who has Windows trade marked.


    The other company has got Apple trade marked. They are both in common use but are protected when used in the computer industry.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Paris Metro Zones 1-3 Include:
  • Paris Metro Zones 1-3 Include:

  • impierced
    Nov 13, 03:20 PM
    So, did you even READ what Rogue Amoeba had to say?

    I'm seriously amazed with you apologists. You guys are defending Apple in an instance where they are CLEARLY in the wrong.


    Please be more specific when you say "wrong", in what way?

    Apple owns the rights to their intellectual property, this includes images and icons of their products that they have created.

    However, let me be clear here... I think Apple's "stance" regarding this is "wrong". Rogue Amoeba has enriched the user experience by providing an accurate representation of the source. This should have been resolved when Apple looked into it on more than the surface level.

    Mapa Paris Metro. mapa de París en el metro
  • mapa de París en el metro

  • Spyriadon
    Apr 30, 01:10 PM
    THANK CHRIST....sorry :o

    Mapa Paris Metro. Set Paris metro AroundTheSims
  • Set Paris metro AroundTheSims

  • aloshka
    Mar 29, 01:02 PM
    Let's ask yourself this.. they are saying that approx 1 in every 17 people now have a Windows based phone?? Do you know ANYONE that does?? Cause I know hundreds of people who have smartphones and not one of them has a Windows based phone.. major statistical failure!

    Completely agree! In fact, everyone I see throughout my daily life is 60% iphone, 40% android. I haven't even seen those foldable phones for a long time now.

    Mapa Paris Metro. metro station, Paris+mapa
  • metro station, Paris+mapa

  • infidel69
    Mar 29, 11:27 AM
    Microsoft should work on perfecting windows before starting a mobile OS

    Windows 7 kicks ass, it's every bit as good as Snow Leopard if not better.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Metrô: Estação République
  • Metrô: Estação République

  • macnews
    Sep 27, 02:25 AM
    Did anyone notice Disney introduced their own cell phone service? Normally not much but given Steve's close ties to Disney perhaps they have shared some info?

    Some very interesting features, makes me think of things that might be available with a mac phone service.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Monuments,paris map nov list
  • Monuments,paris map nov list

  • Crawn2003
    Apr 25, 02:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    And then there's a thing called the speed limit. Doesn't matter if she did 45, 55, or 65. She's still in the right.

    You're getting your 16 year old, testosterone panties in a twist yet you admit that you went over the speed limit that you cherish so much by at least 20mph. You admit you (but not in so many words because you have that 16yo complex of I gotta be right) drove recklessly all to teach a lesson that is really not yours to teach. That is for the highway patrol and driving school.

    Regardless of what your inexperienced mind may believe, she was in the right and actually doing nothing wrong. She was traveling the speed limit. She was minding her own business until a little 16yo know-it-all comes along driving with minimum experience and equally inexperienced driver next to him.

    Unfortunate for you this seems to be a running trait in your family. Inexperience. Just because your uncle is a sitting judge doesn't make him a god. On the contrary, he's as idiotic and inexperienced as you.

    Now kid, no matter how much you slap those jaws of yours together you are wrong. We don't care that your mommy was sitting next you or that your uncle is the judge. Go ahead a drive however you want. Frankly I see your kind every day on the road.

    I'm that guy over in the left lane driving 70. I'm that guy you have to race up to and ride my bumper and zoom past me flipping me off.

    But I'm the guy that's laughing at you because honestly at the end of the day, you are just a little 16yo with a giant ego stuck up your rear.

    You're also the guy that will wreck his car because I force you to, and you're also the guy that I will then sue to pay for my deductible and any applicable medical costs. And I'm the guy that will laugh in your face and say "gonna move for me next time?" as I walk out of court and you cut me a check.

    I'm sorry, but if you're the guy that goes 70mph in the fast lane and refuses to move, you are at fault for what ever I chose to dish out to you, for not having the common courtesy to move your car.


    I'm the guy I hope you kill so they put you away where you deserve to be.

    Mapa Paris Metro. train and metro map,paris
  • train and metro map,paris

  • amarcus
    Mar 30, 12:53 PM
    After a bit of thought I think I'm siding with Apple... here's why:

    The strongest argument I've read against the trademark is that 'App Store' is describing the very thing it actually is. Someone likened this to renaming 'Windows' to 'Operating System'.

    However what isn't appreciated is that 'App' is in itself an abbreviation. It's debatable whether apple popularised it or not but thats not the point. Basically it would be like renaming 'Windows' to 'Ope System'.

    I'd argue that 'Ope System' could be trademarked whereas 'Operating System' couldn't...

    Mapa Paris Metro. PARIS EM SETEMBRO

  • epitaphic
    Sep 9, 01:25 PM
    Handbrake FPS readings vary a lot between the analysis pass and the writing pass - much slower writing on the second pass than studying-planning the writing scheme on the first pass on both the Quad and the Mac Pro.
    That's because the second pass only uses one core.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Be easy for map finder Paris
  • Be easy for map finder Paris

  • Zeldain
    Mar 22, 02:38 PM
    The Mac Pro is NOT overdue! No update until spring 2012 when SB server chips are readily available.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Paris Metro by Galeries
  • Paris Metro by Galeries

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 12:47 AM
    They've rested on laurels for a long time now.

    PC sales slump will likely bring Windows down too (
    April 28, 2011 4:00 AM PDT
    by Jay Greene, CNET

    "...Windows will no longer generate the sort of buzz that keeps investors excited. And the recent decline in PC sales is ominous. ..."

    This article points out that Microsoft has a hard time with large numbers of pirated copies of Windows being used out there. It made me think that there are probably people knowingly running prated copies of Windows, who visit sites like macrumors to try and champion their beloved Windows. LOL. I'm sure it happens.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Hotel Eiffel Seine Paris. Mapa
  • Hotel Eiffel Seine Paris. Mapa

  • wnurse
    Aug 24, 08:48 AM
    I think you are seriously underestimating how expensive these type of patent battles can be. Check out the following story:

    So SCO obviously expected its legal costs to spiral beyond $31 million to make a special deal with its law firm to cap costs. The fact they are willing to give as much as 33% of any potential winnings with the legal firm indicates that the final tally could easily approach $100 million if not for the cap.

    It is quite clear that Apple would have made life very, very expensive and excruciating for Creative's legal team. $100 million in legal costs is not unrealistic considering that you not only had the original suit, but countersuits by Apple involving 4 bonafide patents.

    What would creative legal cost have been. I seriously doubt apple legal cost would have approached 100 million but for the sake of argument, lets say it did, would creative cost also have approached 100 million. Could creative have paid that much?. If apple legal cost could escalate to that amount, creative would have dropped the case long before the cost approached that amount. Creative does not have 100 mil to blow on lawyers. Either way you look at it, apple legal cost would not have approached 100 mil. The point of the settlement was not to avoid legal cost (as many of you fondly point out, apple has 10 billion in cash, why should legal cost even worry them?). No, the problem was that creative might have won. Then apple would have had a problem.

    Mapa Paris Metro. Plan de Metro Paris
  • Plan de Metro Paris

  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 1, 11:45 AM
    all i wont is a touch screen ipod, im not buying a mac till january. But a 30 inch imac would be amazing.. 23 inch will do though.

    Mapa Paris Metro. París: metro: 1
  • París: metro: 1

  • rdowns
    Apr 25, 07:59 AM
    EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.


    ♬ It's a family affair...

    Mapa Paris Metro. disneyland paris metro and
  • disneyland paris metro and

  • TheManOfSilver
    Sep 4, 08:45 PM
    This the more expensive version of that, except that is HD. Umm I wonder if you can steal the movie by picking up the stream from the air? LOL there goes DRM.

    If it takes several hours to download a movie over the Internet....... How do I transmit the same movie over 802.11g in 2 hours or less to my tv?

    Stick to the cables, you need 802.11n minimum to do this and it will kill your home network. Nobody else at home can do anything else.

    Maybe I'm not doing this math right, but I'm not sure that's true. I can download a 4.7GB movie in about 2-3 hours over my internet connection (average speeds of 500Kb/sec). A 802.11a or g router transfers data at a max rate of 54Mbps or about 6.75MB/sec. That's about 12 times as fast, meaning that transmitting full DVD-quality video can occur in realtime, with plenty of bandwidth to spare to other functions while watching your movies. By the time HD video recording becomes standard, the Apple video airport express can be upgraded to 802.11n to provide even more bandwidth.

    Do I have those figures wrong?

    Sep 14, 01:33 AM
    Out of all the iPhone renditions I have seen this one is by far the best looking (certainly doesn't stray from familiar territory) and the ONLY one I could actually picture on the shelf at the Apple store.

    Just not too hot on the Noka-style slide out keypad, I would prefer if it slid out from the back or swivelled down. And if they brought out a clamshell as well I would be a very happy chappy.

    If Apple gets it right this will be the *ultimate* music phone.

    Apr 30, 06:55 PM
    Can't wait to see what they come out with. Will the displays ramp up resolution and diminish in size? Will there be a scaled down iMac? (doubtful) Will some other advances accompany Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt?

    I saw a two-year-old behave like that once... before getting his face smacked.

    Very intelligent response.

    Give it a shot pal.

    Aug 28, 04:12 PM
    Or if they want the simple satisfaction of having a C2D laptop on order, they can always pre-order one at Dell, HP, etc., then cancel that pre-order when the MBP C2D are announced. That way, in spirit, they can have a mac Core 2 Duo machine on pre-order right now. :)

    I believe such behavior is sign of impending mental collapse...

    Poally Dog
    Mar 29, 02:44 PM
    Oh, boy, assume that all former Nokia Symbian users will automatically all buy Nokia Windows Mobile Phones - that's scientific... :eek:

    all current symbian users go to win

    no webOS factor (other than "other") ?

    i have to believe that a couple of these platforms will surprise us

    rooting for iOS

    Apr 20, 08:54 AM
    Always makes me lol to see someone attribute slavery to the "right". The mysteries of 7th grade history class, revealed for you:

    "The Republican Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln thought no price was too great for the abolition of slavery and the creation of a society in which a man was not judged by the color of his skin."

    "The Democratic Party Platform presented a plan of "Compromise with the South", which ... would be to agree to make permanent the institution of slavery in exchange for an end to the Civil War and restoration of the Union. In other words, the Democratic party was ready to "Sell Out" the enslaved, in order to stop further loss of white lives."

    "an exclusively partisan Democratic organization in the South" ... "the southern Klan remained Democratic, closely allied with Democratic police, sheriffs, and other functionaries of local government. With continuing disfranchisement of most African Americans and many poor whites, the only political activity took place within the Democratic Party."

    You are right, but there is a great big asterick. The republicans a long, long time ago were the party that opposed slavery, and the southern democrats were the party more representative of slave owners.

    What might have changed since the days of Abe Lincoln? Considering his museum is about 200 steps from where I'm sitting right now, I'll offer an answer. The positions of the two parties shifted when the Republicans adopted the southern strategy.

    I find it funny (LOL) whenever Republicans point to Honest Abe as a standard bearer for their party when they turned their backs on what he stood for. If he were alive today, he would be a Democrat, and he would be ashamed of the efforts of his party to divide the nation into those who have vs. those who do not.

    Southern Strategy (

    (edit) So, depending on how you look at it, both arguments are correct. Yesterday's Democrats were responsible for slavery, but todays "right" sounds an awful lot like yesterday's southern Democrats. In other words, the "right" by today's standards would have been yesterday's Democrats.

    From a 5 second google search - a different view of the same issue...
    I find it extrememely hard to believe that Abe Lincoln would be a Republican today since the Republican Party of the 1860s was a completeley different animal than today's conservative GOP. Even though he was a moderate, his party's base of support was in the Northeast/New England and was made up of former Whigs, Free Soilers, Radical Republicans and abolitionists (i.e., America's first "bleeding-heart liberals"). The Democratic Party was the party of "states rights", wealthy plantation owners and slave-holders, and rather arch-conservative elements.

    Abe Lincoln first made a name of himself by speaking out against the Mexican-American War in the Illinois legistlature, as a war that was only meant to expand slavery westward (can you say "ANTI-WAR LIBERAL")

    Abe Lincoln was also hated in the South (he didn't recieve a SINGLE VOTE in the South!), was even accused to being half-black, even though he was not as radical as some other Republicans.

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