Wednesday, May 25, 2011

justin timberlake and britney spears denim

justin timberlake and britney spears denim. With Britney Spears in a denim
  • With Britney Spears in a denim

  • Don't panic
    Apr 26, 11:05 AM
    hi everybody.
    vacation was great thank you for asking :)

    Intell, love the theme, of course. are you keeping it through the entire game? do we have assigned roles? :D

    nothing of substance going on on day one as usual so i'll vote for ucfgrad93 again because he is the least active (only without vote, if i read the posts correctly.

    and here is the current status (majority 7, deadline 5.05 pm EST)

    eldiablo 2(3) (nathan, moyank) + aggie, not bolded
    nies 2 (plutonius, appleguy)
    plutonius 2 (nies, jav)
    ibro 1 (chrmjenkins)
    chrmjenkins 1 (ibro)
    nathanmuir 1 (eldiablo)
    ucfgrad 1 (don't panic)

    didn't vote yet: ucfgrad93

    for those interested, i updated stonyc spreadsheet to this game, and i'll try to keep it current
    also, for clarity, when you change a vote, please don't go back to edit the original post (even by simply unbolding), just add the new bolded vote in a new post.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. DOWNGRADE: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE#39;S

  • daveschroeder
    Oct 23, 07:49 AM
    This is incorrect.

    Microsoft's Vista EULA says:

    4. USE WITH VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. You may not use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system.

    This means you can't use the *same* installation of Vista Home inside a virtualization technology on the "licensed device".

    This DOES NOT mean you can't use it by itself in a virtualization product on any platform. If that instance of Vista is not installed anywhere else, there is no preexisting "licensed device".

    The reason this is included in the EULA is because Vista Business and Ultimate actually include additional licenses specifically so the same license can be used to also run in a virtualization environment on the same device where Vista is already installed.

    So, the higher end versions of Vista actually include more in terms of virtualization licensing than any other commercial OS.

    In any case, all versions of Vista can be legally used standalone in a virtualized environment, such as Parallels or VMWare.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. that Justin Timberlake and
  • that Justin Timberlake and

  • reifer
    Apr 22, 09:46 AM
    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    Interesting view but?
    Suing your supplier is tricky but,
    Suing your largest customer is STUPID. Apple can likely find other sources but customers the size of Apple?
    Never happen. They have a death wish.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Double denim: Alexa Chung in
  • Double denim: Alexa Chung in

  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 24, 02:20 AM
    The USA mobile networks are such a random mish mash of technology and frequency. I can't believe they have existed so long in this way, talk about overcomplicating things for no reason.


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Justin Timberlake came out for
  • Justin Timberlake came out for

  • iMeowbot
    Jul 26, 10:51 AM
    but who would want to have a full featured iTunes when you still haven't solved the problem of typing. The most efficient part for me is to type out what you're looking for. I do, however, see the advantage to making playlists more efficiently on the go, giving you the ability to shuffle anything you choose, not just "All Songs" which is a bother. :)
    Some of these patent applications have also included keyboard overlays that magically pop up on demand and so on. Much of this gesture stuff looks like major overkill for a media player, I do wonder if the iPoddish appearance of the examples is a red herring.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Pop princess, Britney Spears
  • Pop princess, Britney Spears

  • RollTide
    Apr 28, 06:27 PM
    Uhh... this thread is about LAST Tuesday... Or do you guys just plan on recycling it every week??

    Title still applies:cool:


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Britney Spears Back With Adnan
  • Britney Spears Back With Adnan

  • HBOC
    Jan 29, 12:57 PM
    just picked this up a few days ago, now must sell my other Zuikos i have that I wont be using much..

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Britney Spears as she goes out
  • Britney Spears as she goes out

  • SchneiderMan
    Jan 30, 04:31 PM
    I really like that bag! Very nice.

    Just had Five Guys with my brother. No one in my family but me takes him there. It's become our thing :) (

    Just went there for the first time yesterday to be disappointed =/
    Expensive and nothing special. The Habit is a better option imo :)


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. justin timberlake william rast
  • justin timberlake william rast

  • nosen
    Oct 24, 07:52 AM
    Nice update. Some really nice to have features, but I'm not totally depressed about buying my 2.16ghz MBP 3 months ago (not that I could have waited, really).

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. justin timberlake and ritney
  • justin timberlake and ritney

  • twoodcc
    Nov 27, 03:49 PM
    You may need to set the unit size in config to "big", it wont take bigadv units if it is set to normal.

    yeah i forgot about that. you're right


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Everything from denim vests,
  • Everything from denim vests,

  • res1233
    Apr 23, 01:02 AM
    You miss the point. I did not investigate the details about the number of chips. Not everyone cares. The point here is that there many people who want LTE and the there is Apple with their "single phone fits all" strategy. Here is a piece of relevant information for you from Information Week:

    "In its recently quarterly earnings report, Verizon Wireless noted that more than 500,000 customers signed up for LTE services and/or devices during its most recent quarter. Add that to the 65,000 who signed up in December, and Verizon has about 565,000 people using its next-generation wireless network. At this rate, Verizon may have more than 2 million 4G users by the end of the year.
    Of the 500,000 who signed up for 4G services this quarter, more than half (260,000) chose a 4G phone--the HTC Thunderbolt--that went on sale in mid-March. It scored a significant number of customers in its first two weeks of availability. That means between January 1 and March 15, about 240,000 people purchased other 4G devices, such as USB modems."

    As you can see 260K people bought HTC Thunderbolt since Verizon started selling them (about a month). This translates to about 3 million phones annually. Clearly the demand is there. Also, you keep forgetting that other phones have swappable batteries.

    What do you don't seem to understand is that most people would rather not have to keep swapping the battery in their phone throughout the day, nor should anyone have to. There is demand for LTE, yes, but 4 hours of battery life is not what i would call good. What good is your phone to you if the battery is dead? You may be fine with switching your battery twice a day, but i think the majority of us would rather have a phone that we know is reliable and wont die on us. Also, 3G is good enough for me for now, and I know I'm not alone. When LTE/3G hybrid chips are here, i will welcome it.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. 9: Justin Timberlake and
  • 9: Justin Timberlake and

  • albarran9
    Jan 28, 11:52 PM
    uDAC is not an amp. its a DAC.

    The uDAC-2 has both a DAC and an amp. "As a step beyond the successful uDAC, the uDAC-2 boasts a highly linear TOCOS volume control for improved channel tracking at low listening levels, in addition to 24bit/96kHz USB DAC and an improved headphone amp.

    have you noticed a big difference with the amp? i have the same headphones, which are fantastic, btw.
    It hasn't been delivered yet, I'll let you know how it sounds when it arrives. From what I got reading the reviews it should be a nice improvement. :)


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. ritney-spears-true-religion-
  • ritney-spears-true-religion-

  • NathanMuir
    May 1, 11:27 PM
    Rather ironic Bush gave his 'Mission Accomplished' speech eight years ago yesterday.

    Lee, I agree; major boost for his reelection campaign.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Britney Spears in photos,
  • Britney Spears in photos,

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Apr 28, 08:53 PM



    WTF ... who uses cases? And who cares for cases?

    If I look at people with their iphones, i see like less than 5% using anything on their phones. And all of them use the Apple bumper on some iphone 4. I've seen hundreds of iphones in the wild, but I still have to see one non-bumper case in the wild.

    Grow up guys ...

    P.S.: WTF does one use a case for? To make the phone THICKER? UGLIER?
    In Boston, mostly everyone I know with an iPhone, including myself, uses a case. It's more surprising when you see someone NOT using a case.

    I use a case so it doesn't get as damaged in my pocket, and in the event you drop the device, there may be some saving grace that it doesn't shatter the glass.


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Britney Spears and Justin
  • Britney Spears and Justin

  • rsbagga
    Apr 25, 12:26 PM
    Alas, no word yet on a Mac Mini refresh. Already own a mac bluetooth keyboard, an lcd screen, and magic mouse in my office... (sigh)...:( Anyone know when we might expect one?

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. justin timberlake britney
  • justin timberlake britney

  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 04:56 PM
    that would def be SICK, but it doesn't seem likely. I'll wait and see though, I hope it is this cool!

    If i don't like the form factor, I'll just find a case that feels good


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. justin timberlake britney
  • justin timberlake britney

  • sluthy
    Jul 25, 09:37 AM
    One of my mates has a wired MM, not a real fan of the ergonomics of the Apple mice (mouses? Please deities, let's not start that debate again :p). Start to cramp my hand a fair bit after 5 minutes, very fingertip stuff compared to my Logitech Cordless Optical (no numbers, just called that). It also takes a bit of practice remembering to lift your left finger when right clicking and stuff like that, and the marble annoys me a fair bit, especially scrolling long lists in iTunes etc. Don't practice it a lot though, it may get better with time.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. justin timberlake middot; # ritney
  • justin timberlake middot; # ritney

  • yamaha106
    Oct 28, 05:08 PM
    A Verizon iPhone :(

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim. Justin-Timberlake-Double-Denim
  • Justin-Timberlake-Double-Denim

  • nies
    Apr 26, 07:48 PM
    Yes I understand now

    Apr 23, 06:16 PM
    I think AT&T is getting tired of dropped calls on it's frequency wants to start dropping them on T-Mobile's as well.

    Jan 25, 06:31 PM
    Apple's stock (APPL in NYSE) has plummeted $68 in the last 30 days (from $198 to $130 or 35%) does anyone know what has caused this? Curious...


    Nov 19, 05:05 PM
    See above, MagnusVonMagnum. I listed four very good reasons why enabling Flash in iOS Safari would be a terrible choice. If you wish your argument to be convincing, you need to address those four specific reasons.

    I don't need to do squat guy. WTF do I care about your reasons for wanting to take away my choice to use Flash? I don't. It's not about "propping up" flash, it's about being able to access TODAY'S Internet, not hoping some day that we won't need Flash. Some of us don't hate Flash like you do. We just want to use the Internet unfettered by Steve Jobs playing the part of a Communist Dictator. The only reasons I see from you are excuses to praise Steve. If we had a choice, you could simply disable Flash and have what you already have yet the rest of us could then access the web without having to pay for 3rd party oddball solutions to watch a simple flash video (which does NOTHING to make other Flash functions work, BTW, leaving many sites useless even so. Whether those sites should depend on Flash is irrelevant to some degree since if you want to view and cannot simply due to Steve being a control freak and stubborn man, tough squat).

    There are over 120M iOS devices in the world. Those owners have extremely attractive demographics for websites. If website owners haven't begun converting their content off of a proprietary wrapper, they just don't care.

    No, they don't care. It's a drop in the ocean compared to the world at large nor should they have to be held hostage by Steve Jobs whose sole goal in life is to get you to pay him for every little thing you do in this world. Want a new battery? Sorry, but we've removed all our battery compartments, but we'll gladly replace your battery for you if you pay us $100+ and mail it to us and do without your device for several days just so we can get more money out of you rather than let you simply buy a battery and remove a simple cover and change it yourself. And THAT is precisely why I can't stand Steve Jobs' attitude towards Apple's customers. He wants to push his warped agendas and ring every last cent out of you no matter how inconvenient it might be to you. He wants to force the destruction of flash by denying his customers access to a large percentage of the world's web sites all the time while lying about iOS devices being able to access the 'real' or 'full' Internet. Sorry, but if you don't have Flash, you don't have the full Internet. I just want innovative products. That is what Steve is good at. That doesn't mean I want his arrogant ego side pushing those products with restrictions that have nothing to do with the technology and only to do with Steve's need to be a control freak.

    Apr 6, 10:40 AM


    Apr 26, 01:57 PM
    They have to pays for it...

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