Sunday, May 22, 2011

hairstyles with bangs gallery

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  • darkplanets
    Apr 17, 04:18 PM
    What security problem?

    You know what kills more Americans than terrorism every year? Peanut allergies. Swimming pools. Deer running in front of cars.

    Pat downs, body scanners, and TSA in generally are about "security theater." The government puts on a big show so the poor little sheep who are afraid of the big bad muslim wolves feel better.

    So how about we all stop letting politicians play on our fears, stop feeding money to the contractors who design useless crap like body scanners and stop giving up constitutional rights all in the name of preventing a "danger" that's significantly less likely to kill you than a lightning strike.

    That's exactly my point -- if you profile, not only do you not need all that equipment, but security could arguable be better than the current system which has well documented relapses and issues associated with it.

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  • ghostlyorb
    Dec 13, 08:28 PM
    Maybe VZW will bundle their only current 4G device -- the Mi-FI gizmo -- with a 3G CDMA iPhone 4. Would be similar to what they are doing with the iPad.

    Before you ask if VZW is stupid enough to do that, remember that VZW ninnies nixed the iPhone way back when.

    Interesting idea... sounds practical.. but the CDMA part is what I don't believe.

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  • MOFS
    Mar 13, 12:18 PM
    So you mean computing won't be "Input, Process, Output, Storage" but something else ?

    You failed to see any of my points. Tablets are not some kind of "future change to computers!", tablets are very much computing devices utilizing the same concepts and ideas that have been the very core of the industry for the last 50 years.

    Touch based computer ? It's still input and input is just that, input. It doesn't matter whether is touch, keyboards, mice, network, voice, biometrics. Input is input.

    A lot of you people want to see a massive change where frankly there isn't any. A new type of device doesn't somehow make everything different. It can just be a "new type of device", something the computer industry of the last 50 years has seen plenty of.

    Read my post again carefully, you'll see that I already addressed all your points. Don't just respond to me without even understanding what I'm talking about and at least trying to counteract my points if you're going to try to contradict me.

    For me, I do see the iPad (and actually the App Store) as a change in computing. By removing the complex processes that we go through in a computer (eg instead of downloading an app, moving it into a folder, deleting the dmg its a simple case of downloading the app), the iPad is changing our computer experience by simplifying it to the extent that it's only the part we want to use rather than need to use. The iPad and the App Store process have the potential to kickstart and similarly drastic change in computing as moving from a line based OS to a GUI. In this case, "input is not input": a GUI opened up computers to more than just programmers, and the simplified OSs of the iPad (and, as we can see, creeping into Mac OS Lion) will only help people using these actually really quite complex devices. It will happen, as we can see it happening as Apple and Google look to move the "computer" into phones and televisions. Some people will want different devices (servers etc) but increasingly I think the computer is moving away from the idea of a desktop PC.

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  • Thex1138
    Sep 29, 11:27 PM
    The prototyping lab :rolleyes:

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  • Bistroengine
    Apr 5, 03:26 PM
    no, but you're the only one looking...

    Probably, but as I am in the Marketing and Advertising business I will find this quite useful. Many of you are so quick to dismiss the usefulness of this App simply because you don't understand its true purpose.

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  • Jazwire
    Apr 22, 10:57 AM
    Home Schooling +1

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  • linux2mac
    Mar 24, 09:31 PM
    downhill since tiger.


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  • firsttube
    Sep 12, 07:37 AM
    Ok, I've been going to for about 8 years or so, but I rarely post. How do I vote whether a story is positive or negative? They each look like a link, but upon clicking either and then refreshing the page.. nothing is any different. Am I missing something?


    edit: I know it's kinda OT, but I need to know if I've been doing something wrong all this time.

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  • Balli
    Sep 12, 02:51 AM
    10am Cupertino (west coast US) time. Just over 9 hours to go.

    That's 7pm here in the UK... Just when I get home from work! :)

    Are any sites offering live feeds, etc?

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  • rtdunham
    Oct 10, 10:34 PM
    i made a quick mockup of what it could be like, i left out some details. I changed the dvd icon to a mail/gtube one(youtube) because it supossdly has wi-fi.....opinions?

    ...and an integrated spell-checker! :D

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  • Night Spring
    Apr 27, 02:00 PM
    IE9 on Win7. Buttons currently working with no purple box.

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  • bobber205
    May 5, 04:15 PM
    That would be neat, rat- if any of the examples you gave were health hazards. They aren't. Guns can be. And your health is your doctor's business. My doctor asks me about all kinds of things I do and activities I engage in to give me advice regarding them. Health is your doctor's business.

    Come to Chicago and see just what "fewer guns" has done for us. We've had a gun ban in place for a very long time- not working out so well.

    You're better than this Lee.

    Just because it hasn't worked in Chicago doesn't mean it won't work period. Other countries ban guns just fine. It's about enforcement.

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  • ozred
    Mar 17, 11:33 PM
    It's a shame that the "4G" on the Inspire is slower than the 3G on the iPhone 4, especially in upload speed (since the Inspire is mysteriously crippled and lacking in HSUPA support and the iPhone 4 is not). Shrug.

    And for what it's worth, my iPhone 4 consistently outperforms all of my friends' Android and Win7 phones (Droid A855, HTC Incredible, HTC HD7, HTC Evo 4G) in just about every way (battery life, reliability, network speed and connection reliability). Of course, your location can have a big impact on your experience with certain devices, and it helps that I'm in a city with outstanding AT&T service.

    And your point is?

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  • FX120
    Apr 9, 12:55 PM
    Sounds like MS either is paying Adobe a small fee or they are done being scared. It is not like Acrobat reader is anything more than just a PDF reader. Something the OS as sorely needed built in.

    I think that all changed when adobe was forced to publish the specifications for the PDF format a few years back.

    My guess is that it has more to do with antitrust regulation, primarily in Europe. I'm surprised that they can even include a calculator as part of Windows and still sell it in the EU.

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  • vincebio
    Apr 5, 03:57 PM
    just when we thought they couldnt ever beat their Apple's biggest flop....this comes along.

    nobody will download this.....surely:D

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  • jephrey
    Oct 12, 09:32 AM
    iBeard, you're assuming that the only thing a larger screen is good for is movies/tv. With a 4" screen on the pod, you have a larger viewing area for more than movies/tv. You have it for games, pictures, chat(when available), text, better view of album artwork, and so on. It may not be for you because you may only use your pod for music, but you gotta admit there's a huge market for it.


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  • macenforcer
    Nov 24, 02:39 PM
    You are correct!

    I should go back to the Apple store, and give them $101 + the extra tax associated (making it $107.56) for the MacBook I just bought. Only because this sale is lame! :rolleyes:

    Yeah you should. You could have gotten it cheaper from Macconnection. No tax, free shipping, free carrying case, free mouse and $100 off. Hmmm :rolleyes:

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  • heehee
    Apr 25, 03:47 PM
    Your damn right I do, I've kicked people out of stores before for being rude to employees, shouting at each other, behaving inappropriately and refusing to respond to reasonable requests.

    If people started fighting in my place of work i would absolutely get involved, probably starting with dumping a bucket of mop water over them.

    I've broke up a fight between 14 and 15 years old siblings while I was teaching a ski lesson. And I wouldn't have hesitated if it had been two 20 year olds.

    When did we become so bloody apathetic and wimpy that were afraid of breaking up a fight between a group of girls. As far as I'm concerned I could give a damn about trans gender or not.

    If you work somewhere you have a position of authority and that makes it your job to protect all people in your store, sack up and diffuse the situation.

    What would we have them do? They didn't have time to do anything? According to the report: "These employees can be heard on the video shouting words of encouragement to the attackers." Sounds like they had more then enough time to figure out what was going on and acted on it. Do you like what they chose to do?

    I didn't watch the whole video, but from what I watched, they were standing around and laughing.

    Again, they should call the cops and NOT get involved.

    They are hired to flip burgers, not stop violence. If you want your employees to stop a fight, hire an armed guard.

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  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 03:26 PM
    The most likely scenario is somewhere in the middle... Vista will get mixed reviews, but will be viewed a a very significant improvement over XP, and Leopard will be a significant improvement over Tiger, but will only have a few features that Vista lacks, and some of the upgraders-in-waiting will take the plunge, but the more conservative will stick with the devil-they-know. As a result, the number of OS X installs will continue to grow, but it won't break the crucial 10% market share that makes it a 'mainstream' OS.

    FWIW, the Mac was considered marginal by its critics even when the Mac's market share was close to 15%, so I would not bank on it being suddenly declared "mainstream." Growth is important if only because it suggests the sustainability of the platform to those who might otherwise doubt it, but I don't think there's any magic number that can be expected to shift the perception of the Mac in the minds of the public.

    My sense is that the current growth in market share is in large part the iPod halo effect finally happening. People are walking into Apple stores to buy iPods. They carry that Apple logo around their pockets for awhile, and gradually come to the realization that Apple is cool. Apple is really cool now, and this counts for a lot. This is one reason I think Vista won't matter much to Apple, if only because no matter what Microsoft does, no matter how hard they try, and no matter how many features they deliver with Vista, Microsoft will never, ever be cool. In fact, their entire image is the antithesis of cool. It's an image they've cultivated -- like IBM before them: dull, but always there. You don't change that with one OS release. I don't think even Xbox did that for them.

    This is Apple's moment. They're looking at a string of green lights right down the road. It sure will be interesting to see how far they go.

    Mar 19, 02:33 PM
    Peoplle hated Paris Hilton too and look how hot she was...

    My iPhone doesn't have herpes.

    May 3, 03:50 PM
    Great you have it working now and hopefully it will stay up a week.

    well it's not looking very good. it should have posted a bigadv unit by now. and my number of gpu units are looking lower - which means that something crashed. man it only had 12 hours left on the bigadv unit when i left, and now nothing. it was folding way at around 34:30 per frame inside a VM.

    Apr 7, 06:25 AM

    That is too funny!

    Apr 12, 11:55 PM
    I think they missed the bomb in her hair. Why not do an X-RAY as well? God, what stupidity!

    Aug 2, 05:40 AM
    Let us just stick to the main subject here.

    Explain to me why you people feel threatened, harmed or hurt by the DRM?Remember, even if the press is very hung up on DRM, that is not the only principle in queation in the initial complaint. Most important, IMO, is Apple reserving the right to change the terms of the sale after the sale. And that is not only illegal, but very bad business practice... for the consumer, that is... :(

    I don't give a toss about DRM on downloadable media in general. Of course if it actually bothered me I wouldn't even have bought the 8 songs I have from iTMS, but it doesn't. I actually think Fairplay is pretty fair... :)

    One thing I don't like so called copy-protected CDs because they can hurt your equipment (car stereos, slot loading PCs, etc) by getting stuck, and you don't get an option to buy real CDs of the "copy-protected" albums, but that's for another thread... ;)

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