Wednesday, May 18, 2011

hairstyles for 2011 medium length

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  • ckent
    Aug 7, 06:11 PM
    Haha! Did you see the video for Time Machine on the Apple website?

    They're doing a "search for old friends", with the name "Rose" !!

    That can't be a coincidence :-)


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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 22, 05:59 PM

    Is this a case where Radio Shack is charging
    $50 more than Apple just because they can?

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  • addicted44
    Apr 19, 02:50 PM
    But it doesn't make sense to a lot of us. The monthly fees on an iPhone are just too much for a lot of budgets. You pay your iPod touch once and that's it. No more to pay every month after that.

    Yeah, but everyone has a phone.

    Not everyone buys an iPod.

    Additionally, the iPod touch has to compete with all the other iPod models.

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  • Radoo
    Apr 19, 01:30 PM
    I understood one post about this,the second, but three for the same stupid lawsuit? Have you heard about updating a post? :) When you're out of ideas, bringing the same news over and over again it just denotes being unprofessional.

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  • cmaier
    Apr 19, 08:12 PM
    Me, Urg, first caveman to make rock round! Michelin and Firestone steal idea!

    Sorry. Your patent expired many thousands of years ago.

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  • fivepoint
    Apr 28, 03:50 PM
    I wonder what it would be like to go through life looking for racism around every corner? Constantly seeing the world in these glasses would have to be very tiresome and frustrating. Pretty sad really. People need to stop thinking about themselves and others as being members of groups, and start thinking of everyone as individuals. We're a society of individuals, we get our rights and our liberties as individuals, not because we're part of group A or group B.

    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.

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  • tumblebird
    Nov 28, 11:30 PM
    That Doug Morris is a slimeball. Who's to say I even own any Universal music. I listen to Indie, primarily. I buy all my music, most of it on CD which I digitize, or via the iTunes Music Store. Who is Universal to demand my dollar? Or three for that matter, one for each iPod I have purchased. There are a lot of labels out there. They can't all get a portion. Apple owes them NOTHING. Did they get music from Sony for the Walkman? How many of us listened to mix tapes from friends on those? I know that most of my tapes were mixes from records and CDs. Universal is off base and greedy. Don't let this happen, Mr. Steve Jobs! You're in the right.

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  • wpotere
    Apr 28, 06:28 PM
    Yet you lump all the liberals.

    That is a good point... I was "lumped" in as a liberal and I don't consider myself one. I am more moderate. Live and let live kind of guy...

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  • jkane08
    Apr 6, 07:19 AM
    I've been using Premier Pro CS5 on a 2008 MBP....

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  • NickUK69
    Apr 11, 11:33 AM

    With all the Android phones coming out and manufacturers having no specific cycle, the iPhone is really out of date already!

    iPhone 1 - 2G
    iPhone 2 - adds 3G
    iPhone 3 - adds 3GS

    Therefore the above three phones are all 'old' regarding what was released around the same time.

    iPhone 4 - will be about 18 months old by the time the iPhone 5 comes out.

    People will loose interest in Apple iPhones with so many other new releases coming out on a regular basis.

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  • faroZ06
    Apr 8, 12:52 AM

    I went to buy a Time Capsule 1TB from these goons one day and noticed the pricing. I pulled up's pricing of the TC and asked the "mac specialist" WHY they are charging a $34.99 premium over Apple themselves. He instantly said "no problem, we'll price match." I told him I'd buy it now for instant gratification, and then order from Amazon for $285 w/no tax and free Prime shipping.

    Then I'd return the overpriced "pricematched" one back to best buy. He said I can't do that.

    I did it 48 hrs later.

    I hate that place. If they just had the MSRP Apple price on the shelf without me having to catch them trying to make an extra few bucks, I would have bought it and walked out happy.

    That stunt **** me off and I hope they had to resell it as an open box.

    I hate Best Buy.

    Yeah, get Apple stuff from Apple. However, Best Buy is good for getting video games. I used to get all of my GameCube games (before the Wii came out) from Best Buy for cheap.

    Now I don't have much to buy from there since they stopped selling old games, and I have a GameCube and XBOX so they don't support me :(
    Sorry, the Wiimote sucks too much, the PS3 is a ripoff with barely any good games and Bluray, and the XBOX360 is MS hardware which runs horribly and always breaks.

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  • tipt
    Apr 10, 06:47 PM
    This is simple, folks. I predict the introduction of AirEdit, to go with AirPlay and AirPrint.

    What do we currently have in place?

    Q Master
    Logic Nodes
    OS X server (now bundled in lion)
    iPad multitouch UI tablet with the power to stream A/V over a network
    AppleTV to stream media over a mac network to an HDTV
    iTunes as a hub for media

    Now, how could FCP utilize all of that? How could all these little pieces add up to one large, powerful network for editing and distributing media throughout a home or office?

    I'll bet the iPad will be able to control the FCP UI and take advantage of a cluster of Mac Pro's (or a single mac) to do a lot of the editing, compressing, etc, and then use the iPad to stream that footage to any HDTV with an AppleTV or mac connected to it.

    I'm sure there will be a new UI and we can always sit at the workstation if we please, but imagine being able to make edits, compress, and stream rough drafts across the country/world. You can be editing on your xserve cluster from the airport while your waiting for your flight. With in air wifi, you could probably even work from the plane...without the bulk of a laptop.

    The guy in the video mentioned thunderbolt and that Apple knew what the competition was up to. Something to that effect. Must be a reason for point that out specifically.

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  • hob
    Apr 5, 07:20 PM
    - Major revamp of asset cataloguing system with integrated final cut server, something similiar to what Aperture does with photos. This will be it's biggest feature
    - Core image fx with integrated Shake-style fx compositing

    and the usual obvious things (64 bit, new formats, updated quicktime, etc..)

    I would /kill/ for better asset management. The "Aperture" for video is what I've been needing for a while now...

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  • highdefw
    Apr 11, 10:23 AM
    One more day and we'll know... Seriously, this better be one hell of an update.

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  • sikkinixx
    Aug 25, 07:28 PM
    You should demand a replacement or refund

    when i pick it up from the service center I had it at (its not an Apple store since we don't have them in Canada) I'm gonna ring up Apple and ask them wtf is going on. It never did it before I got the new Logic board but buddy at the place I took it said Apple said it wasn't a logic board problem.

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  • meanmusic
    Jul 27, 09:32 PM
    You didn't really just link to MOSR, did you? :p

    Anyway, I have the sneaking suspicion that we will see Core 2 Duo/Extreme-related computer announcements next week, and not at WWDC. WWDC will get major coverage anyway because of Leopard (which could easily take up the whole keynote). So why not spread the Apple press over 2 weeks?

    Moreover, everyone announced new computers today. Apple might have wanted to avoid the first-day glut of releases, but they might not want to wait almost 2 full weeks to announce a Mac Pro.

    My wild guess is Mac Daddy Extreme and/or iMaconroe on Tuesday with near-immediate availability, and announcement of MeromBook Pro at WWDC with early September availability.

    I'm hoping for Merom news at WWDC but Fujitsu announced Merom laptops that will only be available sometime in Q4 I hope the same isn't true for the MBP.

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  • arkitect
    Apr 28, 06:13 AM
    I am not going to read 7 pages to see if someone already said this because I am sure they did.

    It's clearly a forgery.

    And you base that on what evidence exactly? :confused:

    Not liking Obama does not mean you are racist.
    Well judging by your signature I'd take that comment with a large pinch of salt.

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  • Slix
    Apr 6, 03:45 PM
    Never heard anyone say "I want a Xoom!" :rolleyes:

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  • tjwaido
    Apr 6, 10:28 AM
    When they revamped Logic Pro they cut the price from $999 to $499.....fingers crossed for FCP.

    I think you mean Final Cut Studio. Back when I first started editing it was $999 for Final Cut Pro, alone.

    Jul 14, 08:12 PM
    I suspect they will choose one format over the other because all the systems (except potetially the MacPro) apple makes will only have one optical drive. Forcing them to choose a standard for media delivery.

    Maybe not... (

    Sep 19, 10:56 AM
    Just make a box on the front page that has a picture of a MBP and let it say "the fastest just got faster" or something.

    The fastest?

    If that were the case, no one here would be complaining...

    Aug 18, 04:44 AM
    I have to say, I actually expected the woodcrest results to be better. It really shows that the G5 was years ahead of the competition. :cool:

    On some tasks, it was. Overall, it was merely competetive with what was available on the x86-world at the time (Opteron etc.). The difference was that G4 was getting massacred by x86, G5 restored parity.

    Yes, G5 whooped ass on some benchmarks. And lost in some other benchmarks. But at least it wasn't getting it's ass whooped all the time and everywhere ;)

    Jun 22, 08:58 AM
    My local store has received no information or shipment orders as of yet. A few new SKUs generated in the system for accessories but that is it so far.

    As soon as I hear from my friend I will post updates.

    Still don't have much faith though...

    Apr 12, 12:31 PM
    I use ProRes for almost everything, so this doesn't bother me.

    So wait,on the projects you're working on,is everyone using recorders to record direct to prores or do you enjoy having to waste time converting everything you get?

    Never had problems with this.

    Then I'm guessing you do your cross fades manualy?

    edit:and I do get your point,it works,but other competitors over the last couple years have brought improvements that I'd like to also see in FCP

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