Friday, May 20, 2011

Funny Birthday Fail

Funny Birthday Fail. Funny Facebook Fails
  • Funny Facebook Fails

  • Starfox
    May 2, 08:51 PM
    When you have Flash installed and ClickToFlash, Flash object will not be executed unless clicked on, thus Flash takes no CPU cycles unless needed.

    Image (

    Btw, to quote someone, just press the Image ( button.

    To quote several posts, use the Image ( button (multi-quote).

    To edit your posts, use the Image ( button.

    All these buttons are on the bottom right of the posts.

    Thanks for the multiquote tip! Didn't know about that.

    I used to have click to flash on my old MBP, but ideally I just don't want to bother with it, at all. I have found another way, however, to dl youtube videos.

    Go to Window > Activity. Under the heading for the YouTube page there will be two sections titled "about:blank." Expand the first one, and double-click while holding the option key on the link that looks something like this: 19FSkNOOV9MRUFH&fexp=903809&algorithm=throttle-factor&itag=18&ipbits=0&burst=40&sver=3&signature=0D67D3B81049BF7C42101403CB50C5FB8217F50C.5497AFB6D4CC82930CEDC082DF1C5386FFDD0B6B&expire=1304409600&key=yt1&ip=

    The mp4 file should start downloading right there. I use the YouTube5 extension and this method has never failed me.

    Gotcha, thanks. I found this Safari 5 extension that seems to do a great job:

    Funny Birthday Fail. Redneck Birthday Party
  • Redneck Birthday Party

  • monke
    Oct 16, 11:00 PM
    It loads OK for me if I am patient.

    It takes a while yes, but great job hob :D

    Funny Birthday Fail. for friends funny. irthday
  • for friends funny. irthday

  • davegregory
    Mar 23, 06:46 AM
    OS X won't let you boot legacy software without a superdrive. I've tried at least 100 times. It can't be done. Boot Camp will not allow you to install from a USB drive. If you have the ISO of windows 7 just install it in parallels and enjoy.

    Funny Birthday Fail. funny happy irthday poems.
  • funny happy irthday poems.

  • Doctor Q
    Mar 24, 12:17 AM
    ^ Done. We've arranged to have it removed.

    Funny Birthday Fail. funny happy irthday.
  • funny happy irthday.

  • DrakkenWar
    Apr 19, 11:54 PM
    Have to agree with everyone here. Bought ram to max out my dual 533, my dual 1.8 and this dual amd x2 here. Customer service is great, shipping is quick. Have yet to RMA anything.


    Funny Birthday Fail. Birthday Balloons FAIL
  • Birthday Balloons FAIL

  • nunes013
    May 3, 05:24 PM
    just put 8 gb kingston in today. got it on ebay for $70. its really fast. no issues with installation or anything.

    Funny Birthday Fail. funniest funniest funniest
  • funniest funniest funniest

  • bousozoku
    Feb 16, 02:46 PM
    I'm using Firefox with adblock right now and it seems to work fine, despite the fact that the page says it's not available for version 1.0+. I changed that to 1.0 and got the version that works.

    Also, you might try Shiira. It uses the back-end that Safari and OmniWeb use to render pages and run JavaScript but it has its own distinct look.

    Funny Birthday Fail. BIRTHDAY GREETING FAIL -

  • twoodcc
    Dec 8, 12:39 PM

    Did you change the machine id on the other installations? Are they all in seperate folders so the data files dont overlap?

    I've never seen that error from the log..


    thanks for the reply. yes, i tried everything. after searching, i wasn't the only one with this error. but there was no solution. so i just gave up

    Funny Birthday Fail. Weatherman Anxiety FAIL
  • Weatherman Anxiety FAIL

  • nickane
    Jan 16, 10:21 AM
    I'm hoping it's about phenomenon but I seriously doubt it.

    Funny Birthday Fail. How+to+be+funny+all+the+
  • How+to+be+funny+all+the+

  • MisterMe
    Jun 16, 12:16 AM
    I suppose you could argue its piece-wise, ...Not if you knew what you were talking about, you couldn't. KingHuds does know what he is talking about. Read and be wise.

    Funny Birthday Fail. Tags: 21st irthday, clothign
  • Tags: 21st irthday, clothign

  • mikes63737
    Dec 6, 02:11 PM
    This happens to me too, it doesn't freeze or crash, but the video and audio won't play because they're designed for WMP 10.

    Funny Birthday Fail. funny happy irthday song
  • funny happy irthday song

  • kayloh20
    Jul 23, 06:49 PM
    Awww, free session videos and now Xcode 4 for everyone? I feel non exclusive :(.

    Ah well, it's nice to know that they're still releasing betas of Xcode 4.

    Funny Birthday Fail. quot;Birthdayquot; FAIL!
  • quot;Birthdayquot; FAIL!

  • srobert
    Mar 16, 01:32 PM
    Nice. 10$ well spent. Count me in.

    Original reviews for those interested: A Link ( to the past?

    Funny Birthday Fail. Fail funny wonder who designs
  • Fail funny wonder who designs

  • Hellhammer
    May 5, 08:26 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How do you make OSX point the home folder elsewhere?

    Very simple.

    Funny Birthday Fail. Happy Birthday Cock Sucker
  • Happy Birthday Cock Sucker

  • themadchemist
    Jul 24, 07:45 PM
    some people rock. this guy stands among them.

    Funny Birthday Fail. Birthday SMS
  • Birthday SMS

  • gwuMACaddict
    Aug 26, 09:46 AM
    :D never had to switch :D my first computer was IIe, been hooked since then

    Funny Birthday Fail. 6th Birthday Donuts FAIL
  • 6th Birthday Donuts FAIL

  • mowogg
    Jan 10, 09:07 PM
    Hi all, I recently rebooted and have noticed a small blue "bubble" on my screen. It is transparent and turns opaque when you mouse over it. If you click on it, it activates the function usually assigned to the F10 key for Expose. I can move it around the screen like something from Konfabulator. I do have both Konfabulator and Growl installed, but they are both off right now.. and this thing still won't go away. Any help?

    That's the "Expose Blob." Do you have Cocktail? If so, Cocktail can turn that on and off.
    If you don't have Cocktail, download it. It's shareware and you can use it for free for this one time. The best thing to do would be to spend the $9.95 for it in case the blob ever comes back.

    Funny Birthday Fail. IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY WHICH IS

  • jaseone
    Apr 29, 12:04 PM
    It seems weird that the trial version contains advertisements. I would think the trial would be the same as the full version. Anyway, did you get it to work with FaceTime on 4.3.2? I haven't been able to get it to work since updating, and was wondering if I was alone with this problem.

    I actually never actually used it while I had it installed, was a just in case thing as my gf recently bought an iPad 2 plus I'm still on 4.3.1 as I have LockInfo setup just how I want it and can't be bothered with the upgrade right now.

    Funny Birthday Fail. irthday failed to show,
  • irthday failed to show,

  • Dagless
    Mar 26, 09:38 PM
    Well you can join whenever. Starting later might be a good idea actually. I encourage the current testers to occasionally start over to find bugs but it seems like they're getting fed up with the start! Yea. thats cool that, give us a shout when your free :)

    Apr 6, 01:26 AM

    Lol he looks like an old hippy teaching creative writing or something at a csu. He is so dangerous he has to be kept in solidary and the entire cuban inmate population had to jump him and tackle him to subdue him in the 80s prison riots -- because the federal govt wouldnt deal with the cubans if he was still lose. They even had to escort him recently in a Hanibal lector suit at some recent gag trials.


    "Carter said defense lawyers could call Tommy Silverstein as a witness but warned the notorious Aryan Brotherhood leader known as "Terrible Tom" would be shackled in court "just like a 'Silence of the Lambs' character."

    Silverstein killed a guard in 1983 at Marion federal prison in Illinois after slipping his handcuffs with the help of another gang member and pulling a concealed foot-long knife.

    Silverstein, who has also been convicted of killing three other inmates, is the nation's most heavily guarded prisoner, according to prosecutors. He is confined to a special cellblock in the basement of Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas.

    "He will come out here in chains and sit there in chains," Carter said in a pretrial hearing on Friday."

    Apr 27, 08:03 PM
    Hardware is awesome, but I am missing all my JB tweaks. So I do some what regret selling my first gentoo early.

    Sep 27, 12:21 PM
    At my Uni we aren't suppose to have out own wireless networks, but I know of atleast 4 dorms that do. They simply hide the network so only they know what it is.

    Jun 20, 08:51 AM
    As for pricing considerations, refurb. 3rd gens (4gb) start at $99 in the apple store, ipod2sell suggests $80. That is, of course, without the engraving to consider. I would, however, reemphasize that aside from the engraving, the iPod is in pristine condition.

    Dec 10, 09:33 AM
    I honestly havnen't had good luck with the mac clients. I LOVE the GPU clients on regular PC's. There is just so much more PPD available with a GPU client.


    yeah, i've had bad luck with the mac clients also. i would try the GPU clients, but my video card isn't supported.

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