Friday, May 20, 2011

Company Logo Ideas

Company Logo Ideas. Logo Blues
  • Logo Blues

  • houttbe
    Sep 10, 12:53 AM
    I stopped at the Apple store this morning and tried out the 24 inch iMac and the Mac Pro. These are sweet machines. No did not buy anything.

    Is the 24" as quiet as the MacPro? Have you been able to compare to the 20"?

    Company Logo Ideas. quitisali: business logo ideas
  • quitisali: business logo ideas

  • asdf542
    Apr 14, 01:23 PM
    Again, for those with reading difficulties, I made no such claim. I did agree with a post that implied it might be relegated to being considered Mac only. I'll still agree that might be what happens. I hope not, but I hoped FW would be successful too.

    I am pretty sure a google search will find some adult-ed courses that might be helpful for you.

    "You mean like FW was faster than USB and USB2? And yes, it will work with any USB device. You think that is an incentive for drive vendors to invest in it? Really?"

    ^ You implying it will be DOA. For someone criticizing reading comprehension I sure have to do a lot of work for you.

    Here's the gist of your worthless posts:
    Strawman argument

    What a joke.

    Company Logo Ideas. logo design ideas by
  • logo design ideas by

  • yellowballoon
    Mar 29, 12:47 PM
    mobile me does this, and I suspect, it will become free soon (or at least parts of it).

    LOL you will not get 25 GB free from Apple, you'll be lucky if they give you 5. LOL!

    Company Logo Ideas. Business-Logo-Ideas
  • Business-Logo-Ideas

  • Forever
    Sep 26, 07:53 AM
    I hope you will be able to by it 'sim free' in the uk, im not buying it if it an O2 exclusive and this will make me sad

    Company Logo Ideas. Logo wisdom at a glance
  • Logo wisdom at a glance

  • cube
    Mar 30, 11:40 AM
    The thing to remember is that there are two words for "application". Apple use "application" (with the suffix .app) on OS X. Microsoft uses "Programs" (suffix .exe). Application is linked with Apple, so when they call it the "App Store" it is based on their previous use. "Prog Store" would also not be generic.

    Whatever. There was a cross-platform application framework called zApp many years ago already.

    Company Logo Ideas. Acer reveals new company logo
  • Acer reveals new company logo

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 30, 05:43 PM
    Those guys must not have existed before the advent of LCD monitors... what did those guys do with the big glass tubes ?

    Bought monitors with anti-glare coatings. And monitor hoods.

    Company Logo Ideas. ideas for a company logo
  • ideas for a company logo

  • bretm
    Sep 20, 11:23 PM
    Well after 8 pages I'm not sure my 2 cents counts for much, but after buying MY "test movie" last night (the brilliant Romy and Michele's High School Reunion), I have a few observations.

    Video Quality: Definitely looks a little soft on my widescreen 34" Sony HDTV, but not really bothersome. I'd argue with those who say you can't tell the difference from a DVD, but then again if you just threw the digital file on, I doubt anyone would complain.

    Download speed: I must be lucky, because I got the entire movie in 20 minutes flat on my Cable modem. I don't expect that to be the standard, though.

    Audio quality: Granted, this was not Revenge of the Sith, but the audio was totally satisfactory. I listened on headphones to get a better sense and the sound was perfectly fine.

    My initial reaction was similar to many, in that I couldnt' imagine why people would want a digital file with no physical media, no artwork, and digital rights management, but I've begun to feel this will gain the same appeal as digital audio has. When iTunes started selling music, I was the first to poo-pooh the concept. I am a rabid music collector and couldn't imagine paying for a product without the jewel case, liner notes, etc... now I buy most of my music from iTunes (most, not all) and I don't regret it. I realized i really didn't WANT to cart around cases and discs when I could just have it all digitally, ready to watch, on my device. It's too early to say the same will happen with movies (which, admittedly, are a different animal) but I can definitely see the possibility of lightning striking twice.

    I'd have to say most people care almost nothing about a case or liner notes for DVDs since there really isn't anything of substance. Usually a synopsis and a chapter listing. With DVDs the good stuff is actually on the DVD, and hopefully the download is the same, with menus and different audio tracks, etc. If not, there is no point to downloading movies.

    But geez, ditch the jewel cases and liner notes and grow up already. Unless you're not grown up, in which case I envy you. Enjoy!

    Company Logo Ideas. logo ideas I designed for
  • logo ideas I designed for

  • DrDomVonDoom
    Apr 20, 11:08 AM
    In my experience, I immediately assume that using any electronic device with some kind of attachment to the internet, that what I am doing is splayed across the airways and collected by various agencies, be them Ad agencies, government agencies etc. I already know that I can be tracked, and called listened to, with no warrent. After those two privacies are gone, this doesn't seem like a real big deal to me.

    Its gonna sound douchey, but the odds are, astronomical vegas odds, that no one gives a **** who you are and where your at currently. Unless your a criminal, then who gives a ****? People love to heap worth upon themselves that doesn't exist. Your not a political figure, your a ******* with a iPhone working at McDonalds, calm the **** down and stop worrying about the government tracking you down and concentrate on my Hash Browns.

    As far as I can see I don't have a problem with law enforcement agencies being able to see into it, I have nothing to hide.

    Maybe if we were on a Android open system this might be a problem. :P

    Company Logo Ideas. Ideas for Company Logo
  • Ideas for Company Logo

  • QuarterSwede
    Sep 10, 06:34 PM
    My guess is that the Core 2 Duo MBs & MBPs will be a silent release who knows when.

    The Showtime event will be for the iTunes Movie Store and an upgraded iPod with a slight design change (not the widescreen iPod). And possibly an Airport Express with video streaming, which would be sweet because I'd like to get another Airport Express anyway.

    Company Logo Ideas. Company Logo Designer
  • Company Logo Designer

  • mi5moav
    Sep 26, 10:37 AM
    Coverage doesn't make products great, people make products and companies great and Cingular is lacking the soul of a great company. I had Cingular for 4 years and thought they were ok... I switched a year ago and I have never been happier. Their are actually real people running some companies not robots, it's a great feeling when you can have a normal conversation with them on the phone and not have to push 3, 5, 8, 9, 8 to get to a robotic voice called Agnes. I don't think Cingular would survive in Europe.

    Company Logo Ideas. Forum community logo
  • Forum community logo

  • Godgem
    Apr 28, 04:35 PM
    That can be viewed another way. Apple is too cheap to bother risking anything that is not a sure bet.

    MS willing to risk R&D and a lot of R&D on things that might be a dead end.
    MS R&D is more like a university Research compared to Apple R&D that is only about profit.
    Guess which one adds more better for the people. Correct answer is not Apple

    MS developed a lot of bad things zune, surface, kin, they probably cancel dual screen tablet. This things was semi baken. Simple economy rule say more poeple are lees prodactive per person than small groups.

    Company Logo Ideas. logo design ideas.
  • logo design ideas.

  • OdduWon
    Sep 27, 12:25 AM
    You're joking right? You realise these are pipe-dream mock ups right?
    nice mock up. i've seen 4 like this after i had started making mine using the new ..ahem.. mini nano. but why, why have macrocrap apps on it?? the itunes viz is a nice touch tho. italk still my fav though.even though a phone with wings may become annoying at least it will come to you when it rings :D

    Company Logo Ideas. like company logo,
  • like company logo,

  • Multimedia
    Sep 11, 06:16 PM
    The benchmarks on Tom's Hardware are up.

    Intel's Core 2 Quadro Kentsfield: Four Cores on a Rampage (

    An up to 100% performance increase over the Core 2 Duo. Goodness me.

    I was surprised to see that it's the same form factor chunkywise (same pin setup as Core 2 Duo and compatible with those MBs) - I thought it would be thicker.Great catch Law Guy. Congratulations and thanks!

    This is huge news. Where is everybody?!? :confused:

    It appears that Conroe motherboards or logic boards, as some like to call them, are Core 2 Quadro ready. Oops! No wonder Apple hasn't released an early Conroe Mac. They's obviously waiting for these Core 2 Quadros to ship - dropping a bomb on everyone who bought a Mac Pro. :eek:

    Am I the only one here who thinks this is gigantic news? I can hear a pin drop. The stunned silence is deafening. :eek: ;)

    Maybe an early Christmas Present Is In The Works For November Shipping from Apple. :)

    So Kentsfield is dubbed Core 2 Quadro or C2Q for short. And it looks like this - last pic is pin view with Core 2 Duo on left Core 2 Quadro on right:

    Company Logo Ideas. Corporate logo design ideas:
  • Corporate logo design ideas:

  • revfife
    Sep 12, 02:33 PM
    The headphones look different on the specs page, new earbuds mayhaps?

    Yeah, Steve said something about a new design on the standard Apple headphones

    Company Logo Ideas. Kids popular company logos
  • Kids popular company logos

  • afields
    Sep 12, 02:21 PM
    let the whining begin

    Company Logo Ideas. Illustrative logo designs must
  • Illustrative logo designs must

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 29, 11:53 AM
    Since 1984:
    Cmd-X = Cut
    Cmd-C = Copy
    Cmd-V = Paste

    Grab will snap a picture of a window, the entire screen etc. There is also print to PDF.

    I'm pretty sure he was referring to cut and paste in finder and "windows snap" is where you can snap two windows side by side easily- it is a great feature in W7 and I hope Apple incorporate it in some way.

    Company Logo Ideas. We had few ideas of where to
  • We had few ideas of where to

  • skunk
    Aug 23, 07:06 PM
    Smooth Move � Willingness To Admit They Are Right When They Are Right Is Smart Biz. Long Term it's cheap insurance. :)Huh? :confused:

    Company Logo Ideas. Logo design ideas for the new
  • Logo design ideas for the new

  • Hodapp
    Sep 26, 09:59 AM
    I can't wait to get my hands on an iPhone- I'm getting tired of my SLVR. As soon as the iPhone launches I'm throwing my SLVR in to a river. This is starting to become tradition, there must be a half dozen old cell phones of mine which have been cast in to the briny deep. What a liberating experience.

    Company Logo Ideas. Company Logo Design Ideas
  • Company Logo Design Ideas

  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 28, 03:33 PM
    I'd be rather concerned about Apple's margins considering we're comparing a hardware company to a software company (free duplication of your product, once you've gotten past the millions in R&D to develop it) that has a captive market as large as Microsoft's (guaranteed sales to pay for your R&D easy, and a very large price point at $200-$300 a pop for Windows and Office).

    However, maybe it's Microsoft that should be concerned; either Apple has disgusting margins, or Microsoft's other divisions are simply squandering their revenue so bad that they are essentially subsidizing the entire company with Windows/Office.

    Mar 22, 02:19 PM
    Probably this is just a bump upgrade (at least they will be more powerful than the Macbook Pros). The next ones will come after Lion, with a new design, with touch screen displays (Apple patented some big moving touch-screens a few months ago).

    Apr 30, 01:48 PM
    yes, new imac's will come, but sadly the will probably come without:

    1- Matte screen option
    2- USB 3
    3- Blu-Ray

    apple will just give consumers part of the options they want.

    Mar 22, 01:42 PM
    How are you MBP owners liking your Thunderbolt port? Do you feel like someone with a DVD disk in 1975?

    lol, so true

    Apr 20, 11:56 AM

    Steve Jobs has become that which he once reviled.
    Apple is the new fascism....

    Oct 12, 05:15 PM
    Nice! Still doesn't answer the mystery of the clickwheel color though

    My guess is that it is white since the logo and top is white. And the color does look more primary red than the deep red artist rendition.

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