Thursday, May 19, 2011


children. quotes for children
  • quotes for children

  • shawnce
    Nov 28, 06:52 PM
    Many years ago a media levy was passed in the United States that applies a "tax" to "consumer digital audio" media (CD-R blanks, DAT, etc.) with the proceeds going to music industry/artists. The justification was to offset losses due to illegal copying of music in digital form (generational loseless copies). This to date hasn't been expanded to include devices like the iPod (at least I don't recall that taking place).

    This appears to be an attempt to expand that levy...

    Note in Canada they have a similar levy that "taxes" all digital media that could store audio (not just "consumer digital audio" media) but IIRC it fell short of being applied to the iPod as well. Also many many other countries have similar laws.

    In my opinion these types of levies should never have been enacted into law... they presume customers will engage in criminal activity and punish them before hand. :(

    To bad the wrong precedent was set...

    children. International Children#39;s
  • International Children#39;s

  • pdpfilms
    Aug 11, 10:37 AM
    "...Earlier than some may be expecting"??

    Wasn't everyone expecting this a year ago?

    children. National Children#39;s Agenda
  • National Children#39;s Agenda

  • MattSepeta
    Mar 23, 01:51 PM
    You've been doing it since the 1940s without congressional approval. Why so concerned about it now? Why this particular president? Were you personally concerned when it was done in Bosnia or Iraq? Do you realise that missiles have been launched into Pakistan from drones for many years, yet no declaration of war on Pakistan...

    Or are you just parroting the latest conservative reason to oppose Obama's actions? Obama: whatever he's for, I'm against. Is that it?

    It sure is easy to peg me isn't it? Too bad if you go back over my posts you will find more than enough denouncing involvement in Iraq / Afghanistan.

    So, in answer to your accusatory traps/questions:

    -Why so concerned about it now?

    children. Photo of children lying in the
  • Photo of children lying in the

  • wonderspark
    Apr 27, 10:25 AM
    No sir, trained at DLI Monterey and Goodfellow AFB. Damn, how come the Navy always has the bases at the nicest spots? :)

    I picked the Navy because it improved chances of being near a beach! (:

    I'm glad that Apple is correcting the mistake they made. Smart move, calling it a bug. Steve is a Jedi for sure.

    children. Pictures of children – Cute
  • Pictures of children – Cute

  • bokdol
    Aug 18, 09:05 AM
    what i dont get sometimes is how people get so excited over how these intel machines are better the the powerpc. and most of these are from recently converted mac users. screaming about how much better intel is. but i hope some people out there realize of couse these machine will be fast. it's called technology. it advances as time goes by. a newer topend machine SHOULD be better.

    now the question is really how much better should new technology be compared to 2 3 year old tech? was it a big enough jump. yeah the case design is friken awesome. but sheesh all this pro intel babble is foolish. it's like saying my 486 is better then my comodore 64.

    or maybe i am just sad that my 1.8 g5 single just went to the stone age...........

    and if you guys have old powermac g5 dualcore sitting around because you got a new mac pro. i'll help you dispose of it no problem. i'll even do it for free. ;)

    children. smiling-children
  • smiling-children

  • drumpat01
    Aug 25, 02:47 PM
    I tried to type in my battery serial number only to have it say it was invalid even though I fell with in the given range of serial numbers. So I called Apple and after waiting on hold for about 20min they said I WAS VALID! So I dont know whats going on, but if you seem to be having the same problem you should DEFINITELY call them and double check your battery serial number.

    children. Children
  • Children

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 26, 07:39 PM
    I hope they use Conroe in the iMac over Merom. Conroe is faster than Merom at cheaper prices. But it would mean more hardware tweaking that plopping a Merom in there.

    children. 1988, SOS Children decided
  • 1988, SOS Children decided

  • skunk
    Mar 22, 06:24 PM
    As others have pointed out, killing a peaceful protester (or non-involved innocent civilian for that matter) is never justified....nor is raiding hospitals, demolishing mosques, cutting off water, electricity and gas to a besieged city.

    Sorry, who were we talking about?

    Weird flashback moment there....

    children. iStock Vector Children Of The
  • iStock Vector Children Of The

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 8, 12:17 AM
    Not really a spectacle. They take the evening's drop shipment and get it into inventory. they sell it at the three places I can check before the Mall even opens, for example: Kenwood Town Center in Cincinnati opens at 7:00 for mall walkers. They let people in line at that time. The store opens at 8:00 to give "reservations" to the line standers for their choice of the available stock. They start processing/selling at about 8:30 and distribution is usually complete before 10:00 when the mall stores open and shoppers arrive. Apple doesn't open for sales till 10:00 either. So they are actually avoiding the spectacle and line in front of the store during normal hours, which you would have if everyone showed up around 4:00 or 5:00 to be around for the afternoon drop-shipment.

    I like Apple's approach on the iPad 2 vs my experience with the iPhone 4 - where I and 20+ of my closest friends packed the Reston Apple Store in order to see if we could score the iPhone 4 from that mornings delivery.

    children. Build youth and children#39;s
  • Build youth and children#39;s

  • hulugu
    Apr 28, 07:22 PM
    ...Your problem, Hulugu, just like other liberals in this forum blinded by their own bias, is that you decided what I was trying to do before I even did it. I clearly stated my point, I clearly stated I was not a birther, I clearly stated that I had advocated the documents release, I clearly stated I hoped it would shut the issue down for several reasons including the fact that it's a political loser for my side of the aisle... and yet what do you and the others do? Claim that I AM a birther, claim that I'm GLAD there was something odd about the document, claim that my attempt to get someone to clear up the confusion and give the 'simple explanation' was actually a veiled attempt to prove Obama was a Kenyan.

    Sad, pathetic, misguided, and further proof that this forum has a distinct in ability to produce meaningful conversation without hate, vitriol, and meaninglessly misguided attacks. Enjoy.

    Your inability to parse my point might actually be the problem. I thought your "I'm just asking questions" line was disingenuous, not because you're a birther, but rather you have a vested interest in conspiracy with this administration.
    You don't care what the conspiracy is, you just want another arrow.

    And that is bias.

    children. Togo Children Photo
  • Togo Children Photo

  • shawnce
    Sep 13, 01:22 PM
    As for using a Dell, sure they could've used that. Would Windows use the extra 4 cores? Highly doubtful. Microsoft has sketchy 64 bit support let alone dual core support; I'm not saying "impossible" but I haven't read jack squat about any version of Windows working well with quad cores. You think those fools (the same idiots who came up with Genuine Advantage) actually optimized their OS to run in an 8 core setup? Please pass along what you're smoking. :rolleyes:


    Yeah because whatever you [zero2dash] are smoking is really screwing with your mind... best to get something else.

    children. Children
  • Children

  • �algiris
    Mar 31, 03:27 PM
    Android > iOS.

    I was blind, but now i see. Oh wait ...

    children. Children who are depressed may
  • Children who are depressed may

  • fivepoint
    Mar 17, 10:33 AM
    Back in Ron Paul warned us about Barack Obama and the fact that his foreign policy would almost certainly essentially mirror that of the Democrats and Neo-Cons for the past 60 years.

    �Change� means nothing. It�s just a word, and it�s a clich�. If you just repeat it it has no meaning. You have to say, what are you going to change, and I would argue, you offer no change. You have the same foreign policy, you want more troops in Afghanistan, you�re not talking about only going to war with a declaration, you don�t want to deal with the monetary/financial crisis in this country, you want to keep the system together for the benefit of the banks and the big corporations and the politicians. What kind of change you have on social policy? Do you care about sick people using using Marijuana, have you come out for that? [...]

    [Obama] doesn�t want change, he wants the status quo. [...] If you want change, what you need is someone who�s going to make sure you�re never going to have a draft, and we�re going to bring our troops home, we�re going to balance the budget, we�re going have sound money� [Obama] never talks about any of that.

    Since that day, Obama has failed to close Guantanamo, failed to end the war in Iraq, escalated the war in Afghanistan, promoted and maintained the Patriot Act, and today stands as the worlds' most powerful advocate for American military involvement in Libya!

    The Obama administration is seeking a UN Security Council resolution authorizing a wide range of possible strikes against the regime of Libyan leader Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

    The move comes as Qaddafi forces have made "significant strides" in Libya, the State Department said.

    The Obama administration and other supporters of action against Qaddafi were pushing for a Thursday vote on a draft resolution. Russia and China have expressed doubts about the U.N. and other outside powers getting involved.

    The U.S. wants the Security Council to approve planes, troops or ships to stop attacks by Qaddafi on the rebels, according to a diplomat familiar with closed-door negotiations Wednesday.

    The Obama administration said it would not act without Security Council authorization, did not want to put U.S. ground troops into Libya, and insists on broad international participation, especially by Arab states, the diplomat said.

    Yet another war, yet another military action which will inevitably cause 'blow-back', started by a man who sold himself to you as a military dove. When will the people realize that there's essentially no difference between the two parties? One advocates bigger government, but they both vote for it. One advocates for bigger military, but they both vote for it, there's no difference between them... and the end result is a trillion + of dollars in annual deficit, a failing economy, and a debt hole so large we may never be able to dig ourselves out.

    When you voted for 'change' in you really voted for more of the same. Expansion of the government, expansion of the Military Industrial Complex, and the direct and indirect reduction in personal liberty. There was only one candidate in 2008 and will likely be only one candidate in 2012 who ACTUALLY stood for REAL change... and that is Ron Paul.

    The difference between Ron Paul and Barack Obama (

    children. kids games beach children play
  • kids games beach children play

  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 5, 01:06 PM
    I think I will only enjoy the game should I buy a very expensive racing wheel. I already have the seat setup.... a racing game using the standard controller is just odd.

    Pre-ordered the US Collectors edition, but now I would like to change that for the UK edition... I am ready to drop my pre-order should the multiplayer review prove lacking, and hopefully they give darn good penalties for hack driving online (DQ, through pit lane etc) Rubbing IS NOT racing! That's for drivers who do not have control of their car.

    children. Children with Globe
  • Children with Globe

  • sebseb81
    Apr 6, 10:30 AM
    Maybe I'm just being optimistic but there have been a lot of models of the MBA in the refurb section of the Apple store online recently, and they've been there rather consistently (as has the regular old MB). Maybe both MBA and MB will be updated sooner than we think? June certainly sounds reasonable for the MBA, and the MB is due even sooner, I would imagine.

    children. Help The Children of the World
  • Help The Children of the World

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 3, 09:54 PM
    same here .. on tarmac level there always seems to be 1 car in the bunch who will cause me troubles with being really fast

    I ended up bumping my focus's hp to 241 with some kind of mod (i cant remember what i did, i tested everything to see what would get me closest to 245, the limit), reduced the body weight, and put on the semi-racing flywheel. The Tarmac Rally was easy enough after that.

    **spoiler alert**
    You get a voucher for a "base rally car" for winning. Idk if the prize is always the same for everyone, but i got an 05 Mini. I dont need or want an 05 Mini. I sold it and added it to my Lambo fund.
    **end spoiler**

    I started the Italian Tour thing earlier today. Half of it is fun but half is just annoying. Theres a race with a murcielago at night, which is awesome but the damn car spins out if you dont hold the wheel perfectly straight while you break or accelerate, making it very difficult to keep any reasonable speed. The Alfa Romeo in the first leg of the tour is almost as bad. But the Ferrari race at Monza? Easy as pie, i got gold on my first attempt without much fight from the AI.

    If anyone wants to add me, my PSN name is the same as my MR name: NoSmokingBandit
    Perhaps we could trade cars or something. I have an '08 Ferrari California (won from the Pro series Ferrari race) i have no use for, but i really need a Lambo (any will do, needed for the Pro series Lambo race).

    children. Children wіth autism
  • Children wіth autism

  • asdf542
    Apr 10, 10:49 PM
    �and according to those close to FCP development, therein lies the issue...

    Whether you think it's an issue or not is subjective. The guy I was replying to was implying that a different person worked on iMovie 08 and that same person was also behind the new Final Cut when in reality the lead architect has stayed the same throughout.

    children. Tags: Children Activities
  • Tags: Children Activities

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 6, 11:01 AM
    So are the current MacBook airs using a dedicated gpu? Or is it integrated? I'm confused. :-)

    They use an IGP (Integrated Graphics Processor) manufactured by nVidia and incorporated to the "chipset" (south bridge) that is the 320m.

    SB ships an IGP integrated on the CPU die itself, manufactured by Intel.

    The nVidia solution is better for graphics performance.

    children. Children
  • Children

  • hulugu
    Apr 28, 07:22 PM
    ...Your problem, Hulugu, just like other liberals in this forum blinded by their own bias, is that you decided what I was trying to do before I even did it. I clearly stated my point, I clearly stated I was not a birther, I clearly stated that I had advocated the documents release, I clearly stated I hoped it would shut the issue down for several reasons including the fact that it's a political loser for my side of the aisle... and yet what do you and the others do? Claim that I AM a birther, claim that I'm GLAD there was something odd about the document, claim that my attempt to get someone to clear up the confusion and give the 'simple explanation' was actually a veiled attempt to prove Obama was a Kenyan.

    Sad, pathetic, misguided, and further proof that this forum has a distinct in ability to produce meaningful conversation without hate, vitriol, and meaninglessly misguided attacks. Enjoy.

    Your inability to parse my point might actually be the problem. I thought your "I'm just asking questions" line was disingenuous, not because you're a birther, but rather you have a vested interest in conspiracy with this administration.
    You don't care what the conspiracy is, you just want another arrow.

    And that is bias.

    Sep 18, 11:22 PM
    Merom notebooks by next week I hope, but more importantly, less heat... please.

    Mar 31, 10:40 PM
    Thats not at all what this article is saying. The Android project is still going to be "open source".

    Uh, yeah...and all animals are equal, but pigs are more equal.

    Apr 25, 04:23 PM
    Guess we all now know what that new data center is going to be used for now.

    Jul 14, 09:14 PM
    I really don't see the need for any case changes for the towers (other than adding at least one more 5 inch bay, which I am all for) instead of redeigning the case for the sake of it, why not pocket the saving in design, and tooling, and pass some along to the consumer. I don't recall any big case changes to the mini, or imac in the G5 - intel change over.

    Apr 8, 01:25 AM
    Ipad2 = huge demand, people keep calling, going into best buy daily to check to see if any r in. BB maybe is hoping while your there u will buy some games, blu rays, etc. Then come back when the iPad is in stock, the higher demand, the more likely people will get down and pissed and spend money on other items to take their mind off of waiting for their iPad 2. You create a demand that's already there (key apple stores and website delays) and make the delay longer, customers will keep coming in! Look at the Wii when it first was out and people lined for one! And the whole bb quota I truly believe, the higher ups want to see the daily numbers and if they see an average of let's say they sell 20 a day plus other crap, the higher ups r happy, who knows I could be completely off, but thats just my 2 cents. Either BB has always been shady!

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