Wednesday, May 18, 2011

bieber shirtless photoshoot

bieber shirtless photoshoot. of+justin+ieber+shirtless
  • of+justin+ieber+shirtless

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 09:45 AM
    Merom doesn't cost the same as Yonah! Merom costs the same now as Yonah did WHEN IT WAS RELEASED. Since then the cost has gone down and is supposed to dip lower in the coming weeks. Apple could use Yonah in the Mini and lower the price to where it used to stand.

    Nonono, Merom costs the same as Yonah's June price points which are still here even with Merom out in the wild.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. ffffjustin-ieber-shirtless-
  • ffffjustin-ieber-shirtless-

  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 30, 01:06 AM
    ^^^ I never got to do THAT in my Quattro. I'm quite jealous. I had planned on going to Tahoe....but as usual things in life happen. Instead I got to drag around 300lbs of extra weight and see how bad the 50/50 split pushes in AutoX events;) (to be fair, as there is no RWD Audi, the FWD pushes just as bad and is not any quicker or better handling on asphalt) I sure do miss the nicer interior of the Audi:rolleyes:

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. a  i lutz shirtless photos
  • a i lutz shirtless photos

  • hkim1983
    Oct 29, 09:00 PM
    Griffin Reveal seems nice, plus very customizable. Switcheasy Colors, i love Switcheasy, but the silicone, I just don't like silicone. The Luxe is probably the same protection as the Griffin.

    Out of the three, I would suggest the Griffin.

    I am waiting for something else from Switcheasy, maybe a TRIM or Rebel.

    Thanks for the input! I looked at the Iphone 4 TRIM, and I have to admit, it sounds pretty awesome. It's just a shame that I can't wait for them to release something similar for the Touch, but the Reveal seems fairly close to it.

    I bought and really like the Griffin Formfit. (

    P.S. It sounds like a good case for you hkim1983!

    Hm, I had actually not seen this before. Does this case offer protection to the glass if it were dropped face-down? I'll keep it in mind, thanks.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. ffffjustin-ieber-shirtless-
  • ffffjustin-ieber-shirtless-

  • theBB
    Jul 20, 08:00 PM
    Most likely it would work exactly like how a normal streamed QuickTime movie downloads. It buffers for a few minutes, and then you can start watching it, and it downloads in the background, and saves it to file letting you watch it again for X times/days. This is exactly how Movielink works.
    Well, if you are going to burn it to a DVD so that you can watch it on your TV, then you have to wait until the whole movie downloads. That's a hassle, but otherwise I would have to buy another computer to hook it up to my TV. No, thanks, unless Apple comes up with a cheap appliance.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. justin ieber shirtless
  • justin ieber shirtless

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 10:25 AM (

    Think Secret claims ( to have information on the rumored revision ( to the Mac Mini. According to the site, Apple will replace the existing Core Solo model with the existing 1.66 GHz Core Duo model, and add a 1.83 GHz Core Duo model, effectively eliminating all single-core CPUs from Apple's computer product line.

    The new systems are said to be "ready for production." Think Secret believes the models will be introduced in a few weeks time with little fanfare, although not totally under the radar like the last Mac Mini update ( Core 2 Duo??!! :eek: :confused: :( I can't beleive they are not going to go Core 2 Duo in the mini before Thanksgiving.Only if they don't drop prices. Just depends what they charge, if they had core solo for $399 sales would go through the roof.And Apple would be losing money with every sale. :rolleyes:

    And for all you Yonah FanBoys out there I say you are completely out of touch with reality living in some sort of parallel dimension where old obsolete stopgap technology prevails beyond it's short useful lifespan. :) It makes no sense to me why would a laptop be more powerful than a desktop. If you're gonna stay with core duo why not just make the mini a 1.83 & 2.00 GHz Core Duo machine like the macbooks. 1.66 & 1.83 on a core duo is pathetic in my opinions and solidifies my believe that the mini and i will never get least for now. Thats just too much crippling to handle.Here here. I totally agree. Staying with Core Duo is insane, rude and greedy.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. JB PHOTOSHOOT - Justin Bieber
  • JB PHOTOSHOOT - Justin Bieber

  • macgeek18
    Feb 21, 07:46 PM
    Not concerned with the impending refresh? Or do you plan to return and rebuy post-refresh?

    I bought an 08 MacBook Aluminum. So No i'm not concerned or care about the upcoming refresh.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. of+justin+ieber+shirtless
  • of+justin+ieber+shirtless

  • Passante
    Sep 7, 07:49 AM
    Poop. And I was hoping for a $100 price drop.

    I see why Apple came out with a 24-inch iMac the same day... we can't complain! :p

    Did I miss something or did the top end mini model go from $799 to $599. Ok. it has a smaller drive and no superdrive. BUt who uses DVDs anymore?

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. justin ieber photoshoot
  • justin ieber photoshoot

  • Hastings101
    Apr 2, 11:07 PM
    Always have to use the word magical

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. justin ieber shirtless my
  • justin ieber shirtless my

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Nov 30, 05:51 AM
    My guess would be too much cost for such a small market. There's not a lot of 1080p content out there and even less 1080p displays. For a first gen device, I think 720p would be good enough. Maybe even 480p if it's cheap enough.

    Although, in the end it'll probably depend on bandwidth limitations. They never said what protocol they'll be using. Some are assuming 802.11n, but that would limit them to the newest Intel Macs with a firmware upgrade.
    What if the iTV did both, which it will? B, G and N. They would offer the same quality download to start with. Broadband connections haven't reached acceptable levels for HD movie downloads in 1080p etc. So as is, if you have an intel Mac, all it means is that the video, movie etc. will shoot over to your TV a heck of alot quicker. The name's gonna be "Teleport" by the way.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. justin ieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin ieber 2011 photoshoot

  • Evangelion
    Jul 20, 05:05 AM
    People dont want to download the source and compile it

    What makes you think that you have to do that?

    even the best package managers dont really solve the problem, I want to download any application and run it, I dont want to have something check dependancies and then get teh appropriate version ect.

    have you ever used Linux? Application-installation in any modern Linux-distro is VERY smooth. If I want to install an app in Ubuntu (the previous distro I used), how do I do that? Well, I load a package-manager, which gives me a list of apps. I select the app I want to install, and click "Install". And that's it. How much simpler could it be? Why does everyone think that loading a web-browser, searching the app with Google, browsing to the website, downloading the installer (assuming that the apps is free. Usually with Mac, it's not) and running the installer is somehow "easier" that launching an app, selecting the app to be installed from a list and clicking "install"? Seriously?

    The newest Suse enterprise desktop has a lot of Mac os like features, and claim to have done a lot of research into user interface optomization ect, but thats only Suse, what about the rest, Linux will never have a singular unified front, and that is its achilees heel, and the macs inherant strenght (ok so the mac isnt that unified anymore)

    What do you mean by "unified front"? The GUI? Most distros use either KDE or GNOME (usually alloweing the user to choose which one he prefers), so they are in fact quite unified.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. justin ieber shirtless
  • justin ieber shirtless

  • skottichan
    Apr 1, 02:00 AM
    I assume Safari 5.1 is in this refresh of Lion Preview?

    Is it faster? How is memory the resource usage? :cool:I retract my previous statement; the current build seems just as bad as the last and that's on the aforementioned 8GB toting i7 MBP. Even with Flash disabled and harmful scripts blocked, it's a hog capable of eating a combined 3GB or more on its own; the split processes in Activity Monitor just make it look nicer.

    Unrelated: does anyone else have a problem keeping their Google Calendars synced in iCal? I hop in and it shows me the local calendars, but I end up having to go into settings and manually recheck my Delegates to get the server-side calendars to trickle back down.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. JUSTIN BIEBER SHIRTLESS IN

  • After G
    Aug 25, 02:38 AM
    I think the 64 bitness isn't really necessary for a Mac mini. You're not going to shoehorn >4 GB of memory into two slots, unless memory manufacturers are going to change their minds which I don't think will happen just yet.

    The 20% increase in performance only applies to media and content creation. I guess that would be good for a HTPC, but Word won't run any faster. (Tt may start faster though).

    There is no reason for Yonah owners to upgrade just yet. It's really more of a nice bonus for those people who could wait until now to get a computer.

    Apple prices were lower before because the stagnant tech demanded it. For all we know, the $599 could be the maximum on Apple's profit curve.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. Justin Bieber January 2011
  • Justin Bieber January 2011

  • plumbingandtech
    Jan 13, 02:15 PM
    "Macbook Air" was just reregistered on 01.11.08 as a .com
    If this was the true name, Apple would of purchased the name long before Macworld.

    End of Story.


    Read the other thread you posted this comment to, to find out why you are wrong.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. Justin Bieber shirtless.
  • Justin Bieber shirtless.

  • johnnyham
    Jun 24, 10:52 AM
    As is the norm for most rumored Apple products... it's been done before to some extent. In this case, a company in Valencia, CA, humorously called Troll Touch ( (wonder if they hang out on forums much?) performs touchscreen upgrades to virtually any Mac product. As I understand it, the majority of their customers are businesses (,news-417.html) that use touchscreen iMacs as point of sale machines, equipped with the [/url=""]Lightspeed POS[/url] software. And no, POS does not stand for what you call your '79 Ford Pinto.

    I could see there being a strong market for systems like these, especially considering the markup Apple could put on them. I've worked heavily with Radiant POS systems which run XP Embedded and used a few other XP Pro software packs and CE based devices - most of which crashed on a weekly basis. When running a retail/restaurant business, the last thing you want is to lost precious time and customers due to a faulty system. Macs have a great reputation with not crashing, so I can see why a smart business owner would see the advantage of investing in a few of these.

    As for incorporating iOS in there, I could see it being a very light "embedded" version of OS X that would be great for running on smaller, less powerful computers - much like XP Embedded. Kind of like what it is already, except capable of being run on other hardware platforms.

    And finally, I could see an iMac-based Surface-like Mac. You know, tabletop computing and all. Not as much market, but pretty dang cool, even if Microsoft has done it before. We all know Apple's always trying to one-up Microsoft.

    Be as it may though, I couldn't see Apple pumping out a consumer-level touchscreen iMac. For anything other than light, 15 minute usage, it would be a real pain. I couldn't see many non-business owners buying one. I'm putting my money (har har) on seeing an Apple produced iMac POS either running OS X or a slightly beefed up form of iOS. What do you think about the name OS X$?

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. ieber shirtless in
  • ieber shirtless in

  • NakedPaulToast
    Apr 26, 01:19 PM
    Pet Store was trademarked but later abandoned:

    Trademark Electronic Search System (

    You'll have to search the term pet store. I can't post a link to the specific record.

    These things are commonly done. It may be a new concept to you so perhaps you should research the subject a bit.

    "The Pet Store" != "Pet Store"

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. Justin Bieber - Malhando
  • Justin Bieber - Malhando

  • rock6079
    Nov 28, 09:51 AM
    as i recall, apples ipod laucnh dindt have much hype either. however the market is different now and people know the significance of the mp3 player, but its still nice to see the zune not doin too well !

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. Justin Bieber goes shirtless
  • Justin Bieber goes shirtless

  • macquariumguy
    Mar 19, 04:36 AM
    They do not have the right to kill each other.

    And we have a right to try to stop them killing each other?


    bieber shirtless photoshoot. shirtless photoshoot
  • shirtless photoshoot

  • FireStar
    Oct 12, 04:48 PM
    They sent me an email reply to that very question that basically said screw off, we don't announce, we release.
    Yah, I sent them one too. It said probably in a few weeks if all goes well.
    Does anyone know where I can get a maroon case?

    I don't want a silicon or a hard case, so it would have to be something else, preferably a case like the belkin grip vue, which seems to be the best case out there so far.
    Belkin doesn't have anything. Neither does Griffin. You might get a Griffin Reveal, and then a maroon skin. But that might go under a hard case.

    bieber shirtless photoshoot. Justin Bieber Shirtless
  • Justin Bieber Shirtless

  • Piggie
    Mar 26, 09:10 AM
    Whilst tablet gaming will never overtake console gaming, unless a TV dock and controller is introduced, its always fun to see a portable device that is capable of outputting games at 1920x1080, where the xbox 360 and ps3 (retail games only) can not.

    They seriously think the 360 can last another 5 years? Considering this is only the iPad's 2nd release, I wouldn't bet on it.

    Ok, here are some numbers:

    The very best, most positive numbers I could find about the iPad2 are:

    Apple iPad 2 A5 carries a PowerVR SGX graphics chip 543MP2, also Dual Core, displaying 70 million polygons and two billion pixels per second, always at a frequency 200 MHz or raw power four times greater than that of the first iPad.

    Here are the numbers from consoles you will recognise:

    Xbox360 Maximum polygon count: 500 million triangles per second

    PS3 Maximum polygon count: 333.3 million polygons per second (1 billion vertices per second / 3 vertices per tirangle)NOT OFFICAL BY SONY

    Xbox Maximum polygon count: 100 million polygons per sec

    Wii Maximum polygon count: No Info I think between 60/75 million polygons per sec

    PS2 Maximum polygon count : 66 million polygons per sec

    Gamecube Maximum polygon count : 12 million per sec

    Nov 15, 06:40 PM
    Just asking a question, understand. But, is there a need to have more memory as twice as many requesting sources are accessing the memory pool?

    Aug 24, 06:51 PM
    As a previous poster pointed out, I don't think that conroe is compatible with the current Yonah procs. Only Merom is. Conroe requires a MB redesign.

    Aug 25, 11:59 AM
    Sadly, I've tried to make cheaper VIA based mini-ITX systems. I usually end up getting a better buy from a Mac Mini.

    Not if you're going for an embedded system that doesn't need a heavy duty CPU and graphics. I built a fanless home server/internet filter/firewall box for less than $200 (and this is in the mini form factor - mini-ITX). A mini would be overkill for that and almost all of the other above listed embedded applications. Get the right tool for the right job is all I'm saying. I would never use a VIA system for a desktop, but for almost every embedded application they're fantastic.

    Jun 22, 10:04 PM

    Sep 6, 08:54 AM
    Besides, no more Intel Core Solo in Mac Mini.
    $599 - $579 Academic (3.5% off) Big Whoop.
    1.66GHz Intel Core Duo processor
    2MB L2 Cache
    667MHz Frontside Bus
    512MB memory (667MHz DDR2 SDRAM)
    60GB Serial ATA hard drive�
    Combo drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0
    Apple Remote

    I think Merom will follow after their supply of Core 2 Duo can keep up with other model's needs first - my guess is by Thanksgiving. :) So that report of fulfillment of an order for a Core Solo with a Core Duo was not a screw up mistake on Apple's end. He was just the first to get one.

    So looks like Steve will premiere the all new Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro next Tuesday.

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