Wednesday, May 18, 2011

barcode label sticker

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  • lfc
    Apr 6, 11:06 AM
    I am shocked that anyone finds this as a positive.

    So you all want a drop from 1.86/2.13 to 1.4GHz CPUs in your 13" MBA? That is a 30% drop.

    Then you want another drop of approaching 50% in graphics performance? Remember these IGPs clock in much lower than the STD voltage SB used in 13" MBP.

    I find this completely backwards from Apple's current position on both CPU and graphics, and I don't think anyone would end up with a faster or better 13" MBA than the current generation. Apple would certainly have to bring back the backlit keyboard and introduce Thunderbolt to sucker anyone into buying such inferior junk! I would recommend people buy the current generation on clearance rather than lose performance everywhere like this. If this is the chip Apple uses in the 13" MBA, prepare for a big drop in capabilities!

    I am still in shock anyone finds this a positive? Have you all read the clock speed? The facts about the chip and IGP in ultra low voltage variants?

    Umm... You do realise clock speed is not everything don't you?
    I hope you don't think a C2D is better then a SB Core i5

    You definitely dont know what your talking about.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 27, 08:44 AM
    It doesn't keep a log of the "location" but which WiFi spots you have been on. Also, the database is not easily accessible. But really, don't complain if you enabled Location Services...

    1. Keeping a logic identifiable towers and hot spots is, by proxy, keeping a log of my whereabouts.

    2. This tag and track was done with location services OFF, per the WSJ.

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  • emotion
    Jul 20, 09:13 AM
    I wonder just how Apple would react to news that the next processor update is ahead of schedule. Presumably their plans are carefully laid out, and if a PC competitor can jump on Intel updates faster than they can without having to conform to a similar timeline, then Apple might get burned, if only slightly.

    Remember Apple will be privvy to a lot more information that we as consumers are. They are probably on a level playing field at least with Intel compared with other PC vendors. They may even have a special relationship with Intel to get stuff slightly before people like Lenovo and Dell.

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  • Blue Velvet
    Nov 28, 06:27 PM
    Announcing their hand before negotiations even start indicate a degree of flexibility in their position... this is just posturing at this stage.

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  • by Barcode Label Software

  • SandboxGeneral
    Apr 11, 11:25 AM
    Well that would fit nicely into the convergence of the ATT & VZW product launching at the same time, rather than two different phones and launch dates.

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  • benthewraith
    Nov 28, 07:42 PM
    Many years ago a media levy was passed in the United States that applies a "tax" to "consumer digital audio" media (CD-R blanks, DAT, etc.) with the proceeds going to music industry/artists. The justification was to offset losses due to illegal copying of music in digital form (generational loseless copies). This to date hasn't been expanded to include devices like the iPod (at least I don't recall that taking place).

    Which makes no sense. If they get compensated by blank CD/DVD sales to offset the money loss from pirating, then why the hell are they suing consumers for P2P?

    Actually, I suspected Universal was going to do the same with the iPod, regardless of whether the Zune debuted or not. They obviously can manipulate Microsoft, they'll try and do the same with Apple.

    And lets not forget, these are the same people who wish they could sue people for ripping their cds (and burning them again so as to do away with all the DRM **** they put on them).

    As to why their music sales have been dropping, if half the songs on the market weren't about pimps and beating hos', probably a lot more people would buy it.

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  • Barcode Software Post Office

  • Tejasfilm
    Sep 19, 09:26 AM
    This being my first Mac I'd like to get the best possible machine possible. It's been a few years since I used a Mac, used them in college. I've gone full circle with PC's and hate the fact that I've lost countless data over the years and am ready for a great machine. My old Prof is thrilled at my new purchase, MBP 17", so I too have the September 26th delivery date. Crossing fingers for the Merom, I know I'd use the 64 bit processing for video editing and photo editing.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 30, 08:24 PM
    Doesn't mean its a good idea or helpful to the nation, but its not libel/slander if its true.
    Fair enough, but I think many are willing to make hasty public comments about others. On Chopped, a program on the Food Network, a judge accused a competitor of lying when the competitor said that before the show, he had already used an ingredient that he used incorrectly on the program. Maybe the contestant's other dish came out poorly when he first used that ingredient. I've written some programs in IBM 370 assembly language. So I've that language. But I've forgotten what I learned about it.

    On other message board some posters accused others of homophobia, sounding as though they couldn't have cared less about whether or how much they harmed the reputations of the accused. On other boards, some posters accused me of homophobia, too. Unfortunately, I doubt that the accuser even wonder whether it would have been better to send me a private message instead.

    I know that some people here believe that I'm too socially conservative. Although they may be right, I prefer too much caution to too little caution.

    To their credit, everyone here has treated me politely, even when I've said things that offended them. Compared to posters I've met at some other boards, people here, including Lee Kohler, control themselves admirably. But if I, and I do mean I, calumniate someone politely publicly, privately, or both, polite wording doesn't make up for the harm I do to the calumniated person's reputation.
    But its clear what you are implying
    I didn't intend to imply anything.

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  • Also, the arcode sticker is

  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 07:55 PM
    Personally I go the BTO route at for my PowerMacs and downgrade all RAM to the minimum cost and buy my RAM from a trusted 3rd party vendor for a savings of at least 10% if not more so.

    sounds like a plan for me too. I just hope the prices drop soon and the selection gets a bit better :(

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  • VanNess
    Aug 5, 05:52 PM
    As far as I'm concerned, my interest in WWDC rumor mongering is closed. Now that we're in the final weekend, there's too much potential for bogus, wild info from anonymous but suddenly "in the know" sources that will get a kick out seeing false info entertained in sites like this.

    Insofar as all of the present rumors/claims combined, there just isn't enough there to justify the amount of "to be announced" sessions for developers that are on the WWDC event schedule, and it isn't likely they are Intel/Universal Binary-related (that particular cat is obviously already out of the bag), so at this point I have no idea what Leopard will bring. All bets are still off.

    And what's this nonsense from Thinksecret?

    A release date for Leopard is not expected at WWDC and it appears unlikely that the operating system will ship by the close of based on its current development status, sources say.

    Well, they certainly aren't going to give an exact day and time of release, but you don't have to be "in the know" to understand that they are going to give a time frame for it's release (i.e., first quarter 07 or first half 07), as they typically do. Common sense tells you that. What's Jobs supposed to say? "Oh, I don't know. Not sure when we are going to release it. But we'll definitely get around to it one of these days."

    My guess is that it won't happen until 07, about the same time frame Tiger was released. Although Apple may finish it's hardware transition for the present generation of machines come Monday, Universal Binaries are still very much in progress. Throwing in major new OS changes, new API's etc., courtesy of Leopard on top of the existing Universal Binary transition efforts isn't likely to sit well with developers if the release date for Leopard is too soon - as in by the end of the year. Risks developers either throttling back on UB support or support for whatever goodies that are new in Leopard. And by the looks of the number of yet to be announced sessions at WWDC, there may quite a number of new goodies.

    With Microsoft's Vista constantly trying to steer it's way out of oblivion, in this case time is on Apple's side.

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  • Barcode Label. Barcode sticker

  • Yanwoo
    Aug 6, 02:00 PM
    Was just trying to price out an IMac on the Apple store and the option of upgrade the keyboard/mouse to a wireless version was gone??

    Something new in the offing to be announced tomorrow perhaps??

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  • spencers
    Jun 15, 02:29 PM
    So did I! She called me and gave me my pin 24000000xxxxx.

    Neat, I'm 22000000xxxxx

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  • Barcode Labels

  • Gatesbasher
    Mar 31, 03:34 PM
    Oh, Lordy! The Fandroids were always delusional, but reading some of these comments�this seems to have pushed them over the line into some sort of clinical psychosis.

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  • Sticker Label

  • 70355
    Aug 7, 06:03 PM
    Innovation isn't creating new ideas, but improving them.

    I guess. If we're allowed to make up our own definitions for words.

    If not, Merriam-Webster considers "innovation" to be "the introduction of something new".

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  • Barcode Label

  • MovieCutter
    Aug 15, 11:52 AM

    However the FCP benchmark is disapointing, but I suppose that it may rise when the x1900 is installed and tested. Still, that photoshop test? I don't think ANYONE expected results that good from a non-UB program. At least I didn't...

    I did...:D


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  • Barcode Labels And Stickers

  • Kabeyun
    Mar 22, 01:03 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    ...and last, at least as far as the spec war argument goes. You're grafting a computer-shopping mentality onto a tablet market, and people don't think of tablets as computers. People don't buy tablets based on specs, and the spec difference between current or impending offerings it not what will define the user experience.

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  • jpine
    Apr 25, 03:03 PM
    I dont understand how anyone would get the info from your phone.


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  • matticus008
    Nov 29, 06:13 AM
    One wonders why it hasn't been used in a Court of Law.
    Not really, though. There are countless ways of maneuvering around any such royalties, from framing it as an access toll to a deposit or anything in between. This added cost doesn't actually get you anywhere in litigation, most importantly because it in no way stipulates between you, the customer, and the label.

    What's also interesting is that if this fee is added they have now unwittingly legimized the stolen music.
    Far from it. Each tax payer contributes to fund their local DMV, and yet their services aren't free. The state collects a tax on car sales, which goes in most cases to road improvement, police departments, and the DMV (along with a truly bizarre array of other causes), but it's only part of the cost. You also pay taxes to a general fund, which is distributed to agencies and services you may never use (or even be aware of). Contributing some money cannot be construed as contributing sufficient money here.

    You also pay for car insurance which protects you in the event of an accident; intentionally putting yourself in an accident is insurance fraud. There's no such thing as "music fraud" (at least in this construction), but the result is a sort of piracy insurance policy for the label. Naturally, though, the labels claim such exorbitant losses and damages from piracy that even $1 per iPod would hardly dent that figure.

    If this went into effect, I would have a defense in court when I downloaded the entire Universal Label Catalog (All Their Music) off the net.
    If only it worked that way...

    Just to be clear, this whole idea of collecting on music players is nothing short of outrageous. But it doesn't have the legal implications or weight that have been popularized here. They CAN have their cake and eat it, too, and they know it. That's why it's important for me to ensure that these false notions don't become ingrained as part of the Internet groupthink--when you step back into the real world, you'll be equally screwed, with or without this fee.

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  • shigzeo
    Aug 6, 09:04 AM
    2 gig shuffle, same head amp out, same package, just 2 gigs and certainty that apple won't replace it with nano... or in september, october, november when the new nano comes out, let it have the same or upgraded shuffle head amp out.

    for me, no new mac till next year at earliest so... bother it all, i will share in all of my macrumors' mates excitement!

    Jun 22, 03:01 PM

    What district/area is this?

    I am in central NJ and counting on some
    stores around here to get a few...hopefully.

    Jul 15, 05:22 PM
    Too many people are complaining about rumored information that isn't even reliable, and most likely incorrect.

    I think we can look at what Apple has done with its other lineups this past year as a guide to the future. Based on what we've seen, I don't think Apple will be redesigning the Mac Pro case -- it's large enough to accommodate anything they wish to throw in there. I also think it's a great industrial design, physically alluding to the power within.

    The one question I do have is why is the Mac Pro the last to make this transition, why has it taken so long? Is it simply due to chip availability, is it due to some radical new design, or is it because the Mac Pro is Apple's flagship product and Apple is working long and hard to wedge in some great new technology?

    I'll be watching the announcement closely, although my Dual 2.5 GHz G5 (single core) handles everything I throw at it and has never ever given me reason to even want to upgrade. However, if the new Mac Pro hits 3 GHz I may be very tempted... if it doesn't, I'll wait it out. If the new high end Mac Pro doesn't go to 3 GHz like Dell and others, the Mac Pro will sink plenty fast.Well my Dual 2.5 GHz G5 was easily brought to it's knees once I started simultaneously recording EyeTV, Encoding DVD Images and Ripping MP4s from those Images. Thank GOD the Quad went refurb in early February and I was able to sell your model for $2500.

    In any event, I think we are all grasping at straws for the next three weeks waiting for Monday morning August 7. :confused: I'm sure there will be some sort of surprise. But I have no idea what that surprise will be. I'll be glad when it's over since we'll all be able to see much more clearly how the next year will be looking.

    Apr 10, 03:23 AM
    The backlit keyboard thing kinda makes me laugh. Every macbook Ive ever owned has not had the backlit keyboard. I even bought a aluminum unibody and still got screwed out of a backlit keyboard. Finally I got a 2010 mac pro and got the backlit keyboard. what did i do? enjoy it for 2 days then turn it off to save battery life. the keyboard light is always off now and the brightness is set to minimum. so much for that.

    Sorry not all of us are blessed with 'night vision' I dunno about your advanced genetics, but using my MBA on minimum setting will give me a headache in about 3 minutes.

    Sep 13, 04:38 PM
    Damn! That's just cool (well, cool in a very geeky sort of way :rolleyes: ).

    Aug 4, 03:34 PM
    Sony has revealed the European GT5 Signature and Collector's Editions (

    The Signature Edition will retail for €179.99 :eek:, and includes:

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