Saturday, May 21, 2011

american idol season 10 top 9

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  • FoxMcCloud
    Apr 11, 03:24 PM
    Sadly the ThunderBolt name ain't unique.

    Intel really should have tried harder

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  • Brien
    Mar 10, 10:18 PM
    Figure that, unless it becomes active enough to warrant doing so, one thread for OC should be fine.

    We've got South Coast, Irvine, and Brea, maybe another one I'm forgetting.

    Anyway, for those going to the store on Friday, this seems like a good place to post line lengths and poke around to meet up with fellow MR members.

    I'll be going to the Brea Mall store around 3PM or so.

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  • eightball0
    Nov 3, 08:02 PM
    Check out the release notes here:

    For the squeamish who don't realize they're squeamish (the fearless/masochistic can ignore this):
    Note that there's a reason this is a private beta. It's rough still. There are bugs that will freeze your Mac. That requires a hard power-off, and even though we have journaled HFS+, there's still the chance of corrupting the image.

    In other words, don't use this unless you really know what you're getting into. Wait for the public beta unless you're experienced with rough software.

    Otherwise, it looks like it will put up a good fight against Parallels. That's very useful, as I'd like them to add some of the features VMware has had for years (access to raw HD partitions, for example).

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  • kingtj
    Oct 24, 09:08 AM
    Yep, my thoughts too. (And again, you have to wonder why over 20 people already voted this story negative.....)

    But I like my Macbook Pro 15" that I got a month or so after it came out. I still use all the time and it works for me. I didn't really see the big deal about the "lacking features" back then, and I still don't think they're a big deal now.

    1. FW800? Yeah, nice to have ... but honestly, the only time I plugged anything into my MBPro's FW port, it was just a cable bridged between it and my desktop to xfer over a bunch of data one time. (My portable hard drive is USB 2.0 since I also use a Windows PC that has no firewire port on it.)

    2. Dual-layer burner? Are people honestly doing much DL disc burning? I don't, because the media still costs WAY too much! I bought a total of one 15-pack of DL media once, and that was just to make backup copies of a few specific DVDs like iLife '06 that couldn't fit on a single layer DVD-R. Then, I found out that the DL discs I did make are very picky about which drives they'll read in afterwards. Plus, even the *slightest* blemish on one before you burn to it results in a disc with errors. DL media is hyper-sensitive to scratches.

    3. I upgraded my MBPro to 2GB as soon as I got it. Works for me, and as more apps become universal, the need for more RAM is reduced. The real "RAM hog" is Rosetta.

    IMHO--A solid upgrade. Same price point but more memory, more video ram, fw 800, dual layer burner.

    I'm jealous! I have a the original Macbook Pro. But my laptop was just fine yesterday so I won't be upgrading til the next major upgrade.


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  • sam10685
    Jul 28, 10:47 AM
    I hate the name Zune.

    it reminds me of the month June, but with a Z instead. no way is M$ going to come up with a product that even remotely rivals the iPod.

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  • andiwm2003
    Jun 6, 11:11 AM
    'Eleven-year-old "Accidentally" Downloads $1000 App' more like, the kid blatantly knew what he was doing, you can't accidentally buy something, he clicked 'buy', what was he expecting to happen...

    Gee, do you have any idea how easy it is to click the wrong thing on an iPhone or iPod touch?

    They probably had one click enabled and the kid checked out the most expensive app and accidentally clicked buy.

    Can happen.


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  • HahaHaha321
    Apr 28, 03:57 PM
    Well, us Apple folk have to find something to bitch about don't we?

    So you don't think it's a problem that a regular iPhone 4 case doesn't fit the white model. Ok.

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  • haveaniceday91
    Apr 22, 04:40 PM
    I switched from ios to android after selling my 3g and getting a Captivate. After owning the captivate and using my friends iphone 4 quite a bit there are 3 things that can get me to switch back.

    1. Bigger screen. I'd take an decrease of pixel density over smaller screen size any day. I'd love a 4 inch screen but 3.7 is okay.

    2. (puts up flame shield) Iphone 4 feels like a brick. HEAVY. My captivate with a case is feels MUCH lighter than i4. I'd like it if apple could trim the fat somewhere without sacrificing it's great battery life.

    3. Better notification system with some sort of widgets (or at least some relevant lockscreen info and quick access to settings). I can't believe it's taken this long and the few rumors of ios 5 haven't been getting my hopes up.

    I'm over flash on a phone, I barely ever use it, but I still would like something to fill the gap in the tablet space while html 5 matures.

    To the iphone's credit, the overall package is much more polished than android (except for notifications-those are just embarrassing)

    and as a bonus, my captivate gps doesn't work for jack so I'm not being tracked. :cool:



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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 15, 02:47 PM
    Ahhh.... Google bought that. And given Android is based on open source, don't you think your argument on OSX is rather weak?

    Apple bought OS X too. :D

    I'm arguing that both were massive undertakings by both parties. My OS X example was tainted with sarcasm if you didn't catch the little :rolleyes: there.

    Both OS X and Chrome OS (and Android, and iOS) borrow heavily from others, either through acquisitions or from the open source community. To claim Google is any inferior here is just trying to stir the pot, especially calling the poster Troll, that is just insulting and uncalled for.

    Both companies deserve props from providing the software they do, neither deserves scorn that some posters here like to dish out.

    ChromeOS has pieces of Linux...I'll give you that. But Google didn't do much...
    Android is Linux. They didn't make that either.

    So what ? OS X is Mach/XNU, Apple didn't make that. It's also a GNU/Berkeley userland, Apple didn't make that either. Again guys, drop the non-sense competition, this thread is about a release of OS X, not some type of Google bashing contest.

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  • citi
    Mar 31, 11:28 AM
    Making it look different won't make it better. They should address the usability/functionality, sure.

    It looks like they have. It you've used the iPads calendar app, it's much better than what we have in OSX. I mean, finally an agenda view!


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  • duklaprague
    Oct 24, 08:11 AM
    I'm probably not as hard core as a lot of you guys, but it seems a pretty good update to me.

    The low end MBP is now �1349 in the UK, that's a better spec than what �1699 would have got me yesterday. 1GB RAM finally as a starting point, HD up from 80 to 120 - things that I would have tried to stretch to the �1699 model until now.

    I'm probably not looking to replace my trusty G4PB until next year anyway - but I'm happy enough to see those pennies going further with each revision.

    The G4PB cost me �1999 back in Jan 04.


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  • bigmc6000
    Jul 28, 07:54 AM
    I actually hope it's moderately successful. Hopefully then, Apple will see fit to reduce their pricing schema on the iPods.

    Realistically, it could go either way. Despite the debacle that is Windows, Microsoft has had a great deal of success with the XBox. I wouldn't be surprised if Zune isn't as bad as most members of MacRumors will make it out to be.


    Really depends on yoru defintion of success. Popularity wise it's been successful (360 is helped solely by the fact it's the only HD player out there right now) but as far as the stock holders and business men are concerned it's been a debacle - they've lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the XBox and have still yet to see a single positve quarter, financially speaking, since it's inception.


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  • unobtainium
    Apr 13, 09:12 PM
    I doubt theres anyone waiting specifically for this phone, but there are still people who are coming off contract and this is a fresh option vs the black model.

    +1. Apple knows that people coming off contracts in the spring/summer are used to having a new iPhone to upgrade to. If there were nothing "fresh" they may go elsewhere. So the white iPhone is being offered as something shiny and new to lure in those summer upgraders while Apple readies the iPhone 5 for Fall 2011.

    I bet they've had this plan for a while. Does anyone think it really took them this long to get the white iPhone fixed?

    My prediction: white iPhone very soon, possibly with a slight spec bump (64gb option?) Then nothing until September when the next iPhone is announced (my guess is it will be the "iPhone 4G"). It probably won't actually ship until October, which means you probably won't be able to get your hands on one until November, especially outside the US. Long story short, it's not worth waiting if you need/want to upgrade your phone now. iPhone 4 is gonna be around for a while, and my guess is that Apple planned that all along.

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  • silentnite
    May 3, 07:57 AM
    This is an imac worth buying, finally a quad core at an excellent price. To bad I'm not in need of a new computer:)


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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 25, 02:59 AM
    How did they find out that she's a transgender? It's not like women's restrooms have urinals...

    Sometimes it's pretty easy to spot trans people. It can be difficult to convincingly look like the opposite sex.

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  • Applechild
    Jul 28, 07:37 AM
    It's too late for Microsoft - they are just riding Apple's coattails now, in a desperate attempt to create something that can compete with iTunes+iPod...but thats all it is, a desperate attempt :eek:


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  • Hisdem
    Apr 10, 06:30 PM
    ^^ That image is amazing. Simply perfect!

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  • quagmire
    May 1, 09:46 PM
    I heard he is dead.

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  • macphoria
    Apr 23, 03:41 AM
    Where is the love?

    Doctor Q
    Mar 11, 04:47 PM
    who's charlie sheen?
    Some actor guy, who by an incredible coincidence has the same name you do. Then again, you were no doubt born Charlie Sheen while he was born Carlos Estevez, so you're the real Charlie Sheen and he's just pretending. :p

    Apr 23, 03:30 PM
    Where the McDonald's staff doing the right thing, where they obeying McDonald's policy?

    Almost certainly. McDonald's has an aversion to being sued. Remember last time?

    Should they be fired?

    Of course not. They aren't the local constabulary.

    Apr 22, 02:03 PM
    That's typical Apple. Intel chipset does not support USB 3.0? No USB 3.0 for Apple fans!

    It's not built into the current Intel platform standards. That doesn't mean it doesn't support it. Most of Intel's reference boards even include it.

    NVIDIA GPUs do not work with SandyBridge? Stick with outdated C2D CPUs for years.

    Nvidia GPUs work fine with the Sandy Bridge platform. The problem was that they were not licensed to make chipsets for intel processors past the Montevina platform.

    What's more important - CPU/chip or case? In case of Apple, the case always wins. Apple is all about image. Once designed, the case should stay unchanged for many years. Apple will wait until somebody designs a "suitable" chip. Is not it kind of backward?

    Apple is using the same CPUs as everyone else, for which their enclosures are extremely competitive in terms of dimensions.

    Then we hear excuses from Apple fans why Apple could not use separate USB 3.0 controller. This would require redesign of the motherboard - Wow! Think of it - redesigning a motherboard! Some companies redesign tens of motherboards every year but Apple? No way. Now iPhone users will be stuck with outdated technology for a year or two and they will be feeding us all kinds of excuses why LTE can not be used in iPhone. Just ridiculous.

    There's no question that two radio chips would have caused the tiny logic board inside the iPhone 4 to grow. That means the battery gets smaller or they make some other sort of sacrifice which potentially changes the housing. Too much work to release the same iPhone on a different network, especially since apple wouldn't want to sacrifice battery life.

    Since apple has to design to the greatest common denominator, I doubt they'd increase the size of the phone given the number of outspoken size critics on this forum.

    Jul 29, 12:15 AM
    I'm guessing others have already echoed my thoughts already, but competition is good a good thing.

    The iPod is great (I use one every day at the gym), but nothing lasts forever.

    I'm worried that Microsoft is in it for the long haul and will hold on until the iPod is crushed.

    Then we'll be all left with sub-standard MP3 players that only work with Windows. :(

    Mar 9, 11:15 AM
    Woh.. Only a matter of time. Hope he pulls out of this one.

    Charlie Sheen in medically induced coma after drug binge!! (


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